
Chapter 13: Stunning the Four Seats!

Translator: 549690339

"The Piano Master Wu Fang?"

This name definitely carried a shock factor.

Over twenty years ago, Wu Fang had skyrocketed to fame with his performance of his own composition "Dawn" in Vienna's Golden Hall, cementing his reputation as a piano master.

In the following years, he attended various music festivals and held several large solo concerts, hailed by the Western media as "a great musician that only comes once a century."

However, recently, due to health and age, he had faded from the music scene, and was rarely seen in public anymore.

"It's really Master Wu Fang!"

"I had heard that Xia Shiyun became a disciple of Master Wu Fang before, but I always thought it was just a rumor. Who would have guessed it was true?"

Once people learned of Wu Fang's identity, they flocked over to greet him and cozy up, demonstrating great enthusiasm.

Wu Fang smiled and waved his hand, saying, "Ladies and gentlemen, do not get things backwards. Today, Shiyun is the main character, I'm merely here to join in the fun."

Xia Shiyun said, "Teacher, you've tutored me in piano for two years, and I would like to seize this opportunity to perform a piece as my answer sheet, and ask for your critique, Teacher."

Wu Fang replied, "Very well, this will add some pleasure before the banquet begins."

The others also clapped and cheered, looking forward to Xia Shiyun's performance.

Wu Fang was not a person swayed by wealth or status; had Xia Shiyun not possessed true musical talent, he would never have taken her on as a disciple—no matter how rich the Xia Family might be.

"Then Shiyun will humbly offer a performance!"

Xia Shiyun bowed slightly and then instructed the servants to move the piano out, placing it in a central position.

Li Shanshan naturally could not continue following Xia Shiyun and stepped aside.

"Shan Shan, come here!"

A group of young men and women waved and called her over. They were classmates of Xia Shiyun and Li Shanshan, invited to the banquet and gathered in their own circle.

Li Shanshan glanced at them, but instead of walking toward them, she went in a different direction.

It was toward the place where Xiao Chen and Xiao Yufei were.

A male classmate asked in confusion, "What's Shan Shan doing? Does she know Xiao Yufei?"

"Who is Xiao Yufei?" another asked.

"She's that cold and alluring beauty who is no less charming than Xia Shiyun, the CEO of Xiao Cosmetics Company, rumored to have a deep relationship with the Xia Family."

"Wow, should we go over and chat her up, too?"

"Let's go!"

Beautiful women always attracted attention, and the boys had already noticed Xiao Yufei; they simply didn't have the chance to approach her. Now, Li Shanshan had unwittingly helped them.

"Hmph, a bunch of lechers, so disgraceful!"

The girls looked on with disdain, but they followed suit, as they were all part of the same group.


"Hey, you're Xiao Chen, right?"

A saccharine voice reached Xiao Chen's ears. He looked up, puzzled, at Li Shanshan, "You know me?"

"Hehe, I'm Shiyun's best friend, Li Shanshan!" Li Shanshan sat down next to Xiao Chen very familiarly, squinting with a smile, "Can we get to know each other?"

Li Shanshan's classmates also arrived and were disappointed to see that she was chatting up Xiao Chen instead of Xiao Yufei.

Wasn't this akin to picking a lump of cow dung next to a pearl?

"Shan Shan, who is he?" a male classmate couldn't help asking.

Li Shanshan said mysteriously, "His name is Xiao Chen, Shiyun's childhood friend. They've grown up together since they were kids!"

Upon hearing this, the expressions of those boys turned lively, some jealous, some frustrated, some resentful.

They shared the same class with Xia Shiyun and knew they were no match for her. While they didn't have inappropriate thoughts about Xia Shiyun, they voluntarily acted as her protectors.

Any guy pursuing Xia Shiyun would trigger their vigilance.

In over two years of high school, Xia Shiyun had never been particularly close to any boy, which reassured them that she had never had a boyfriend.

But now out of the blue there's a childhood friend?

"Shan Shan, is he really Shiyun's childhood friend?" a tall boy asked, eyeing Xiao Chen with increasing displeasure.

The other boys more or less also looked down on Xiao Chen, thinking, since he was a childhood friend, couldn't he dress a bit more formally for the birthday party? Just wearing casual clothes was a bit too careless, wasn't it?

Li Shanshan said, "Shiyun told me herself, could there be any falsehood? Don't be unconvinced, at least he's better looking than you guys."

"Exactly, his attractiveness is higher than you guys, and attractiveness is justice!"

A few girls echoed Li Shanshan, not because they were truly infatuated with Xiao Chen, but simply wanting to take a jab at those lecherous boys.

The boys became even more irritated, what's the use of being handsome? Without talent or family background, one could only act as a pretty face.

Besides, at best this guy was not ugly, he was somewhat tall, but that didn't mean he was extraordinarily handsome.

Xiao Chen was speechless, he and Xiao Yufei were comfortably sitting there when suddenly a bunch of people came over babbling nonstop, occasionally looking at him with eyes filled with skepticism and scorn, which was utterly nonsensical.

Xiao Chen looked towards Xiao Yufei, and Xiao Yufei shrugged, making a helpless expression.

Fortunately, Xia Shiyun's performance was about to start, and Li Shanshan and the others finally quieted down.

Or rather, the entire place quieted down, listening intently.

The lights converged, and Xia Shiyun became the sole focus of the room, the brightest star.

She sat gracefully, her delicate fingers lightly placed on the keyboard.

Striking, sound rising, the movement began.

The clear and beautiful melody, like a river in spring, flowed through people's hearts, evoking a sense of joy and pleasure.

At that moment, everyone was entranced, as if intoxicated, all their troubles turned into smoke of the past.

With eyes closed, in the depths of their minds, envisioned scenes emerged.

They sang on stage, expressing their talents.

They danced in the shadows, enjoying their moods alone.

They frolicked in the fields, squandering their youth.

They ran under the blue sky, chasing their dreams.


The music ended, fingers paused, the piece concluded.

Xia Shiyun rose gracefully, bowed deeply, the performance coming to a close.

Clap clap clap clap!

The audience immediately erupted into warm applause and words of praise.

"So beautiful to listen to!"

"A perfect performance, not only is Miss Xia beautiful, but her musical talent is also amazing. In time, she will surely become the brightest star in the music world."

"That piece seemed to possess a 'Magic Power', utterly captivating. I nearly couldn't snap out of it."

"Yes, Miss Xia is still in high school, yet her piano skills are so profound, truly admirable!"

In response to everyone's comments, Xia Shiyun merely gave a polite smile, then turned towards Wu Fang.

"Teacher, please point out the shortcomings in my performance."

Wu Fang laughed and praised, "Whether a performance is successful can be judged by the reaction of the audience, and I think my evaluation is superfluous."

Upon hearing this, Xia Shiyun said happily, "Thank you, Teacher!"

"The master leads you to the door, but the practice is up to you. Your accomplishments today are all down to your hard work. However, you have indeed made me proud, haha..."

Wu Fang laughed heartily, clearly very satisfied with Xia Shiyun's performance.

"Congratulations to Master Wu Fang on having such a good disciple!"

"Congratulations, congratulations!"

"Likewise, congratulations to Miss Xia, on your birthday and your moment of accomplishment."

Xia Shiyun exchanged pleasantries with them, her gaze sweeping over the venue, looking for Li Shanshan.

Finally, she saw Li Shanshan sitting next to Xiao Chen, and her group of classmates was also there.

Hesitating for a moment, knowing she couldn't avoid it, she still stepped forward and walked over.