
The Descent of the Evil God

A certain loser on Earth, doing good deeds, stumbled upon a book called 'Master of Slumber's Teachings'. After studying it, he encountered a divine and beautiful woman, who exchanged 'Master of Slumber's Teachings' for a drop of blood, thus becoming the lowest-tier vampire. Just as he was about to flaunt his skills to establish a harem of three thousand, he was interrupted by...

gilbert_gilbert · Fantasy
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100 Chs

Chapter 67: Finally Obtaining Juhua City

The Golden Feathered War Chicken consumed Li Xie's finger, and Li Xie's finger had already grown back.

The guards by his side witnessed this scene, not understanding why Li Xie fed his finger to the Golden Feathered War Chicken, but they weren't dwelling on the question. Instead, they were marveling at Li Xie's miraculous ability.

They had a miraculous master; their master could regenerate even if he lost a hand! Just like the tail of a Komodo Dragon!

But one person was deeply shaken: Fan Di Seer.

Fan Di Seer stared at Li Xie with his mouth agape, feeling an inexplicable shock.

According to legend, only demigods could have bodies that were immortal and could heal instantly.

A master so young becoming a duke, with experts like Zeen Nad guarding him, and with His Majesty valuing him so much, could he really be a worthless person?

Without any magic or Qi fluctuations, but still able to heal wounds immediately...

Could it be...

Fan Di Seer was startled by his own thoughts, shook his head to clear them, and didn't dare to think that the person beside him might be a demigod!

"Fan Di, quickly check on the Golden Feathered War Chicken, see if there's any hope for it."

Li Xie had already fed it his finger, but the chicken still lay motionless on the ground, seemingly unaffected.

Fan Di Seer was even more astonished. Could a single finger really save a dying Golden Feathered War Chicken? But he didn't doubt it much; after all, it wouldn't hurt to check.

A golden light shimmered as Fan Di Seer once again placed his hand over the chicken's body. The golden light enveloped the entire chicken, and soon, a look of extreme surprise appeared on Fan Di Seer's face. "This... can't be!"

"How is it?" Li Xie asked urgently.

"Master, its injuries haven't fully healed, but they have alleviated significantly. There's even a strange energy repairing its body. With proper care, it might recover!"


Li Xie was no less shocked than Fan Di Seer!

He had only tried it out of curiosity, never expecting it to actually work.

So, it was his hand that helped Randolph's monster advance, and his body could heal and help monsters advance.

Damn it, am I the new Tang Sanzang? Why does this happen?

Drinking monster blood can level up, and monsters eating me can level up! Could this be the legendary mutual benefit?

Oh! Master Mian, you old fraud!

Li Xie sensed a certain crisis, feeling a chill down his spine. His face grew cold as frost as he said, "No one is allowed to spread what just happened. I want you to swear to the gods; whoever leaks this, their entire family will be wiped out!"

Once this matter got out, Li Xie could imagine countless wise monsters coming for him, tearing him to pieces! And in such a situation, no one could save him!

Seeing Li Xie's severity, everyone immediately swore oaths. Fan Di Seer also swore, but Zeen Nad, the dragon without faith, had no binding force in his oath. At this moment, his eyes flickered, and no one knew what he was thinking.

Li Xie watched the guards' expressions closely as they swore, ensuring they harbored no ill intentions. They wouldn't violate their oaths, and they wouldn't betray him. As for Zeen Nad's expression, Li Xie noticed it and decided to have a private conversation with him later!

From now on, he couldn't be reckless in front of others. If today's events were known to outsiders, he would be doomed! 

Li Xie reminded himself silently, then said, "How should we save this monster now?"

"Master, just treat it like a wounded soldier and take care of it properly." Li Xie didn't notice Fan Di Seer's increased respect due to certain speculations.

"Okay, Diego, take a few men to send this Golden Feathered War Chicken back to the hotel and take good care of it."

"Yes, master!"

After giving these orders, Li Xie continued, "Kano, bring those nobles over here."

The frightened nobles approached Li Xie, kneeling before him and begging for mercy, crying and pleading. It wasn't surprising that they were so spineless; after all, there were corpses lying in the middle of the hall.

"I won't kill you," Li Xie said. "Now, go with my guards and show them the way to the homes of all the noble families attending tonight's banquet. Tomorrow, you will still be officials of Juhua City, provided you follow my orders. And don't even think about escaping. Try to escape, and you'll see. But the price is one you can't afford!"

The remaining nobles glanced at the corpse in the middle of the hall, swallowing hard. Where would they find the courage to escape or resist?

"Kano, go meet with Jack. Take care of what needs to be done."

"Yes, master."

Li Xie looked at the delicious food and wine in the hall, then glanced at the terrified band in the middle of the hall. He grinned widely. "Continue with the music. Such a wonderful night shouldn't be wasted!"

The night continued, and the blood flowed endlessly!

The civilian guards stationed near the four gates of Juhua City received a "verbal order" from the additional thousand-man squad of civilian guards to assemble outside the north gate of Juhua City early in the morning.

Although they didn't show any tokens or signs, the civilian guards stationed near each gate didn't doubt it. This was Larry Brown's intention; after all, besides the civilian guards, there were no other groups of more than a thousand people in Juhua City.

These four thousand civilian guards stationed near the gates were naturally disguised as four thousand Forbidden Army soldiers. The remaining thousand Forbidden Army soldiers were given to some of the civilian guards stationed inside the city to pass on the same "verbal order". Similarly, the undisciplined civilian guards didn't suspect anything!

As for the remaining civilian guards patrolling various areas, they were quietly taken care of by the Forbidden Army during the night. In a city capable of accommodating a million people, killing a few guards at night wouldn't cause much of a stir. If anyone were to notice, it would perhaps only be when the sun rose and the bloodshed was evident!

Time does not stop for anyone. As the bright moon sets in the west, the morning sun rises in the east.

At the north gate of Juhua City, civilian guards were gradually gathering in the open space outside the gate. Those who arrived first sat directly on the ground, while those who came later laughed and chatted. Disorderly and undisciplined, these were the civilian guards under Larry Brown.

Li Xie hadn't slept all night and stood at the gate tower with Zeen Nad and Fan Di Seer early in the morning. Around seven o'clock, Jack and Kano also arrived at Li Xie's side, followed by five thousand Forbidden Army soldiers. Each soldier carried one or two bodies, indicating that more than five thousand civilian guards had died last night.

It wasn't until ten o'clock in the morning that the civilian guards had roughly assembled, with only a few stragglers still arriving. Out of approximately twenty-five thousand civilian guards, only about fifteen thousand had gathered at the north gate.

"Master, it's about time," Jack said.

Li Xie looked down from the gate tower, frowning. "Why are there so few people?"

Jack sneered, "These ragtag bunches have no military discipline whatsoever! Those who haven't come are probably hungover or simply unwilling to come. Having over ten thousand people here is already good enough."

"Oh, it's not just them being like this; we wouldn't have it so easy either. Well, let's go out."

Li Xie walked out of the gate tower onto the city wall walkway, leaning against the wall with his hands, looking down at the civilian guards below. "Jack, tell them it's time for the show."

"Yes, master!"

The civilian guards gathered outside the gate were chatting in groups of three or four. When some of them noticed figures on the city wall, they exchanged a few words. Only after that did they stop talking and look up at the wall, seeing unfamiliar faces.

The familiar nobles were not on the wall, nor was Larry Brown.

At this moment, thousands of figures suddenly appeared on the city wall, each carrying a human-shaped object and throwing it down from the wall.

With the wall being twenty meters high, each person thrown down would make a dull thud upon hitting the ground. This continuous sound lasted for a while, with more than eight thousand thuds in total!

Each "thud" was like a warning bell striking the hearts of the civilian guards, shocking them one by one!

They were only twenty meters away from the gate, and they could clearly see that the objects being thrown down were corpses, each dressed in the attire of a civilian guard!

"Alert! Damn it, something's wrong! Alert!"

"Get your weapons out! Trouble ahead!"

"Who the hell dares to oppose us! Stand up, everyone!"

The civilian guards picked up their weapons one after another. Under the shouts of some minor leaders, they looked vigilantly at the city wall.

One of the civilian guards stepped forward and shouted loudly, "Who are you people? What's the purpose of killing us? Explain yourselves!"

Li Xie shouted loudly, "I am Duke Xie, the lord of Juhua City."

"Who the hell are you people? You dare to kill us but won't reveal your identities?"

"Damn it, I'm Duke Xie!"

"Humph! You dare not even reveal your names! I advise you to surrender quickly! When our brothers gather, not one of you will escape!"

"Damn it! Lao... cough cough..."

Li Xie's voice cracked!

Now he realized that those generals in Earth TV dramas all talked nonsense in front of their armies. You couldn't hear anything at all!

Li Xie, shouting with all his might, standing only thirty meters away from the people below, still couldn't match the breath of the thousands of people below! His voice simply couldn't reach them!

Jack noticed Li Xie's embarrassment and shouted, "This is Duke Xie! His Excellency Duke Xie, the Grand Duke appointed by His Majesty, and the lord of Juhua City. By His Majesty's order, we are here to besiege Larry Brown and his rebels. You are also part of the rebellion. But our master is benevolent and doesn't want to shed too much blood. He gives you a chance: those who surrender will not be killed, and there will be no blame. You will continue to serve as civilian guards of Juhua City. But for those who resist, the eight thousand corpses under the city wall are your example!"

Jack used his Qi to amplify his voice, which sounded like thunder, echoing far and wide, even shaking Li Xie to the point of ringing in his ears, and the people below could clearly hear it.

"It's Duke Xie!"

"I heard he's the new city lord!"

"How many troops did he bring? Why don't we know anything about it!"

"Where's the acting city lord?"

The people below were discussing fervently, while those standing at the front shouted loudly, "We didn't rebel at all! You're framing us! Where's our acting city lord? We only listen to him!"

"Humph!" Jack snorted coldly. "Your acting city lord, Larry Brown, is there, along with his band of rebels!"

With a wave of Jack's hand, some Forbidden Army soldiers on the city wall held up some wooden frames in a cross shape, and tied to the frames were the corpses of Larry Brown and his fellow nobles.

"It's Count Brown!"

"He's the acting city lord!"


The sight of the corpses crushed the hopes of the civilian guards. With their masters all dead, what else could they do?

"Surrender or die!" Jack shouted loudly!

The five thousand Forbidden Army soldiers roared in unison, "Surrender or die!"

This roar shook the sky, dispersing the clouds and directly crushing the morale of the civilian guards!

As Jack had said, regardless of their past, the civilian guards were just trying to make a living. How could they possibly engage in direct combat with the royal army?