
CHAPTER I: Nameless Savior

“Hey, assholes! Did ya hear?!”

“The lunch menu was so gross! Ugh!”

“I purchased that game you were showing me yesterday! Dude, I almost peed my pants!”

These buzzing noises.

Gossips. Shouts. Relentless talking. Such small trivial things that they can’t seem to live without.

Ah, how annoying.

What's the point of mingling with other people? God gave people more than enough to walk on their respective paths without having unnecessary companions tagging along.

People are just too damn greedy.

I didn't want to go 'Shakespeare' crazy here, but I wish people learned the meaning of being independent because unless they do, they would continue to rely on people until that person couldn't stand up on his or her own anymore.

It’s really annoying.

As I lean against the wall, my view of the surroundings seems to broaden. I can distinguish the numerous variations amongst this sea of people.

The distinction. The division. The segregation.

How can they smile and pretend that the so-called ‘friendship’ is evident between them? They are so blinded by the concept of attaining a comforting bond that they are unaware of the scrutinizing personas behind their backs, to put it simply, it's the existence of the backstabbing bitches that cause riot in one's relationship.

How can humans be so naïve?

I weaved my hands into my locks. The day will indeed be like the rest.

Chatter, chatter, yada, yada. How dreadful, honestly.


I think I spoke too soon because…

…seemingly, today is not what it's supposed to be.

For in that exact moment, a crash suddenly rang throughout the entire space.

“Heyy! Dumb shit, get out of the fucking way!”

A raging shout echoed through the hallway.

I watched as the corridor grew silent by each passing second.

“Can’t you see where the fuck you’re going? Are you blind?! What’s the thick glasses for then? Huh?!” The man shouted towards the shivering guy on the floor. Typical jock bullying the nerd scenario.

“I-I-I’m s-sorryy. I s-swear, I didn’t see you. I’m sorry!” Anyone can literally see the fear from the way he spoke. That will just either trigger the big guy to crown you as his new punching bag or motivate him to enjoy your misery for the rest of your life.

Well, in the end, nothing changes. He’ll probably be eternally scarred.

“The heck?! That bullshit excuse will get you nowhere, retard! You can see me standing here! Are you fucking stupid?!” He immediately grabbed the collar of the terrified individual and was about to land a blow on his face when the bell suddenly rang.

And here, my friends, is where ‘saved by the bell’ becomes a practical hero.

“Shit! Don’t show your face in front of me again! You hear?!” The other guy relentlessly nodded his head.

As the students began to disperse, the jock angrily stomped away after he pushed the guy against one of the lockers.

Damn, that’ll probably bruise.

Since the show is over, I fixed my shoulder bag and turned away from the disrupted murder scene.

But before I could even take a step, I heard a voice.

“Hey, are you okay?”

That phrase was so overused…

I looked back and saw another guy helping the victim stand.

I just don't get people nowadays, why ask that question when the answer is freaking obvious? Duh, he's freaking bruised and almost battered. How can he be okay after that? Gosh!

The logic behind that makes my head hurt.

I observed the scene unfold before me like some spectacle that can only be viewed once in a blue moon.

The newcomer was wearing a black hoodie that magnificently hugged his toned back. He was also wearing white shorts that ended mid-thigh, along with white branded athletic shoes. He was facing away from me so I could only have a glimpse of his side profile.

Before I could thoroughly see his face, the second bell rang, indicating that there was less than five minutes left before class starts.

This somehow shocks the both of them, especially the nerdy guy, who frantically started to pick up his scattered books.

I also decided to make my way to my next class. However, even with my back turned against them, I could still hear their worrisome conversation.

“Wait, you have scratches and a few bruises. You need to head on to the infirmary before it gets worse.” From what was said, it must be the savior that uttered those.

“N-no, I-I’ll be l-late for c-class. I need to hurry.”

“I won’t let you. Look at yourself. Tend to your wounds first.”


“No buts, I’ll take you there myself. As for your class, I’ll talk to your professor as well.”

“Um, t-thanks. You don’t need to do this though. You’ll just get ridiculed if you’re seen with me.”

“Nonsense and irrelevant. I’m not doing this to do a good deed or something. I did this on my own accord. Do I look like someone who's aiming to become a saint?”

I stopped and tilted my head.

That’s surprisingly new.

I resumed my walk and slowly the voices started to disappear.

“Thank you…really, Mr…?”


I was already in front of my classroom, so I wasn’t able to hear the rest of their conversation anymore. I don’t think it was any of my concern, though.

However, I cannot deny that my curiosity peeked at the scene.

Well, the possibility of meeting them again was pretty slim, especially the toned guy, since I did not pay them much mind. For sure, he’ll only be another extra in my storyline.

Ha! Guess what? I couldn’t be more wrong.

The fight that broke out yesterday was like a newly captured fish in the market. It was there now, but gone the next. It was honestly so… cliché.

Unless you're constantly being the target of dumb groups, you can expect you're life to be mildly peaceful.

Unlike mine.

Again, from the farthest corner of the room, I could see the famous wannabes laughing at me.

I rolled my eyes. This is why I hate people who can't live alone. They had to be part of a particular circle of peers before they could establish their authority in the world.

But little do they know, every single one of them were treating each other as enemies rather than accomplices. Like any power struggling government, groups like that just love to show how power hungry they are.

Which is pretty disgusting if I may say so myself.

I don't know who they are or what their roles are in this world, but I could tell they didn't like me very much.

Or maybe they did by shyly showing their love by tormenting me everyday.

"Hey!" A shout of a dying hyena rang out inside the room.

I ignored that and focused my attention elsewhere.

"What the heck? You think you can just ignore me?" The call of the hyena continued.

I think the hungry animals grew tired of just watching as they began to arrogantly ambush their chosen prey. Me.

One of them gripped my jaw tightly and forced me to look at them.

"Hey freak! Look when you're being called, ok?" She gripped my face tighter so that her exaggerated nails began to dig in my skin.

I raised my eyebrow and taunted them with my eyes.

I may be tormented, but I never said I let them be.

"What're you raising your eyelash for?" She was practically squeezing my face.

And let me state some facts, her breath didn't smell good at all.

I slapped her hand away and gave her a blank look.

"For someone who has a thick layer of mascara, you can't even differentiate between an eyelash and an eyebrow? How dumb can you be?"

Her face turned red as the people who heard what I said began to laugh.

"Bitch! What did you fucking say to me?"

I shrugged. I was too lazy to repeat it to someone who takes an eternity in processing simple everyday thoughts.

That's just me fancying it up in describing this stupid, fabricated barbie doll.

She continued to rant for who knows how long, however, I didn't have any motivation to listen to it anymore.

Good thing, the professor returned after half an hour of her throwing a tantrum.

The class flowed smoothly after that.

Looking back at what just happened, maybe I did want someone who could come up and be my hero. Even for just a day.

But, that's just wishful thinking. Nameless saviors don't just fall from the sky…

… is what I used to believe.