
The Demonic Mage: Werewolves Demon alpha

Dylan junior, one if the best mercenary in the whole galaxy. Gets arrested for cosmic disturbance and is expelled from existence by the cosmic guardian. In this process, the Angel of hell Lucifer sends his soul to earth then later gave him life again but in another reality in order for him to escape the cosmic guardians. Dylan later reincarnated and found himself in the body of a new born. "Where the fuck am I?" Dylan wanted to ask but what came out were soft baby coos. "Isn't he a cute brat." A woman in old clothing said as she creased his cheeks. "We'll name him Damien." A man who stood beside him said. "What the fuck have you done Luci....'

RegalK · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
29 Chs


Dean stood at the balcony of his house; he had already sent several messengers to form a search party to find his son. A look of worry was on his face, Luke stood behind him, he looked at the trident which was a gift from his own brother. The brother who he couldn't save, he really missed Damien, he was looking forward to hunting with him. But now, he was nowhere to be found. Karl on the other hand, didn't eve care whether he died or even lived, all he knew was that his problem was gone, and he was happy about it.


Damien kept walking around, trying to find a clue. Fay also floated behind him as usual, looking at the people who sometimes walk through her in disgust.

"We've been surrounding this city, how the f***k do we find them?" Damien asked.

"I don't know, ask what you have" Fay replied.

[Pack located.]

Damien was angry upon seeing the message, he had been circling the city for good two hours and the system just thought of jumping in now? Nevertheless, Damien still smiled amidst all the anger.

"Well , well." Damien said. A holographic survey of the entire kingdom displayed in front of him. He didn't need to keep on thinking about it, the red dot was definitely his pack. Damien rushed to a corner to avoid the guards who were searching for him. As soon as they discovered that they weren't in their cell, an alarm was rang to tell the citizen that there was an escape convict. Damien navigated the map as he walked to the ascertained location which seemed to be in the king's castle. One problem stood out of all, how was he going to get in with this guards guarding the castle walls, this was impossible to accomplish and he desperately needed Toshiro. An speak of the devil, Toshiro bumped into Damien who was busy mapping out possible plans of entry. Damien was taken off his feeat, as he rolled down the floor.

"Stand down." The guards ordered as the closed in on them.

"What the f*** man." Toshiro didn't reply to Damien's word, but only dragged him into a portal as fast as he could. The both now found themselves in the king's castle. Damien dragged Toshiro, and then shoved him to the wall, holding his shirt by the waist.

"What, I had to come back for you." Toshiro said as he started dusting his clothes once again.

"What's with you and clothes?" Damien asked.


Several guards surrounded them, accompanied by an old man in red robes. The old man's eyes widened when he saw the face of the boy.

'Isn't this Dean son, they are very identical, very!'

"What did I say about leaving my side?" The old man asked the both of them who only stared at him with confused looks.

"Don't mind this silly kids, they're with me." The old man said before commanding the guards to leave.

"Aren't you Damien Dean?" The Supreme Mage asked.

"Yes?" Damien replied with a confused look.

"What the hell are you doing here? Right from Euathia to here" The supreme mage said.

"Some bullies threw I and my pack through a portal, which led me here." Damien replied, bowing his head down.

"And what of you?" The supreme mage asked.

"He's my friend, also tried to help me but he also got himself in trouble." Damien said with watery eyes.

"Don't worry, I'll get you and your friend home." The supreme Mage replied.

"Can you find my Pack?" Damien asked,

He didn't know who the man was, and didn't care, as far as he knew who he was and could offer him help, a small lie would do. Fay only stood above smiling, the supreme mage took Damien and Toshiro to where the beast were kept. It was also a prison, with the resemblance of where they once were. The beasts were each chained by beast forged chains. The guards quickly granted them access when they saw the Supreme Mage. Damien sighted the Crimson wolves, but couldn't find Raaz, he looked around and soon found him staying in a cage alone. The supreme mage opened the cages and released them, all without moving his hand. Damien was amazed by this type of ability, but it was not like he would expect any less. Damien embraced his wolves who howled slowly. The supreme Mage had already created a portal for their exit. Toshiro dragged Damien up then took him to a corner.

"What the hell did you just do?" Toshiro asked.

"Saved my pack?"

"No, I'll have to walk through that portal with you!! The supreme Mage wouldn't believe me, and I'm not going to jail again!" Toshiro said out of anger.

"What, do you have a home?" Damien asked, he knew this was the perfect question that would strike down Toshiro. Toshiro only stammered as tears started forming in his eyes.

"Walking through that portal, I'm granting you a new life, a life where you don't need to run." Explained.

"Are you going in or…" The supreme Mage said after noticing their behavior.

"You now have a choice to make." Damien said as he freed himself from Toshiro's grip. He walked into the portal along with his alpha.

"Aren't you going with your friend?" The supreme mage asked.

Toshiro only bowed his head then walked into the portal, a new world where he didn't know what he would meet at the other side. One thing was that he knew for sure, it was either pain, or suffering.

Dean couldn't stop staring at the empty air, his hands were folded, as he looked at the large town of Euathia. He was steering deep into his own thoughts when a black void opened above him, then a note dropped. Dean eyes brightened as soon as he read the letter. He looked back at look then smiled, Luke was sad and didn't know the reason for the sudden change in his dad's mood, all he could do was put on a fake smile.

"Damien's home."