
The denied one

A boy who reincarnate unexpectedly and have a goal to kill gods and demons to succeed his revenge for them, what awaits beyond the wall, will he succeed or not?

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13 Chs


Me and akasha gazing the sun in front of us, yes the sun of yggdrasil. Were really back huh, what a fate, said by me with a calming voice, looks like someone cast us a force-summoned magic. As soon as akasha said that someone cast us a magic something came up in my mind, This magic cannot use by a normal human, humans can use this if he or she have high mana in his body, respond by me to what akasha said, so what are you saying, said by akasha with serious face, it can be human with a high mana in their body i guess? said by me, so, it could be someone that have a higher mana in this world that summoned us? said by akasha while gazing the scenery of yggdrasil, well we can't say that only humans have that kind of mana tho. As i said that akasha turned her face to me with a little shocked face. A demon? said by akasha with a little nervous face, we don't know, that's why were investigating, first is we will go in the near village from here and ask thing to them, even were from here, were not very familiar in every mages here in yggdrasil, said by me, go to village you say but do you have idea, said by akasha, hmmm well i guess it depends of luck? said by me, you d**k head, said by akasha with irritated face, ok lets go now.

As i said that, we start finding a near village.

While were finding a near village, i guess i will explain to you people some information about this world, well as i said there is magic, and magic need a mana to activate and humans that can use magic is called mages, first let's start with mana, mana is you know a kind of energy source that flows in the body of a creature it can be humans, animals, and not just this creature that have a mana, well, before humans and animals were born in this universe, there is what you call ancient being

there are type of those we will start with the angels, well this beings like a military squad of gods and there are said to be a guardian of human baby too and said to be a guide for human that died and they will guide that human souls to the afterlife, my information about them is only limited, I'm not some kind of what you call a sage that knows everything so all can i explain is ends here in angels and we move to the next, well this being what you call a angels natural enemy and you can say one of my long last enemy, they're the demons, from what i heard some of them have power that can rival to the gods but well that's just a rumor and I don't know if angels are too and don't even ask where i got this information well as of now i cannot say so we move to the next, well this what you call descendants of animals i guess? hmm they are the mythical beasts well there are many types of them. It can be dragon, phoenix, satyr well i don't know all of them, all i know is three but they said that they have a enough power to kill demons and angels but not a god haha, and lastly the one created all this things, creature. The gods, i don't know much of them but it is said that they create this angels, humans and mythical beasts. I don't know if demons too but all i know is my hatred against gods and demons and someday i will succeed to that with my very own hand.

While were walking and narrating things we saw a person lying down near the trees, and as i saw that person i run with the fast speed to go to that person. Hey!!! are you alright hey hey!!! as we grab and lean that person in the tree, we determined that she's a girl although she looks like a boy with her short hair but well she's cute so nevermind, and we found out that she's unconscious is because she drained too much of mana, well if a being that has mana drain or use too much of it that he or she will lost unconscious or gonna lost lots of stamina.

Several hours have passed and she got back in her conscious, she was so surprised when she wake up that there is a unfamiliar face in her front and because of that she jump like a cat and hide behind the tree.

Heyyy were not going to eat or kill you, don't be scared like that, said by me, ummm who are you people? did you save me ? said by the girl with a little nervous voice and face, yeah, your lying down in the ground so i thought that you died or what, i panicked you know, said by me, well thank you for that mister, said by the girl that has calm for a moment, anyway why are you here? it looks like you lost conscious for the reason that you drained your mana, are you fighting somebody here? said by akasha, well i was killing some animals and it is my first time to use magic so i used too much of it and i can't control well, said by the girl, why are you killing some animals, said by me with questioned face, the truth is my father disappeared last week and we don't have a stock of food and we don't have money either so i thought maybe i will hunt some animals for our food with my siblings, said by the girl with little teary eyes, your father disappeared? why? said by me, i don't know last week in early in the morning he left to go to work and usually in night he's coming home and bring us food but he didn't come home and day passed he didn't come home in our house, said by the girl, hmmm ok looks like you have serious problem huh, ok let us help you, said by me, huh??? what are you saying? did we talk about investigating who summoned....

As soon as akasha will say their goal thrice give her a signal that she shouldn't say that.

ok little girl if you're hunting in this forest does that mean there is a near village and there is your house right? said by me, yes mister, responded by the girl, ok then we go now but first we will hunt some animals for your siblings and your food since mister here does not have penny haha, said by me, umm ok, said by the girl, by the way what's your name little girl? asked by me, rena my name is rena modarn, said by little girl or rena, rena huh what a beautiful name and for your information mister's name is thrice and this girl is akasha, nice to meet you, said by me while akasha turn her face away from that girl with little irritated feelings.

And as soon as we finished hunting animals we walk now to go to the hometown of rena.

(Well kids don't know about the mages so guess i will just gather some information to the people of village and if this kids father disappearance have some connections to the mages, well then i guess we will stay for the little time to investigate more about this), said by me in inner mind.