
CH 2: Meeting the Auradon Prep...It's too damn bright!

s we were on our way to Auradon, we had some delinquent moments in the car and some delicious food, oh don't forget the candies that had the meat flavored too...

Hmm, oh god, I could eat more of this delicious meat, making a trio of blood down to my chin. Making my friends shaking their heads at me, totally used to my habits and I still planned on wolfing down my bag filled with meat until we were at Auradon Prep, then we will start our mission.

Suddenly I was pulled out of my frenzy of meat eating when I felt a movement beside me. I looked up from my bag to see Jay and Carlos digging into the candy in front of them.

I inspected it for a moment, then saw that there was some behind me too. I looked at the boys as they looked at me, staring for a moment until I shrugged, then snatched up a long gummy-looking bacon candy.

I bit into it, then looked at the shape of it again in shock. How it tasted like bacon!? It's a freaking candy, it shouldn't be tasted like it! I pondered, so anyway I took another bite, forgetting the blooded bag.

"You're looking a little washed out. Let me help you out." I heard Evie say to the purple haired as she put her make-up brush into Mal's face, brushing the cheeks.

"Ew, stop, I'm…plotting," Mal protested, swatting Evie's brush away from her, making Evie pout in sort of sad in a way.

"Well, it's not very attractive," Evie defended, as she gave up trying to put makeup on her.

Out of the corner of my eye, seeing that Evie saw the sight of me, my face covered in blood and candies. She suddenly dropped the brush that was in her hand into the floor. She gasped as she picked up a hanky out of her pocket, and went towards me to clean up my bloodied face.

I groaned and without putting up a fight against her, I held out her tiny bag that held her skin cleaning thing then thought appeared when she was doing my face, I meekly asked her "Um, can you apply the mask on me as my Mama has?"

Evie smiled at my sudden request, nodded, and said."Of course, I can Fang." She pull a black chalk-powered bag out of the pouch in my hand and started applying it to my face, trying to match my mother's markings in a sort of different way.

Carlos tapped Jay's shoulder showing Reese's candy. "Dude, try this, it's salty like nuts but sweet like, I don't know what," Carlos told him. "Let me see," Jay demanded. Carlos opened his mouth to show a chewed-up Reese's.

Jay punched his shoulder and took the candy out of Carlos' hand, tasted it, and nodded. I wondered if that was good but I remembered that Mama told me that I shouldn't eat chocolate because it makes wolves really sick and puking out but it's not even close to being deadly enough to kill us.

Evie took her time on my face but it a bit while until she finally finished, "I know it's not the same as your mother but I managed to do it in your own style." She pulled up a small mirror to show me that I have black makeup on my eyes, dark red paint lines on my chin, three slashes from the top of my forehead to the bottom of my jaw but on my chin was small five lines, crossing both of my eyes, light makeup on my eyes, dark red dots on my cheeks…

I pondered what the paint marks have a meaning, so I asked Evie "Um, E? Do these markings have meaning?" pointed at the all markings on her face in confusion. Evie nodded, "The lines symbolize your mother, the three lines symbolize me, Carlos, Jay, Mal and Uma, the dots symbolize Freddie and the eye makeup symbolize Kaiss. I thought you might like that." She said softly as she packed all her makeup things into the small bag that was in my hand.

I quickly nodded in agreement with her, liking that I have a lot of things to remember about the people that I really care about.

"Thanks, E." I said to Evie, making the bluette smile as she returned to her seat next to Mal.

Now, noticing the boys continued eating the candies, I stared at the bacon-flavored candy that ended up in Carlos's hand, "Mine!" My mind instantly jumped at the prospects of the bacon-flavored candy, especially when it came to something meat flavored. "I'll take that!" I almost yelled, leaning over Jay's lap to snatch the bacon-flavored candy, which had something just as meaty taste.

"Hey, that's mine!" Carlos complained, making me scoff and mocking at his whining.

"Are you gonna whine about it? What are you gonna do about it?." I retorted, taking another one. Carlos stared at my blooded bag, "Well, what's in there, I wonder?" He said with a mischievous tone in his voice.

I growled at him with my wolf teeth showing, "Don't even try it!" I threaten him. The De Vil boy backed off as Jay laughed, I jumped in my bag once again making Evie shake her head at me. As the boys and I including Evie joined in for second bites while we were stuffing our faces, Mal found a remote, looking at it curiously she pressed the button.

The black stainless window that separated them from the driver and us suddenly rolled down, revealing the limo heading towards a road…that was severed from the mainland….A bridgeless edge of the Isle of Lost.

"Look!" Evie shouted pointing out the window, showing the limo continued going on the broken bridge like it was nothing.

"It's a trap!" Carlos yelled, making all of us jump back, Mal fell up against Evie, who then, in turn, fell into me as we all screamed in panic, Evie gripped into me and Mal while the boys hugged each other tightly. Mal quickly continued to mess with the nearby remote trying to figure something out in panic. As she pushed a button, we closed our eyes…but didn't plummet to our untimely deaths.

As we open our eyes in confusion, instead, the limo continued driving onto a suddenly magical bridge appeared that appeared over the ocean which caused us to calm down.

"What just happened?" Carlos asked, noticing how beautiful swirls of sparkling, gold light surrounded the limo as it drove over the ocean.

"It must be magic," Evie laughed in awed, smiling at the beautiful sight before us.

Mal turned to the driver, tapping on the screen to get his attention, "Hey, did this little button just open the magical barrier?" holding it out for him to see.

"Nope," he deadpanned, barely glancing at them as he held up a smaller device. "this one opens the magic barrier. That one opens my garage. And this button..." He pushed another button, which closed the barrier between him and us.

"Okay..." Mal drawled, turning back around to us with a grin. "Nasty. I like that guy." She finished as she took some candy from a bowl, making us snort at the comment while the rest of us nodded in agreement with her.

"Carlos," I interrupted them stuffing their faces with candy. "how do I look?" I demanded. Seeing my scary makeup marks and a messy bloody mouth, Carlos was hesitant but he did answer me, "Scarier than my own mother." I scoffed at him as I pointed my finger at him, "Your mother is just not that scary, just crazy and my mother is far scarier than Mal's mother even though she feared her too!" I exclaimed and Carlos glowered at me.

Everyone in the group was watching and started laughing in agreement with me.

"Ow. Touché Midas, Touché." Carlos whined in agreement. We all looked out the window and saw a group of band people playing, herded crowds welcoming their arrival. I cringed at all the loud noises all sudden from the band and various students, covering my sensitive furred ears to block out the sound.

It seems my wolf abilities have fully returned from leaving the Isles. This means Mal's book and Evie's Mirror should work then.

Conveniently, Jay trying to bully Carlos out of some blue cloth. The car stopped in front of the loud music band and the driver opened the door, the boys still fighting like cats and dogs didn't notice the door open behind them, Carlos and Jay tumbled out of the limo.

Carlos fell onto the floor with Jay still standing up pulling cloth, "Oh! Ah! Ow! Stop! You got everything else! Why do you want whatever this is?" Carlos screamed. And everyone got quiet and the band stopped playing. I sighed in relief when the band suddenly stopped in shock at the sight of us. Unlike us, the girls who have seen things like this all the time.

"Cause you want it!" Jay yelled with victory.

"No!" Carlos yelled from the ground.

"Give it to me!" Jay yelled with his foot pressed to a fallen Carlos's chest as they had a tug-a-war with the blue cloth.

"Ow!" Carlow whined.

They still going at with that cloth, I shook my head in the nimrods while the girls sighed in annoyance.

I came out of the car next, pulling my furred hood with the mask on, concealing my face as Evie got out next and twirled around in awe. Last to come out was Mal, who realized that there were people in front of them. I didn't even notice because I was focused on the boys.

My bright electric blue with bright emerald green central mixed heterochromia eyes focused on Jay tug-o-war with Carlos on the blue cloth, I shook my head in the nimrods while the girls sighed in annoyance.

As calm as ever, though my annoyance was boiling beneath the surface, I walked to the idiots, standing next to Jay, I proceeded to bellow at his ear, "You idiots, We are here to make an impression, not rob a stupid limo blind!"

"Ow! Fangy, come on! Why do you have to yell in my ea—" I cut him off by pushing him, "Because you are annoying me," I growled, yet sternly but annoyed, making my ears and tail twitch aggressively.

"Carlos, look at all of this stuff!" Jay said to Carlos, ignoring me as usual, making me bare my teeth and my claws up. Making my eye twitch under the mask, I can't take it anymore, I literally pounced at the son of Jafar, resulting in Carlos joining in our fight.

"Guys, guys, guys," Mal hissed, stepping forward so that she stood near the three of us, stopping in the middle of our fight. "we have an audience."

Carlos, Jay, and I realized this and Jay hoisted Carlos to his feet while I jumped up to pat my fur to clean off the dirt and dust off. Looking at the older woman, young looking woman, and some boy and girl who came to greet us.

"Just cleaning' up," Jay reassured.

"Leave it as you found it," The older lady sang, with a weird look on her face…she smiled too much before saying, "And by that, I mean just leave it." With a sigh, Jay and Carlos put their loot back into the limo grumbling slightly under their breath but I didn't, I just refused to do it.

Carlos and Jay even Evie and Mal glared at me but the girls growl a little as I can see in their eyes telling me to not mess with them, I groaned in defeat as I took the remaining meat and the meat-flavored candies out of my pockets and various things that were small and threw them in the limo, in a sullen way.

Then I noticed with my central mixed heterochromia eyes peered into the older lady that walked forward to us, her blue dress with the big pink bow clearly stating who she was. I think…

And I was more focused on the interesting person next to her, a young-looking woman that could be my Mama's age and a bit short but taller than me. She has long wavy chestnut-colored hair with bangs and fair skin. She has several white streaks in braided but predominantly on the left side in the front, and bright startling blue eyes. Her makeup consists of darker colors along with red, although she usually uses natural colors for her lipstick. She has a small necklace with the shape of some kind of a canine. She had silver rings, bars, and earrings on her each ear. Wow, she does have a badass vibe to her.

She wore a peasant-style blouse with a ruffled neckline faux suede corset vest with a metal hook and eye closures on the front. She has faux leather gauntlets that have white and brown lacing closure, she wore leather dark brown pants with a leg bracelet holding a dagger, and black vintage lace-up flat heel knee-high boots. She had the noticeable red hooded cloak with white and grey fur on it back on her back with the black ribbon ties at her neck.

She looked at us but mostly at me longer with my mask on with her kind and loving expression, she's so pretty like my Mama…

"Hello, Foxies," Jay drawled, swaggering towards a tan brunette and the younger older woman, his face in his patented charming smirk, "Name's, Jay." Causing me to roll my eyes. Jay's awful flirting, made me want to gag at how he was flirting with miss pretty pinky and Mrs.red cloak. The girl laughed uncomfortably while the other chuckled in amusement, until the older lady leaned to the side and conveniently, in front of them.

"Welcome to Auradon Prep. I am fairy godmother headmistress." The older lady informed and bowed which sparked an interest in all of us into her.

Then suddenly the other lady came up to us, "Yes as she said, welcome to Auradon Prep. I'm Harley Red or as you know me The Red Riding Hood. I'm one of the teachers here and I'm will be your new personal advisor." She said as she looked at me with the little short bow to us but not like the fairy did.

"The Fairy Godmother, as in, bibbity-bobbity-boo?" Mal asked Fairy Godmother, donning a fake expression of awe as she made hand motions of using the wand.

"Bibbity-bobbity-you know it!" The Fairy Godmother answered as she laughed, absolutely delighted.

Then I suddenly asked to 'Harley' person, "The Red Riding Hood, as in 'why grandmother, what big teeth you have' ?", donning the Big Bad Wolf pose as hand motions of my clawed hands up along bearing my teeth at her.

The Red Riding Hood giggles in amusement at me, covering up her mouth with her hand as my friends and I even everyone around us too, were shocked that she wasn't the slightest afraid of us or hating me at all.

"Yes it is, to finish the tale, 'the better to eat with, my dear'." She recited the short line from the old tale story to me, making me gasp at her god-smacked. Then she stared at me quite long enough, walked towards me with a determination in her eye even asking me, "Can you take off the hood, please?" I stared at her weirdly then I looked at my friends who shrugged at me, they don't know how to deal with this situation, and back to her. Harley noticed this awkward tension in the air, her caring bright blue eyes on my central mixed heterochromia eyes.

The girl in the pink dress said nervously, "Um, Miss Red, I don't think you should do that…" We all stared at Harley while ignoring everyone's concern for her.

The brave young woman slowly reached out to my hood but I stepped back in a second from her hand, making her even more determined at it. Harley reach out again as I growled a bit louder, warning her but she ignored me. I tensed as she touched my hood with a wolf skull mask, pulling off my head and revealing my painted and bloody face.

The Auradon people jump back in sight of my face but not Harley, she was not bothered by it at all really. All she did was bring a washcloth out of her pocket, to start cleaning up my bloody mouth. "You have her eye color, you know?" She said as she smiled, fondly. I looked up at her in confusion but the more I looked at her face, her scent so familiar and also the description that I knew from the stories my puppyhood that Mama told me…then in a second, I gasped just realized who she is and why is she doing this to me or that she is so familiar or the warm feeling that my mama has for me…Because I remembered Mama had told me a ton of stories about my other parent, my other mother.

The lady in the forest.

That the lady in the forest and Harley Red the Red Riding Hood are the same person which is my mother.

Freaking Red Riding Hood and Big Bad Wolf?!

What the Fuck!

"Oh my fucking god! You mated my Mama! The Big Bad Wolf, freaking my mother!?" I demand answers, making everyone around in shock and the Auradon people gasped. Well, some of them screamed and others just fainted. And all Harley did was a little bit startled by my sudden revelation.

Mal and Evie took a double take at us and said "WHAT!?" in shock while Jay and Carlos gaped at us as they pointed at us. Including the Fairy Godmother, boy, and prissy girl too but mostly the boy in deep shock.

Harley giggling nervously scratching the back of her neck, nodded with a guilty face as she caress my cheek while her face remained caring and loving as she replied "Yeah, we did mate in your mother's words," her hand off my cheek to stroke her chin as she pondered in her memories, "but Viridis suggested that we should elope in secret and do it in Red Woods." she said in my mama's voice so perfectly, mocking at the end, making me giggle.

"Really!? She really said that?" I asked in astonishment, Harley respond with a nod, "Oh yeah, she really did and she had the nerve to ask me that stupid question while I'm pregnant with you, boy she'd learned the hard way." She said darkly in the end, I winced for my Mama, knowing that pregnant women are dangerous kind.

"So, anyway do you have a nickname or something?" Harley asked, acting all cool and seeming to be dying to hug me for so long but highly encouraging me to talk more to her. I can see why Mama loves her, she's kind, funny, and badass to take no shit from anyone.

"Well, everyone in Isle knows me as Viridis Fang Midas but my friends call me Fang for short," I replied to my now-known mother. Harley snorted at the mention of my full name, trying not to laugh and she said "She seriously did it!" I must be looking confused, Harley explained "Oh, when your mother and I were your age, I dared her not to put her name 'Viridis' in our first child but it seems right now, she lost so badly, just like villains with their ego."

I cackled at that, it was so true. Harley and I butted our shoulders in laughing at my Mama's biggest failure, trying not to name me after her. Everyone looked at us weirdly and a little bit afraid. As she stood next to me, smiling at me to assure me that everything was fine.

"Anyway aside from that. Yeah, I always wondered what it felt like for Cinderella when you just...appeared out of nowhere..." Mal laughed lightly, "With that sparkly wand...and that warm smile...and that sparkly wand..." Mal repeated the end, trying to hint at something but formed her expression into an innocent smile, which went over the Fairy Godmother's head, who was giving that aforementioned warm smile.

But Harley suddenly bumped into me softly, I looked up to her eyes telling me that she knows what was really going on but she mouthed at me 'I'll stand behind you whenever you choose', and she caressed my arm fondly. Again with that, it seems that Mama, Freddie, Kaiss, and Harley know what's going on. I know I shouldn't trust her so quickly but my own heart tells me to trust her…I guess, it's better to have an Auradonian as your ally.

"That was a long time ago...and as I always say..." she paused to make a grand hand gesture, "'Don't focus on the past, or you'll miss the future!'" her comment had all our faces become tight with trying to keep their already strained smiles but Harley made it better by bushing my arm.

The boy standing beside the Fairy Godmother finally had the chance to step in and made an attempt to introduce himself in a regal and poised way…and surprisingly he got a lot farther closer to us.

"I thought the little prissy pink brunette beside him wouldn't allow him to be close to us," I whispered to my other mother, Harley but she swatted softly my head while she chuckled at her but agreed with me. "Me too, I personally thought she was going to chain him into her room forever." Mom—I mean, Harley whispered to my ear, in a joking way. I gaped at her and softly punched her shoulder, shaking my head.

"It is so good to finally meet you all. I'm Ben—" Ben introduced, offering them a smile that flickered when his prissy pink brunette companion that I had now called her, spoke up.

"Prince Benjamin," The girl interrupted, "soon to be king." Holding onto him possessively to his arm. I saw Harley put her arms to her hips, glaring at the prissy girl with warning as the girl backed up a bit.

Evie stepped forward, her expression dreamy as she stared at Ben as gushed, "You had me at the prince." While she gave a small curtsey. " My mom's a queen, which makes me a princess," Evie stated as she smiled at Ben, making my friends, Harley and I smile at her.

But that sweet moment was ruined.

"Your mother has no statues here, and neither do you." The prissy pink brunette said with a pitchy laugh, her words hurt Evie's feelings greatly, and frowned, backing away from them. It pissed me off with loud growling, tried to attempt to murder her but Harley, Carlos and Jay quickly caught me and pulled me back away, Evie and Mal jumped in trying to calm me down.

"Actually, princess Audrey," Harley drawled in an angry tone, gaining everyone's attention right away, "your name is Evie, right?" making Evie nod quickly, unsurely of what was going on right now. The angry Red Riding Hood took even slow steps toward the prissy girl with a scary aura surrounding her, I saw Carlos jump in behind Jay while Evie gripped Mal's arm with the slightest fear.

"Evie is visiting royalty since she technically does have royal status back at Isle of Lost. So, that means Evie is a visiting princess and should be treated with the same respect—" she jammed a finger at her, scaring the prissy girl even more, "—if not more, my daughter and her friends are from the Isle of the Lost, They all have royalty there too as your royalty here. So, you better treat them with RESPECT! UNDERSTOOD!" She yelled at the last part, making all of us jump back in more fear of her.

The girl looked shocked and nodded quickly in fear, but quickly pasted her fake smile on her face but covering up the fear. "I s-suppose, you're right, Miss Red." Wow, that made me respect her more and start to trust her as my mother. A little, actually, now I'm beginning to understand why Mama loves her so much…

Evie sent Harley a grateful look, suddenly her scary aura disappeared as she simply nodded in acknowledgment with a kind smile to the bluette haired girl.

"Ugg…Anyway, who the fuck you are?" making Harley and Fairy Godmother disprove my language as I shook Jay off me as questioned hotly, putting a comforting hand on Evie's shoulder. It must have had, seeing as Evie didn't tense as much anymore. Also, Harley started to calm down as she returned to my side facepalming her face in irritation at my cussing language.

"And this is Audrey—" Ben added, laughing awkwardly but only to be cut off un-surprisingly by a prissy pink brunette once again. "Princess Audrey, and actually his girlfriend," Making her cling that much more to him. "Isn't that right, Benny-boo?" Audrey said but didn't let him answer. Making me snort and gag quietly at that, watching in slight disgust which got a good laugh from everyone but Audrey. But Harley growled in annoyance at Audrey, shaking her head as she massage her head more. I awkwardly caressed my other mother's back in a calming way, she gave me a grateful look with a kind smile.

"Ben and Audrey are going to show you all around. And I'll see you all tomorrow," Fairy Godmother said as she grabbed the couple's linked hands, separating them quickly, "the doors of wisdom are never shut! But the library hours are from eight to eleven and, as you've heard, I have a little thing with curfews." With one final smile, Fairy Godmother questionably retreated, leaving them with Ben, Audrey, and Harley. The band followed the Fairy Godmother and start playing as they went.

I growled as I winced, the loud music making my sensitive furred ears ring. This is precisely why I avoided any loud high-pitched noises even with the wolf abilities returning back to me, which could compete in volume with the band, always making my wolf-trained ears ring even more. But it seems that Harley noticed this, she jumped in her pockets and suddenly brought out furred ear muffs to me which I quickly put on until the loud noises are gone. It seems that Harley had a lot of practice with Mama a lot.

Thank god, Harley saved my ears. I sighed in relief, not realizing that making myself look adorable. Harley and Evie giggled as they tried to cover their mouth with their hands in amusement at me which cause me to growl at them a bit.

"Actually, it seems I'll going to join you guys too all the way," Harley stated, checking her device for any upcoming plans. Ben looked confused and asked her, "But don't you have an afternoon meeting with the Hunt—" The Red Riding Hood cut him off really fast, "Nope, I do not have plans today! Understood, Benny-boo?" She said scarily as she patted the prince's cheek, threatening him to try to say any else. Ben quickly nodded as he meekly said "I understand, Aunt Harley!" making Harley happy as she twirled around to face us with an innocent face.

Damn, how did you survive against her, Mama?

The prince coughed, as he walked up to Jay first."It is so...so, so good to finally meet you all." Ben said as he winced while Jay slammed his fist into Ben's chest instead of shaking the prince's outstretched hand. That is our way of greeting in the Isle of Lost.

Unfazed, the prince moved down the line to the next teen, which happened to be Mal. The girl shook the prince's hand, their eyes lingering on each other longer than needed. "This is a momentous occasion, and one that I hope will go down in history..." Ben paused, licking brown stuff off his hand from when he shook Carlos's hand. "Mmmh, Chocolate?... As the day..." Ben laughed questionably, watching Carlos lick his colocated hand.

Continuously, he moved on to the next which is me, he continued but paused to wince as my offered handshake seemed to nearly break his hand with my sharp claws digging into his skin, leaving a small scratch. However, a warning glance from Mal, Evie, and Harley made me stop. "As the day our two peoples began to heal." He finished his speech by continued shaking Evie's quickly offered hand.

"Or the day that you showed five people where the bathrooms are." Mal interrupted with clear sarcasm as she bounced on her heels. Making all of us, the Isleians hold in our giggles even Harley too but not Audrey.

Ben sighed but chuckled as he smiled warmly, "A little over the top?" Not even offended by Mal's sarcasm. "A little more than a little bit," she replied.

"Well, so much for my first impression." The two shared a smile, Audrey's gaze darting back and forth between them and jealousy sprouting immediately.

Well, aren't they hitting it off... This could prove bad for our mission if Mal got distracted by some prince...Oh, what the fuck was I thinking?! This was Mal for the moon's sake, not some damsel-in-distress.

"Hey!" Audrey sounded friendly but had annoyance and jealousy behind her eyes, and was beginning to grow more possessive by the second, "You're Maleficent's daughter, aren't you?" she asked rudely. "Yeah, you know, I totally do not blame your mother for trying to kill my parents and stuff." Mal made a face that says 'is this girl for real?' before figuring out what her game was; pink and blue with roses galore and prissy perfect hair? You guessed it…

"Oh, my mom's Aurora, Sleeping—" Audrey said before she was cut off by Mal.

"—Beauty," Mal interrupted, her face morphing into a false, cheery expression that did not hide her rage well but wanted the stupid awkwardness to end. "Yeah, I've heard the name. And, you know, I totally do not blame your grandparents for inviting everyone in the whole world, but my mother, to their stupid christening." She replied, her voice and smile dripping with bitter sarcasm.

Audrey tried to recover with another fake grin, "Water under the bridge…" she said with a nonchalant wave of her hand.

"Totes!" said Mal before the two of them laughed with a dramatic sigh before glaring at each other with daggers. A special glare that only girls could do; I learned the hard way with Evie and Kaiss, don't ask. The look that identified you as the worst enemy, rival, or furious ex-girlfriend. It made Evie and I look at each other with a smirk and shake our heads. Oh, Mal…

Ben could sense that everyone wanted the tension to leave so he decided to break the ice and change the subject, "Okay! So how about that tour?" Making us the villains shrugged, clapped his hands together, and smiled, walking towards campus with Audrey clinging to his arm and the villain kids-us except for Harley and I following them.

I watched my friends and back to Harley, who stood awkwardly waiting for me to do something. So, I did something so unvillainy thing, I linked my arm to my other mother's arm, surprising her as we catch up to the gang. Then I linked Evie's arm with my other arm, surprising her too. I noticed Harley relaxed under my linked arm as she held my arm in fondly way and smiled at me and I responded back to her with a wolf grin making her shake her head in amusement.

"You are definably Viridis's daughter for sure." She said with a loving tone as she remembered the memories of my Mama, making Evie agree with her.

"I hope so," I said jokingly to her as she chuckled with amusement.

Then the prince stopped in front of a massive bronze statue of the King, his father. How amazing. I rolled my eyes, glaring at the human-shaped statue, making Harley swat my arm to be good behavior this time. I childishly stick my discolored tongue at her, making my mother respond back with a disdained look at me. Evie tried to cover up her giggles at me and Harley in amusement.

"Auradon Prep, originally built over three hundred years ago and converted into a high school by my father when he became king," Ben explained then pausing before he clapped his hands twice. All of a sudden, the statue changed from a regular human King into a giant and a fairly intimidating bronze statue of King Beast in the form of… well, a fucking Beast!

Mal jumped but quickly coved up by simply looking on blankly, Evie took a step back, Carlos screaming rather girlishly before he jumped into Jay's arms in bride-style, making the son of Jafar not look amused at all. I reacted so badly by trying to attack it but Harley and Evie quickly pulled me back into them, while I was cursing a bit out loud. Making others look at me in a bit of fear, Harley quickly relaxed me by getting the strip of meat out of her pocket and started wiggling it in front of me. Succeeding in distracting me, I simply took the meat off her hand to eat it, standing in a protective stance with my central mixed heterochromia cold eyes watching the Beast for any more sudden movements.

It didn't move…

Ben and Audrey turned to see Cruella De Vil's son absolutely terrified and me, The Big Bad Wolf's Daughter growling loudly as I continued eating the meat in my hand glaring daggers at the morphed statue. "Carlos, Fang, it's okay," Ben said calmly, not the least bit scared of his father's beast form. "my father wanted his statue to morph from beast to man, to remind us that anything is possible."

"Does he shed much?" Mal said slightly sarcastic but also slightly serious which made me smirk as she returned to her normal stance, plucking up her case as she examined the statue.

So that's what the hideous beast always described looks like…

Ben smirked at her, "Yeah, mom won't let him on the couch." Though his voice was serious, Mal got the joke and smirked. As we continued on, Carlos, I and Harley stayed back and I watched Carlos clap twice just like Ben did only for nothing to happen.

I growled with a confused face same with Carlos with a puzzled look, making Harley chuckle at us with amusement. "Carlos! Fang!" Mal called.

"Coming!" Carlos and I replied in unison as we ran along with Harley to catch up with them.

As they strode into the school, Mal had had enough of the formalities and decided to get straight to the point of why we are here for. "So, you guys have a lot of magic here in Auradon. Like… wands, and things like that?" she asked, trying not to sound too impatient.

Ben just smiled, again. "Yeah, it exists, of course. But it's pretty much retired," He explained, "most of us here are just, ordinary mortals."

"Who just, happens to be kings and queens?" Mal added with a smirk. Ben looked like he was about to reply, but of course, the princess of snobs had to interrupt. Again. Making Harley growled in irritation at her which about to murder her but I had no choice but to hold her back from it.

"That's true!" Audrey squeaked. "Our royal blood goes back hundreds of years." She said a while she skillfully pulled Ben's arm around her shoulders, once again showing whose boyfriend he belonged to. Making her point as if the very words were daggers into the heart that Mal didn't have. I think…

I scoffed, "Belle was just a village girl before she married the beast. And Harley, the Red Riding Hood is also a village girl too and even married to the Big Bad Wolf." I gestured to Harley who nodded in agreement with me.

I pointed a thumb at Evie, "So does Evie's." Audrey gave me the so-called evil look. The young she-wolf moi shrugged in a not caring way, "But, oh, wait, I recalled that my mother dearest," I pointed at Harley, whom she smirked mischievously while Evie smiled at me, "she is the 'visiting royal princess' so she does have a status here." I put finger quotes around visiting royal princess with a smirk as the prissy princess tried to think of a remark at me.

Audrey attempted to wrap Ben's arm around her shoulders but he easily untangled himself to get away from her. He then spotted a boy on the stairs to his left.

A boy with glasses and rather a lanky appearance in a band uniform.

The prince approached one of the band members, "Doug, come down here." He called, making the young man look up from his book and smiled at Ben before noticing us and then rushing down the stairs to meet us eagerly.

Ben gestured to the boy, "This is Doug," then he was about to say more but a loud angry female voice cut him off,


Everyone turned towards the door where a tall, lanky young man with short, auburn hair and with small hat raced in, skidding to pass between us and Ben along with Doug and Audrey. The clothing that he has kinda gives us a huge easy clue that screams that he is the son of Aladdin and Queen Jasmine. He put a stop to our far right and laughed mockingly at our left where a voice come from as he quickly avoided the snow magic aimed at him.

He took a mocking look that missed the angry girl, then took off at the other way from her while still laughing before she threw another ball of her snow magic at him.

I gaped at the angry girl, she was so pretty that I have ever seen just like Freddie and Kaiss are hotties…

She's really pretty, I'm telling you.

She has a slender build, a bit darker blue eyes, rosy cheeks, thin light blue lips, a small nose, long messy platinum blonde hair, and very pale skin with a light dusting of freckles, she wears an ice blue sweater with a graphic that reads "JUST LET IT GO" in bold white letters, she has a rope-like necklace with five small decorations on in it, she few sliver and blue earrings on each of her ears. She wears black sparkly sweatpants, and grey furry boots on.

Then as she calmed down as she ruffle up her hair in an irritated way and she finally noticed us staring at her, she blushed a little bit and said "Sorry about that…Anyway, I'm Jada of Arendelle," she gave us a small curtsey without a dress then as introduced herself in a poised way but until she looked at me, "k-known as…d-daughter of…Snow Queen…E-Elsa…" She trailed off, tripped over herself a little, and stuttered a bit, kept staring into my bright glowing electric blue with bright emerald green surrounding random around my central mixed heterochromia slitted eyes. She looked a step closer to me as I did too, too fascinated with each other as she twirled the string of her platinum blonde hair, forgetting everyone was around us.

Then Ben cleared his throat out loud, snapping out of Jada's and my interest in each other, we both step back with a red faces. I noticed Evie and Harley smirking at me, with mischievous glints in their eyes. Oh no, I have doomed myself.

Not again, why do I have so many caring, loving mischievous people in my life? Even my own mothers too!?

Jada clears her throat and straightens up. "Anyway, I'm Jada and you are…" she smiles at me, offering her hand to me to handshake. But I did differently, I accepted her hand and kiss her hand while looking at her dark blue eyes as I huskily said "Viridis."

I stared into her eyes, "Viridis Fang Midas but you can call me Fang…"

A blush covers Jada's face as I smirk in return. "Fang," I said, stepping forward like Evie would do, "daughter of Big Bad Wolf and Red Riding Hood." My short announcement surprised my friends even Doug, Jada, and Harley but she smiled happily that I accepted her as my mother along with Mama.

I guess I have accepted her as my mother thanks to my Mama.

"So, um, good thing that Jada had joined us, they are going to help you with your class schedules and show you guys to your dorms," Ben explained as Doug and Jada scampered to his side with a bright smile but Jada's smile at me mostly.

"Ah, I see, then it is such a delight to see new faces here, especially the cute Wolfe one," She purposely said the last part to me which I grumbled at her while everyone hid their laughs and sent a smirk towards Ben. "but I thought the Golden Boy here would back out before you even came."

Ben rolled his eyes as he quickly mocking face to the princess of Arendelle which she responded back to him too but Harley sighed, having to use the 'aunt card' put a stop to their silly bickering. They both obeyed my red-cloaked mother as Ben mumbled at her which caused Jada in return mumbled retort back at him that we couldn't hear them, walking around over to stand with his prissy girlfriend.

"I told you, I wouldn't! Jada." He said seriously to Jada then glancing back at Mal again, he added, "I'll see you later, okay?" he then turned to us the other villains, "If there's anything you need feel free to—"

"Ask Doug and Jada." Audrey very nearly snapped with that fake sweet smile at us, noticing that her Benny-Boo was getting a bit too friendly with Mal which she didn't like. Not even one bit. Making Harley facepalm to her forehead, I have a feeling that she does it a lot around Audrey.

The purpled-haired girl just laughed sarcastically again, Audrey joining in as the two had a secret glare battle again. The awkward silence probably would go on for the rest of the day if the prissy princess didn't pull Ben away to only God knows where, leaving Doug, Jada, and Harley with us, the villains.

"Well, now she's out of the picture," Jada said with a 'thank god the brat is gone' tone, looking at Ben and Audrey disappearing away before turning to look at us but mostly at me, "It's nice to meet you guys even Miss Midas," she smiles again, walking up to me then she leaned over to my cheek, giving it a kiss.

My body froze as my mind went blank and my tail went limp. Making my friends and Harl- no Mom laugh at me as Jada poke me, trying to snap me out of it but nothing works.

"Hi, guys," Doug greeted, adding a little wave. "I'm Dopey's son, as in Dopey, Doc, Bashful, Happy, Grumpy, Sleepy, and..." He paused as Evie got his eye. "High-ho!"

I suddenly take over my body and snort as Dopey saw Evie, making Mom squat my arm and Jada step on my foot and pull my tail lights.

"Evie, Evil Queen's daughter," Evie introduced as she ignored me, sauntering closer to Doug, making me roll my eyes as I gag. Evie used her special glare at puts me in my place which makes me jump back a little.

"Well, so, about your classes...I put in the requirements already... The history between pirates, Safety Rules for the Internet, and..." Doug cleared his throat as Mal peered over his shoulder. "Remedial Goodness 101."

"Let me guess, new class?" Mal questioned, eating some hard candy she probably swiped from the limo. Doug nodded, a sheepish look on his face.

Evie continued to look him up and down, twirling a strand of her blue hair. "Come on, guys. Let's go find our dorms." All of us the villain kids but my Mom and Jada followed Mal up the staircase.

Harley rolled her eyes, before facing Doug. "Where exactly are my daughter and her friend's dorms?"

Making Jada look at the lovestruck boy as she smack his back a bit hard.

Making Doug jerk out of his daydream, most likely caused by Evie, and point in the opposite direction of where the majority of the villains were going. "Oh, yeah, your dorms are that way, guys."

The group quickly retreated as Doug tried to list all of his uncles along with his father. "Dopey, Doc, Bashful, Happy, Grumpy, Sleepy, and..." Carlos paused next to him, supplying, "Sneezy." The young half-dwarf let his head fall back with a groan before an elbow to the side brought him back to a certain monkey troublemaker.

"So, Doug, do you know the name of the others too," questioned Jada, staring off after the wolf girl that had captured her attention.

"What? Oh, that was Evie…" Doug answered.

"No, caribou! I meant the girl with purple hair, beanie boy, and white hair boy…" Jada asked with annoyance in her tone.

"Oh. I believe..." Doug quickly scanned his clipboard. "the purple one's name is...Mal, daughter of…Maleficent?! The beanie boy is Jay, the son of Jafar! And lastly the white hair one is Carlos, son of Cruella!!"

Jada sighed, still staring in the direction I had gone off with my mom and my friends, chatting. "It matters not who their parents are. That they are nothing like them…" she said wisely.

"How can you tell?" Doug asked with a confused look.

Jada looked at Doug with determination look on her face, she smiled and answered "Well that's because I saw Fang's love in her eyes. Her love for her friends and the growing fond for Mrs.Red too.."

As Doug and Jada watched us and Mom heading to our dorms.

I followed the others through the halls, soon splitting off from the boys to find our own room in the girls' dormitory.

My mom warned me, "To be warned when you see your room, Fang. Try not to scream like your mother did when I showed her to my room." She looked at me with a grimace like she knew that I would do as Mama did in the past. I nodded, with my finger crossing behind my back not believing her that I would react as my mama did.

Sorry, mom no promises.

Once we found the door with our names, Mal, Evie, and I let themselves in, gaping at the room.

I screamed so high-pitched in a girly way, the whole Auradon or maybe the Isle of The Lost probably heard me.

Mom slapped her hand to her mouth as she laughs in amusement and said "Oh my god! You screamed exactly like Viridis!" she struggles to keep herself up, so she had to support herself on the door frame.

I growled at her so loudly, as I looked at our Dorm room. It's so…pink, I shuttered in disgust, glaring at all of the pink, white, and lacey fabric that adorned nearly every inch of the room. Why would they make our room so…princess-y? There's not even a single splatter of paint or fur-anything in sight. Not even a fur rug like Mama has in our house.

"This place is so amaz-" Evie began in an awe-filled voice.

"Gross," Mal deadpanned, also giving the room a look of disgust.

"I know, right?" Evie backtracked, placing her hand on her hip in her usual pose. "Amazingly gross. Ew."

"Ugh, I'm gonna need some serious sunscreen." Mal pointed to the curtains. "E. Fang. Gab." Evie and I nodded, heading towards one of the large windows and yanking the curtains closed. Honestly, in my opinion, the closed curtains did nothing to help the room's appeal. Hopefully, though, they would be able to grab the wand and hightail it back home.

"Phew. That is much better." Mal stated. We all chose a bed.

My Mom chuckles, as she watches us in amusement. She walked toward me and started to caress my cheek as she said "Don't worry about this room, you can change anything you want in this room to your liking."

Evie squealed, dancing while she was sitting on her bed, and asked "Really Mrs.Red?!" Making Mal and I look at Red Riding Hood.

Harley nodded as she answered Evie's question "Yes, and please call me Mrs. Midas instead of Red since the secret is out."

Mal, Evie, and I were shocked that she took my Mama's last to her name. Mom sighed as she saw our shocked faces and sassily said "What? I married your mother, so I have the right to have her name on mine!"

I pulled up my hands in a surrendering way.

Mom went back to our room door, holding the door handle and she said "I gotta go, It's nice to see you again my little wolf, and nice to meet you, Mal, Evie. I'll see you again tomorrow." She smiled at us as she closed the door.

We looked at each other and Evie said "Now, I know why aunt Midas is like that, it was Harley who made her as kind and loving as she is now." I agreed with her.

Which that shocked me the most is that Mal agrees with Evie. So, we all settled in to await the cover of nightfall to commit their heist.

I hope nothing goes wrong this time and it was cool to meet my other mother. It seems that I would have the time to get to know her before we get kicked out of Auradon.

Have some idea about my story or comment on it to let me know if there is something wrong with this chapter or the previous one.

GreatBrownwolfcreators' thoughts