
CH:1 The meeting

It was just a normale monday Amelie walking in to class and as usual her best freind sunshine reading her book at the back of class with her headphones in listening to punk rock amelie sits to the desk next to sunshine and sees she has brought a snack with her to class amelie hungry becuse she always skips breakfast goes to reach for the snack but all of the sudden over the top of sunshine book there are a brown and green eye piercing at her over the book with the only thing that could scare amelie "the stare" sunshines deep voice piercing threw the air "dont you dare amelie with a worry face mixed with embarrassment scoots her chair back to the desk she had placed her books for all of her classes. The teacher walked by the window the class scaperd back to there seats and all went quiet sunshine sitting up straight sneaking her headphones back in to her bag quickly for a prank places the back of chips on to amelies desk once the teacher walked by she had seen the bag of chips on amelies desk and spoke loud and clear announcing almost like she was talking to the class she says in a angry tone amelie is to go to detention amelie whispers over to sunny "I'm going to kill you" after class amelie heads over to detention opens the door to sit at the back of the classroom just as she is about to take out classwork a young handsome boy who had ash blond silk hair and beutiful red eyes sits next to amelie and with a deep calming voice ask amelie you arnt usually in detention are you amelie asking how do you know that the charming boy replies well you are holding on to you book bag like you have a gun in it.

To be continued~

hi peeps I'm can only post on Fridays and dearing the weekends also sorry if something is spelled wrong I'm only 11 so sorry😅