
Chapter 21 Turmoil at the School Gate!

Translator: 549690339

Days passed by.

One day, Xia Shiyun was doing practice problems in the classroom when Li Shanshan ran over angrily.

"Shiyun, how can you sit here studying as if nothing's happened?"

Xia Shiyun looked up, puzzled, "What happened?"

"Xiao Chen, he's now the school's number one hot topic, everywhere he goes people are talking about him."

"That seems to have nothing to do with me, right?"

"Of course, it does! First, Xiao Chen played the piano for you at your birthday party, and then he drew for Ling Xiaozhu. Everyone is saying you can't compare to Ling Xiaozhu; otherwise, Xiao Chen wouldn't have transferred his affections."

Hearing this, Xia Shiyun's expression faintly flickered but she soon responded indifferently,

"People can say whatever they want, I can't control their mouths."

"I know you don't care about these things, but what about Xiao Chen, are you just going to give up on him?"