
The Descendant of De'Scorpio Family

A young man who the one last Descendant of his family, trying to get stronger to get revenge and protect his family, and because of his hard work be completely achieve the power that he want

RHASSGOD · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs


For the sake of my family.....for the sake of the pride of our ancestors.... for the sake of my revenge... I, Rhas De'Scorpio descendant of De'Scorpio will put my life in the line in order to get stronger.(Rhas whispering to his self)

(Narrator): The De'Scorpio family is known as the strongest family in Empire, because it posses incredible strong of body that recess any kind of poison and ther bloodline also known as a "BLOOD OF THE GENIUS .

But when Rhas father become Patriarch of our family, he form an alliance to the Lionhart family and because of that the new rule is set, that the our family is forbidden to strengthening their physical body as a respect to the alliance.

Until one day, a large of monster suddenly attack the Empire and the De'Scorpio Elite soldiers including my father and older brother that only 18 yrs old was assign to protect the Frontline, but the problem is there not strong enough to stop that many monster, but because of the tittle of De'Scorpio as a Number one support of a Empire, they can't say no.

And in the ending they stop the attack of the monster but..... All the elite soldiers that send in the battlefield was all die including my father and older brother..... Our family was suffer so much because of that incident, and the worst scenario has begun.

The Lionhart family that form an alliance in De'Scorpio family was betrayed us, they cut the alliance and took the other territory of De'Scorpio family, and we can't do anything because the only left in our family is My mother, my 9 yrs old younger sister, the only 5 knight that guarding us, the butler, maid and me who's only 11 yrs old.


In the first, my mother want to fight because of her sadness that both her husband and son was dead on the same day, and in the other day this Lionhart family bastard want to cut the alliance... I understand why my mother was so angry, but I need to stop her because we can't fight at this sate of our family .

That's why I decided to train both my my physical body strength and our family secret technique, because of the alliance is cut, there's no need for me to not strengthening my physical body, a day after a day, every minute passes is important, that to get stronger is only the way to get my revenge.

After 2 yrs has passed, and I'm 13 yrs old, I decided to go to outside of De'Scorpio territory to train and earn a real experience of battle, but my mother was so worried, that in the first she strongly disagree, but in the last I covince her, I left all the 5 knight of our family that left to guard my mother and sister to make sure their safety .

For the past 3 yrs in the outside of De'Scorpio territory, I encounter different types of monster, my 3 yrs in that place was only battling any kind of monsters that I'm doing, In order to get stronger I need to to defeat all kind of this monster..

After a 3 yrs, I'm finally 15 yrs old in that time, and in same time I'm finally home.