
the descendents

What power lies dormant in your blood, where do you come from. As more descendents awaken now than in the past 70 years the shadow of the world grows larger and evils well asleep awaken to stir once again. As a newly awakened descendant Joshua Prince must come to terms with this secret world hidden in plain sight. How will he handle his heritage and the responsibility that comes along with it? Can he become strong enough to stand against the evil that wishes to consume the world?

WhiteLion_Writing · Action
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33 Chs

Ch 31 - Frenzy

Seeing two demons making their way up following Adam into the sky I finally called the clouds I had been keeping at bay since we were confronted by the first set of demons and being able to pull them in filled me with confidence to strike the demons down. But before I could do anything the three demons got inside Hannah's pseudo-domain. Even if it was not perfect it should have lasted long enough for us to help her but as she was being quickly overrun I doubt she even felt it. Joshua got grabbed by the hair but even as that happened I was unable to help as two demons charged me. I can't chant as after they saw me pull in the clouds they rightly assumed that I was a caster so they focused on me to make sure I couldn't speak. Doding to the side I saw Joshua cut his hair and put some distance between him and the demon enough that I could take my eyes off him and focus on myself for a second. And not a second too soon I dodge a slash at my head and my torso. 

I jump back and instinctively raise my right arm to call down lightning before I catch myself and send a gust of wind at them instead. With the clouds so high and Adam fighting in them, I can't use any lightning strikes, I'm not as efficient as my master yet and since I started this mission I feel that more and more. My stray thought was punished harshly by a hard slash to my side that I blocked with my right arm leaving a deep burning gash in it. luckily in the domain, it slowly began to heal my arm allowing me to send a blast of wind with the wave of the arm. Though weaker and less precise than masters, it was only able to disrupt the second demon's sword form allowing me to get away with a light slash. A step into the air near the top of the domain bearly gave me enough time to breathe let alone chant, I saw the two demons rush me and Joshua bellow. 

Joshua was being manhandled by his demon his cain clattering as he was fighting around it trying to use it to separate the demon from himself. However, that hurt him more than the demon as he didn't have a long-range attack. At that moment again my thoughts wonder to my master's words. The average human is no threat to a demon compared to an awakened descendents. But knowledgeable humans could be more dangerous to demons than awakened descendents. Because for awakened descendents or at least our banishment we have a few restrictions to fulfill. Just barely dodging the sword slash giving just a moment but that was all I needed. Forcing myself to the ground with a gust from my healed arm I landed hard on my feet and gave myself the second I needed to chant.

""Away from me all you who do evil,for the Lord has heard my weeping"" The invisible burst of power pushed the two demons away from me one towards Hannah and the other away from us. The first demon was unlucky and was caught by Hannah who had finally managed to finish her incantation and banish a few demons. Psalms were especially effective against demons and luckily one demon was banished as hannahs banishing spell hit the demon before it was able to recover properly but I wasn't getting lucky twice as the second demon rushed back in from above and struck my arm with its flaming sword.

Just then the domain shrunk around us and converged on the group of people and as I felt the light and continuous healing fade I felt the slow healing leave me and the burning pain in my arm flared up again keeping my mind clean in my agony I could see the next blow clearly heading for my head.

""But you are a shield around me, o Lord; you bestow glory on me and lift my head"" The spell blocked the demon's wild strike giving me another moment to think. Luckily for me Joshua rushed in and landed a heavy strike on the demon pushing it back before it could get another strike in on me he seemed more competent but I could feel through my mark that it was still him and hot his beast of Cain. I didn't miss that I couldn't miss this opportunity, this allowed me to finally start chanting as Joshua held the demon back.

""Our Father Who Art in Heaven Hallowed be Thy Name, I come to you today in my time of need and offer a prayer of intercession. Stand by me and lend me your voice, stand by me and lend me your strength, stand by me and lend me your authority. Send these demons out of our presence to Clean the World, to the bowls of the Pit foul beings."" The demon's resistance was halted by Joshua as the one entangled by his chains was unable to do anything but try and curse or poison us. But the light of manna radiated from me banishing the demons as they were washed in the light. It Banished our two demons and one of Hannah's demons. The Invocation very diffrent from Hannahs own. More Prayer than rite letting me get away with saying it only once, even though I wouldn't even call myself a believer. 

The intense heat from using multiple casts in quick succession was building up within me but that feeling was quickly forgotten. Instantly I felt the clouds disappear like being splashed by boiling water pulling me out of my thoughts. Against my better judgment, regardless of the demon still here I looked up, this was a terrible mistake as I was hit by the burse of rapturous wind burning me in the face and making my sight go gray as I fell over covered in burns unable I am left unable to scream as my thought was bone dry and my lungs spasiming. In that moment of extreme fear, I felt warm and my body was quickly healed but my mind was slow to catch up as my vision remained a bit blurred even as I tried to rub my eyes. Hannah was there panting, tired but she tried to stand her ground.

Past her Adam landed skillfully into the crowd constrasting the demon that landed with excessive force blowing back a group of people. Nearly making a clearing between the two of them but regardless of that they charge and clash in the crowd. Adam won the clash but before I could cheer the people finally began moving so many in perfect unison it was a terrifying sight. After he was pushed back the people left standing charged between Adam and the demon. They swarmed Adam trying to hinder his movements allowing the demon to recover quickly. 

Unable to use my legacies, The Seven Colored Promise as there are no clouds for many kilometers, or The Mark of The Arc as that was on Joshua, and without touching him I would be unable to touch him or Adam I can't Transfer it, I am too weak. The only thing I can do is Chant the Banishment Ritual and hope I don't get ambushed or the demon escapes before I can finish. Hannah will be hard-pressed to do anything I doubt she even knows how bad she looks from the outside. Only I can do this I must do this.

Before I could act on my thoughts a figure rushed from my side towards the demon. And before I could utter a word either in chant or in defiance, Joshua's golden chained Konda sword struck the demon with a spray of blood aura, then the demon smiled a wicked rotten smile.