
The Descent of the Evil God

A certain loser on Earth, doing good deeds, stumbled upon a book called 'Master of Slumber's Teachings'. After studying it, he encountered a divine and beautiful woman, who exchanged 'Master of Slumber's Teachings' for a drop of blood, thus becoming the lowest-tier vampire. Just as he was about to flaunt his skills to establish a harem of three thousand, he was interrupted by...

gilbert_gilbert · Fantasy
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100 Chs

Chapter 8: The Birth of a Charlatan

Li Xie completely unaware of Lord Léon's murderous thoughts, was focused on the figure on the platform— the man wearing the crown. That must be the emperor! It was easy for him to pick out who the emperor was among the crowd of hundreds. If he couldn't do that, then there might be some issues with his intelligence. After all, the man with the crown was right in the center!

Similarly, Emperor Mercedes VII immediately recognized the young man in tattered clothing and disheveled hair being led by Lord Léon as the "legendary summoner"! Although he looked young, legends were said to defy aging. Besides, considering the identities of the others present, who else could he be but this person who looked more like a beggar?

"No wonder he's unheard of; he's really odd! A legendary summoner, yet he insists on dressing like a beggar!" Emperor Mercedes VII thought to himself. Despite not explicitly acknowledging Li Xie's identity as a legendary summoner, nor announcing it to the officials, the fact that both civil and military officials were here to receive him, followed by the emperor descending the steps to greet him, and then leading him into the palace for a grand banquet, was enough to show the respect that the Tudor Dynasty and Emperor Mercedes VII had for legendary summoners!

As Emperor Mercedes VII descended, Lord Léon felt some relief. At least the misunderstanding hadn't escalated further. But how should they handle what was to come? Holding hands as they entered the palace would surely arouse speculation!

Lord Léon's mind raced as he pondered the situation. Meanwhile, Li Xie suddenly knelt down, slamming his hands onto the ground, and bowed deeply, exclaiming, "Your Majesty, Li Xie pays his respects! Long live Your Majesty, long live, long live!"

Li Xie had seen enough television shows and read enough novels to know how to properly greet an emperor. Besides, he didn't see any issue with kneeling before an emperor as a scavenger. In his mind, it was the proper thing to do, and he had no qualms about it.

Little did he know that his actions would cause quite a stir, but they would also solve a major problem for Lord Léon!

Seeing Li Xie kneel down, the music abruptly stopped, and the officials were dumbfounded.

"Long live?" What kind of etiquette was this?

Never heard of it! But he seems to be doing it properly! What's this beggar up to? Could it be that the person the Emperor is welcoming is this beggar?

Where did this beggar come from?

Among those present, there were curiosity, shock, confusion, and doubt... Eyes filled with countless thoughts all fell upon Li Xie!

Emperor Mercedes VII, who was about to walk up to Li Xie and hold his hand to express the utmost respect, also stopped in his tracks, stunned!

Of course, he wasn't doubting Li Xie's etiquette or speculating about his identity. He realized that this person was not a legendary summoner!

Because a legendary summoner would never kneel before an emperor!

An emperor had his majesty, but a legend had his pride! Although one was addressed as "Your Majesty" and the other as "Your Highness," "Your Highness" was the title given by people to a legend! In terms of status, a legend's position was even higher than that of an emperor. How could he kneel?

Even if this person had a peculiar personality, he wouldn't kneel!

So it was certain that this beggar was not a legend!

If he wasn't a legend, then why did Lord Léon send such a message?

Emperor Mercedes VII looked at Lord Léon with eyes full of questions: Damn it, are you fooling the Emperor and all the officials?

Lord Léon smiled bitterly in response to the Emperor's frustrated gaze: It's all that bastard, Cano's fault!

However, Lord Léon quickly reacted. Li Xie's kneeling at least dispelled many people's speculations about him! He immediately followed suit and knelt down on one knee, loudly proclaiming, "Commander of the Lion Legion, Léon Kevin, pays respects to Your Majesty! It is my fault that I failed to bring the person Your Majesty wished to see. Please punish me!"

Lord Léon's words were infused with aura, and everyone present heard them clearly. They all understood that Emperor Mercedes VII was actually expecting someone else, but Lord Léon failed to bring that person. The beggar was probably just an extra.

"Hahaha, no harm done, no harm done. Rise, my lord," Emperor Mercedes VII understood Lord Léon's intention and laughed heartily, echoing loudly. At the same time, he bent down to help Lord Léon up and whispered softly in his ear, "What's going on?"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Lord Léon expressed his gratitude loudly, then whispered in a barely audible voice, "The God Descendant!"

The God Descendant!

Emperor Mercedes VII's pupils contracted, shining brightly! As the monarch of the dynasty, in an instant, he understood the significance behind those three words! With a glance at Li Xie, Emperor Mercedes VII calmly straightened Lord Léon up and brushed off the dust from his clothes. On the surface, it appeared as if he was treating his loyal subject like a son, but in reality, he was concealing his inner excitement!

The God Descendant, born with an unparalleled affinity for divine light, can withstand divine light without harm, even that of the Supreme God! They can more easily invoke divine light and even invite the presence of gods!

However, the God Descendant is not yet a God Descender. They are much easier to control than legends or God Descenders! Furthermore, while the settlement of a legendary summoner in the imperial capital may only serve as a deterrent to other countries, in reality, it may not be feasible for immediate military use. However, if a God Descendant advances to become a God Descender, they can help elevate the levels of the nation's demonic pets, thereby enhancing the overall national strength!

In simple terms, a legendary summoner is like a nuclear bomb, possessing deterrent power but may not necessarily be usable or dared to be used! A God Descendant, on the other hand, is like a brilliant scientist who can research and invent many things, even manufacture nuclear bombs!

Emperor Mercedes VII was excited because the value of a God Descendant far exceeds that of a legendary summoner!

Meanwhile, Li Xie, still kneeling on the ground, squinted at these two men with an infinite brotherly bond!

The three words "Godly Avatar" spoken by Lord Reine were extremely quiet, perhaps only audible to Emperor Mercedes VII. Others surely couldn't hear, not even Li Xie, who was seated beside them. However, being a vampire, Li Xie's senses were far sharper than those of ordinary people, and he caught those three words clearly.

Yet, he hadn't heard about the Godly Avatar from Carno, so he didn't know what it meant. Still, Li Xie had his own suspicions.

"Look at those two whispering to each other. Is there some conspiracy going on? What is this Godly Avatar they speak of? Given the Emperor's dismissive attitude towards me, he probably knows I'm not some legendary summoner. And surely, Reine must have known too. Calling me his brother, it's probably because of this Godly Avatar thing! Hmm! With a name like that, it must be related to gods. Maybe they mistook me for someone related to the gods because I pretended to be possessed by the God of Earth? Hehe, being associated with gods should keep me safe. After all, this country's beliefs aren't just for show. This time, I'll have to play the role of a charlatan!"

Emperor Mercedes VII calmed his excitement, leading Lord Reine towards the bedchamber, instructing, "The person I was supposed to receive hasn't arrived yet. You may disperse. Hmm, let's change the luncheon to an evening banquet. I have some matters to announce. Right Minister, please arrange. Left Minister, accompany me."

After receiving the Emperor's orders, Lord Reine exchanged a glance with Li Xie and smiled, saying, "My brother, let's go together."

The few of them entered the bedchamber, dismissed the attendants, and proceeded directly to the secret chamber.

Lord Reine, Emperor Mercedes VII, and Minister Harry Intell lined up, all gazing at Li Xie.

Li Xie, who was facing the highest echelons of the Tudor Dynasty for the first time, found it difficult to adapt to the imposing aura cultivated by these three individuals. He felt a bit intimidated, especially by their scrutinizing and lustful eyes.

"Kevin, it's time to explain," Minister Intell, the least informed among them, spoke.

Lord Reine smiled and said, "Then let me tell you about my Godly Avatar brother, Li Xie!"

"Godly Avatar!" Minister Intell's calm eyes finally flickered with excitement as he looked at Li Xie, suddenly becoming a bit more fervent.

Seeing Minister Intell's expression, Li Xie could guess that being a Godly Avatar wasn't as simple as it seemed. It must be significant for the Tudor Dynasty, which reduced his trepidation and raised his eyebrows, saying, "Your Majesty, while it's true that I'm a Godly Avatar, I honestly don't know what that entails. But I have a simple requirement: whoever treats me well, I'll treat them well too."

Emperor Mercedes VII didn't harbor any aversion towards Li Xie's beggar appearance. His eyes, like Minister Intell's, glowed with the same fervor. He smiled and said, "Do you know who can enter this secret chamber?"

"Someone of high status and importance?" Li Xie glanced at Lord Reine, guessing.

Emperor Mercedes VII chuckled. "To enter this chamber means one has access to all the kingdom's secrets, can influence the kingdom's direction, and above all, earns my unwavering trust! And now, you're in this secret chamber! By the way, only three people have entered this chamber so far, the three individuals you see here."

Wow! So, those who can enter this chamber are the true wielders of power in the kingdom!

"And does that mean I'll be the fourth person?"

Oh my gods! This can't be a joke!

Li Xie's heart pounded nervously as he weakly asked, "Is all of this because I'm a Godly Avatar?"

"Exactly!" Emperor Mercedes VII didn't hide anything, smiling. "The Godly Avatar is the most special constitution on the continent of the gods and will inevitably become a God Descender! Truth be told, you are the Godly Avatar! My intention is simple: you serve me, and I'll help you achieve the status of God Descender! As long as you're sincere, whatever you desire, I'll grant it to you! How does that sound?"

Li Xie wasn't quite clear about the Godly Avatar, but he knew about God Descenders, the highest level attainable by priests! And in Li Xie's eyes, priests were charlatans. When he heard this, he couldn't help but exclaim, "You want me to become a great charlatan? Great! I love it!"