
The Descendants Of The Wolf

Brando Ramirez is a playboy in Manila who goes to Barrio Anting-anting at the invitation of James Ramirez and falls deeply in love with Mary - the virgin. He falls in love without knowing that a baby is destined to be born in the Azzo Tribe and will be named Mercury Ramirez, who is a human and a werewolf with special strength and abilities through their Azzo ancestors. Their love is destined to bring to life a man they named Mercury, who is a hybrid of human and werewolf. The war between the Azzo Tribe and the Azzwang Clan is due to the Azzwang Clan's false belief that it is not suitable for people's lives. But the Azzo Tribe wants to live with the people and help in a good way. As time goes on and people become modernized, the same thing happens to werewolves, vampires, and fairies, and people learn to accept werewolves and vampires in their daily lives, but they have their own rules. and lifestyle. Mercury's sister grew up not knowing each other until Darya Montenegro crossed their paths. Mercury Ramirez was reincarnated in another time and opportunity until falling in love with a pureblood vampire Annie Mikaelson. They were blessed with a son - Mercury Ramirez Junior. Because Mercury is a Mega Alpha, he is constantly protecting his Pack and the other descendants of the Azzo Tribe. He experienced many wonders and adventures in other times and places. His love is set to help werewolves, vampires and hybrids live with humans. The unknown son of Mercury and daughter of Arnold Rivas like each other at school and fall in true love with each other. "That's Mercury's destiny to fall in love with people, werewolves or vampires. And help his pack even if they go their separate ways.

FX777 · Fantasy
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66 Chs

My Love Is Getting Stronger

I shuddered as I hit the wet ground, my head spinning quickly as Mercury jumped on Gary. Mercury became my white wolf right away, his lips were exposed showing his bright white K-9 teeth, the sound of his howling growl really scared me and they accused each other. The snaps and growls were so loud, I got up and walked towards their tangled bodies. I was able to get between them, and as Gary hit Mercury, he grabbed my shoulder, the pain was excruciating.

My scream of pain stopped them in their fight, Gary's face frowned and Mercury's reaction was in extreme fear, he let out a howl of pain as if he was in pain too and then I saw a big escape of tears from his eyes as he looked down at my chin, at my shoulder.

I watched as he shook his long head and turned and walked away.

"Yes, you ran too. EXTRAORDINARY!" Gary shouted at Mercury as he turned the corner.

"You bastard!" Gary yells at him, completely forgetting my injured shoulder.