
The destined encounter

Liam is an Omega born in a household of Alphas. Because of his family's reputation he was forced to be kept from the eyes of the other people, living a life of none existent. But his life is a bout to change when his path cross to the man who he has not met even once in his life time. Will this encounter bring the love and happiness he ever wanted? or will it only add to his suffering?

Encantadia · LGBT+
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220 Chs

Chapter 12: Last chance

7 days have passed and Liam won't see him. He would scream and throw tantrums whenever Lance tried to see Liam. Liam even tried to kill himself by over dosing. Luckily the Doctors found out. Lance would still see Liam whenever he is asleep. He would spend his night just by looking at the peaceful sleeping face of the Omega.

"If only I could turn back time I would do differently. If only you can give me another chance I will not waste it." Lance said holding Liam's hands as he place small kisses to his knuckles. Lance can't help but cry. Lance would leave before the sun rises. He makes sure to go home before Liam woke up.

Lance left the Hospital and went back to his office. It has been more than a week since the last time he went there. Lance look at the documents which he asked from Terrence the documents which broke Liam's heart and took the life of his child. Lance tore the documents to pieces out of anger. He then looked for his wallet where the engagement ring of Bea is hidden. "I should have just throw it. I should have just let go. If I had, Liam would still... he would still love me." out of frustration Lance throw the ring out of from the window.

That night Lance then again went to the hospital to visit Liam but the scene before him broke his heart to pieces. He hurriedly run towards Liam taking away from his bloody hands a piece of glass. Lance quickly grab the blanket to cover the wounds. Liam angrily trying to pull him arms away from Lance. Liam begun to cry "You won't let me be happy and yet you won't let me die." Liam said as he continues to cry. Lance hug Liam crying from the pain he is feeling seeing how devastated the Omega is. "I can't let you die, Liam I'm sorry hate me all your life, you can go on living just by hating me but don't end your life. I'm begging you. Please don't do this to yourself." Lance beg as he cries. Lance called the Doctor's to attend Liam's wounds.

After that night Lance frequently visits the hospital. Liam stopped throwing tantrums whenever Lance would visit. He just doesn't talk to Lance. Lance on the other hand tried his best to talk to Liam telling him various of things even nonsense things. Lance will feed him everyday but Liam would only take little of it. two months have passed and Lance still continues what he was doing.

"You're getting thin, you should eat properly." Liam said Lance almost drop the spoon when for the first time after two months Liam uttered his first sentence towards him. "I a ah yeah I'll eat if you finished this bowl of porridge." Lance tried to push his luck. To his surprise Liam opened his mouth and as promise Lance ate his fair share of food. Liam asked Lance to get some sleep but Lance said "Only if you let me sleep here with you." Lance noticed that Liam is warming up to him. Maybe maybe the two of them can still have a chance. Another month went by and little by little Liam starts to interact with Lance again.


It was dark outside and the only light to illuminate the room was the light from the moon outside his window. With that light he can clearly see the sleeping face of the man who is sleeping while sitting beside his bed. Face laying on his bed using only his right hand as his pillow. Lance gently stroke the long strands of hair away from Lance face.

"Will you hate mommy if I forgive your father?" Liam said talking to nothingness as if someone will going to answer his question. "Will you forgive me if I give this man a chance?" Liam's tears starts to fall off from his eyes. "I still love you no matter how much you hurt me." Liam cried. He knew to his heart that he could never hate the man.

Lance woke up from the gentle hand stroking his hair. He was then greeted by the sweet smile of the man he loves "Morning sunshine." All what Liam said. "Have your hair cut Love, as much as I want you here I think you need to groom yourself. shave your beard and mustache." Lance eyes looks like they were to fall from the shock.

"Did you just call me Love? Love?" Lance asked Liam. Liam draw his face near Lance and place a peck on his lips. "I did Love, So now go." Said Liam playfully.

"You, y-you." Lance completely lost for words could not utter what he wants to say more like he doesn't know what to ask.

Liam completely aware about the confusion written all over Lance face told the later one. "I have forgiven you, you see I decided to give you one last chance. I love you so much that I'm willing to gamble on this again. I just wished for you not to prove me wrong." Liam said smiling at him.

Lance stand up in happiness so much happiness that he tightly hug Liam and kissed him aggressively. "I promised this time, I won't take you for granted. I love you so much Love." Then kissed Liam again.

"Ahem, ahem" said the person outside the door. "Looks like you finally win you Omega back Lance." Terrence said. "My name is Terrence by the way, Best friend of that stupid man."

Minutes later Lance decided to go home to groom himself. The only person who has left to Liam's room was Terrence.

"So you decided to give that stupid man a chance? Or are you only doing this because you want to take a revenge against him. If that's it then just let him go. He has been through so much just like you." "I'm in no position to tell you what to do cause even if I told that man to stop pursuing you cause it's a trap he will still do it."

"I'm not playing with him. I want Lance. This will be the last time if it doesn't work then I'll just go. I won't bother Lance again." Seeing the emotion in Liam's eyes Terrence immediately knows that the Omega was telling the truth.

"What a lucky bastard, he's lucky to have you just makes him happy oh and by the way don't let others steal what's yours." With that Terrence bid Liam goodbye. Liam was kind of confused with the man's last words before he left.


Lance hardly ever comes home or go to work. It was his father who's handling the business while he takes care of Liam.

Lance woke up from Liam's soft moaning he noticed the pheromones being released by Liam's body. Lance woke up Liam. "Love wake up your having your heat, Love." the moment Liam's eyes open the next words that Liam's uttered severed the patience his been trying to hold.

"Make Love to me Love." Liam said. Lance immediately went on top of him as he kiss Liam aggressively. "It's been so long, I will apologize in advance but I think I won't last long Love." Lance said to Liam as he suck Liam's breast as his right hands is now coming in and out of Liam's member. "So wet and tight. I think you are ready now. I'm sorry I can't wait much longer Love. I want to enter you." Liam just nodded trying to hold back the moans. Lance Thrust his proud length inside Liam's "Damn it, Love your so tight." The two of them spent the night making love.

The next morning the Doctor whose doing Liam's check ups can't help but look at both couple's suspiciously. Last night activities are evident to Liam's body. His neck is cover with hickeys and his lack of sleeps can only mean one thing.

The Doctor ask everyone to leave the room. "I decided to not tell you this before as you are emotionally unstable but I think you are ok now and judging from those marks I think your relationship with your Alpha is back to normal." The Doctor became serious. "You see the accident left a great damage to your womb and conceiving another baby will be hard. Chances are you will never going to conceive again."

"What do you mean Dr. that I might never have a child again? Is that it?" Liam asked.

"Yeah but there is still a chance but a just a little. You and your husband might consider adopting a child."


The news left Liam into thinking that if he stay by Lance side he will be robbing him his future. Liam cried that night he made up his mind he won't let the man to have an incomplete family.

The next morning he called Liam's mother asking her for a favor. "I thought you and my son made up. Why the sudden change of heart my dear."

"I actually want him to feel what I felt before. I want to make him believe that I was giving him a chance well infact I was not. Think of this as a payment for what your son did to me." Liam said trying to mask all the like he just told the woman.

"Alright then, what is it that you want dear. Tell Mom and I will grant it." ask Elizabeth

"I want to get away from here and live to a place where Lance can never find me." Liam said.

"Ok then I'll ready all your papers and the location where you are going to live. By next week you'll move there. One more thing I want to ask. Do you still love my son." Mrs. Montero ask.

"No need to answer I already got it." Mrs. Montero bid Liam's goodbye. The moment he step outside the room Mrs. Montero immediately called someone. "I want you to find out everything that is happening to my future daughter in law." She is sure as hell that Liam is in love with his son so why suddenly deciding to leave his son?


It was early in the morning when Liam got discharged from the hospital. They made sure that Lance is not in the area. The driver that was sent by Mrs. Montero is driving him to the place that the woman promised him. *It is better this way.* Liam thought.

"You are bonded with the young master and yet you want to get away from him. It will be hard for you, you know? not having your Alpha by your side." the driver said.

"I can manage." The only thing Liam could say. A bonded Omega suffers from great deal of pain from their heat whenever their Alpha is not around. Their Alphas pheromones the only thing that can calm them down.

The driver helps him with his luggage. When all his luggage is settled the driver went on his way back to town.

Liam look at the place that will be his new home. It has not been that long but he already misses his Alpha. "Are you liking the view?" said the familiar baritone voice that he knew so much.

"L-Lance?" Liam couldn't believe his eyes.

"Welcome home Love" Lance came closer to Liam closing in the gap between them as he suddenly released his pheromones causing the Omega to get week to his knees as his heat was forcibly drawn from his body. Lance then carries Liam's body to the bedroom. "Not to worry Love, I'm not going to hurt you." Lance then start pleasuring Liam he as the two ended up making love all day.

Liam was exhausted beyond belief. He can't even lift his legs. Lance is no where to be found. By the time he wake up Lance is not by his side. He looked at his self from the mirror - he is now clean and wearing a different clothing. Liam heard the opening and closing of the door. He assumed it was Lance and he was right it was indeed Lance.

"I brought us food Love." Lance said enthusiastically.

Liam angrily throws all the food. "I don't want those food what I want is for you to get out. I don't want to see your face I hate you!" Lance picked the foods that scattered on the floor.

"Is it me that you hate or you hate the fact that you can no longer give me a child." Lance said.

"H-how?" Liam ask.

"My mother you see, she's good at reading people that's why it is hard to lie in front of her. Even I can't get pass her eyes. The moment my mother ask you if you still loves me confirms that you still do love me." Lance stand up after picking up the foods on the floor. "My mother dig up what might be the reason why you are doing this." Lance walk closer to Liam. "Then learned about the chances of you to get pregnant is close to little to none." "My mother told me everything and ask me if I would still love and want you despite that." Lance is now inches away from his face. "Do you know what I said? Are you a little bit curious to know my answer" Lance asked Liam in his soft husky voice while looking straightly to his eyes. "What did you said?" Liam asked almost like a whisper.

"Of course I said that I will still love you. If we can not have a baby then you will just be my baby." With what Lance said Liam couldn't help but cry as he kiss Lance once again.


Lance was talking to someone over the phone when Liam walked towards him to hug him from behind.

"Who was that so early in the morning." Liam asked still hugging Lance from behind. Oh it's just Terrence I'm asking for a favor from him." Lance turn around so that he could place small peck on his lips. "Oh by the way Love you should dress up I'll be taking you somewhere."


Minutes later Liam find himself entering the registration office. Perplexed to the reason why He and Lance are inside the registration office. Suddenly Lance kneel down on his one knee as he ask Liam for marriage. "I don't have a ring with me but I promised you a bond that will never break not in this life time. I will always make you happy and I'll be willing to be your servant as long as you agree to marry me. So Liam Sy will you marry this pitiful man?"

Liam who is now crying said yes and in that moment they filled out the registration form for their marriage certificate.

"Finally I can now call you my wife. I will make sure not to waste the last chance you have given me. I love you so much My Mrs. Montero."