
Chapter 11 Birthday Party!

On the bank of Qing Lake, a man in his forties or fifties dressed in a long robe was sitting up straight with his eyes closed, holding a fishing rod as if he were fishing.

On the other side stood Feng Qian from Renbao Pavilion, respectfully keeping his place, prattling on about something.

"Mr. Du, that's how things have gone!"

The man in the long robe opened his eyes and said with an unfazed expression, "It's just a young brat. Even if he were lucky enough to cultivate Inner Strength, how formidable could he be?"

Hearing this, Feng Qian became anxious and said, "Mr. Du, that kid is quite unnatural. Not long ago, he used a chopstick to pierce through Zhao Lang's shoulder from a distance of four or five meters, the half of the chopstick sticking into the wall."

The man in the long robe sneered and said, "Feng Qian, you're saying all this just because you want me to take action and avenge you, right?"

"This... I just think the kid is of unknown origin and too arrogant, showing no respect for anyone, let alone Mr. Du."

Feng Qian flattered him, saying:

"Moreover, Zhao Biao seems to have plans for that kid and wants to recruit him. It's possible that he could harm your interests in the future."

The man in the long robe listened and set the fishing rod down, standing up.

"Zhao Biao is not very strong, but his ambition is certainly swelling. These past few years, if it weren't for my help in holding up appearances, his turf would have been swallowed up long ago."

"Exactly, Mr. Du has been so wholeheartedly helping him, yet he is thinking about betraying you, it's really vile!"

The man in the long robe glanced at Feng Qian and sneered, "Feng Qian, how can you say such bad things about Zhao Biao when he's your boss? If he finds out, do you think he'd spare you?"

Feng Qian shivered and immediately changed his tune, saying, "What I mean to say is, it's all that kid's fault. He's trying to undermine the relationship between Mr. Du and Boss Zhao."

The man in the long robe wore a contemplative look and, after a long while, said, "Although you seem to be stirring up trouble, I am indeed curious to meet him."


With no leads on Spirit Jade or Spiritual Medicine, Xiao Chen could only temporarily give up and settle down to be a homebody, continuing to cultivate his Spiritual Power with the Imperial Polar Transforming Immortal Technique.

It was just five o'clock in the afternoon when Xiao Yufei came back unusually early, much to Xiao Chen's surprise.

"Home from work so early today?"

Xiao Yufei shot him a look, saying, "Didn't I tell you? Today is Shiyun's eighteenth birthday, and we're going to the Xia Family tonight. Don't tell me you forgot."


Xiao Chen had indeed forgotten; unknowingly, a week had already passed!

Xiao Yufei urged him, "There isn't much time left, hurry up and get ready."

"I don't need to get ready, I'm fine as I am, ready to go at any time."

As a cultivator, Xiao Chen's body circulated with Spiritual Power, not only preventing any dirt from accumulating on his body, but also emitting a mysterious and elusive aura.

"You look clean indeed, but I think you should change into formal attire. Given the Xia Family's status today, there might be many social elites attending the banquet. Besides, you haven't seen Shiyun for so long; you should leave her with a good impression."

Xiao Chen disagreed, saying, "No need, we are just going there to show our faces, nothing more. We aren't the main characters."

"Do you really think that way?"

The less Xiao Chen seemed to care, the more Xiao Yufei suspected he was avoiding Shiyun.

Just like in the past, in order to distance himself and break off his relationship with Xia Shiyun, he insisted on staying back in his hometown to study alone.

Is he perhaps still lingering on thoughts of Xia Shiyun?

"Fine, have it your way. But I need to take a bath and change clothes; wait for me a bit."


After taking a bath, Xiao Yufei changed into a pristine white dress, and after a bit of grooming, her presence ascended to another level. Tall and graceful, she looked ethereal.

Xiao Chen's gaze was unabashedly fixed on Xiao Yufei, purely admiring her beauty without any other thoughts.

"What's wrong, doesn't it look good?"

Xiao Yufei's face blushed slightly; she rarely wore such dresses, and seeing Xiao Chen constantly looking at her made her feel awkward, thinking it might not look good.

"What nonsense are you talking, it's beautiful!" Xiao Chen said with a smile as he complimented her.


Xiao Yufei happily twirled around, shedding the aloofness of a female CEO, resembling an innocent young girl untouched by the world.

After all, she was only twenty-one this year, an age when most girls would still be in university.

"Let's go, we're off to the Xia Family!"

Xiao Yufei opened the car door, got into the driver's seat, and Xiao Chen followed into the back seat.


The Xia Group had now gone public, with assets reaching ten billion, and it goes without saying that its founder, Xia Mingfeng, was personally very wealthy. He was even once named one of Jiangnan's top ten outstanding entrepreneurs.

The Xia family owned a high-end villa where the party was being held.

When Xiao Chen and the others arrived at the Xia family estate, the night had already fully fallen. Although the party had not yet started, quite a few people had already arrived.

A small part of them were young people, probably friends or classmates of Xia Shiyun, while the vast majority were distinguished figures from society, dressed formally and looking dignified.

Nobody in the Xia family didn't recognize Xiao Yufei, and no one was unaware of the relationship between the Xia and Xiao families, so the two didn't need invitations to enter.

Upon entering, Xiao Yufei quickly became the center of attention, admired by the men and envied by the women.

The situation was the exact opposite for Xiao Chen. Many looked at him with clear skepticism in their eyes.

Xiao Chen could only touch his nose and say, "Maybe I should have listened to you and changed into another set of clothes before coming!"

For this caliber of party, it was rather high-end. Although he wore a clean set of casual clothes, they were certainly not very formal.

Xiao Yufei, on the other hand, advised, "Now that we are here, don't mind how others look at you. Uncle Xia won't mind."



Meanwhile, Xia Mingfeng was greeting guests on the other side.

A Xia family servant came up and whispered, "Master, Miss Yufei has arrived!"

Xia Mingfeng glanced over at Xiao Chen and Xiao Yufei before saying to his guests, "Excuse me for a moment."

As he spoke, Xia Mingfeng turned and walked over towards them.

"Yufei, you've arrived!"

Xiao Yufei responded with a smile, "Uncle Xia!"

Xiao Chen hesitated for a moment and didn't speak.

"Xiao Chen, why don't you greet him?" Xiao Yufei tugged at Xiao Chen's sleeve.

Xia Mingfeng didn't seem to mind Xiao Chen's demeanor and instead laughed, saying,

"Xiao Chen is still the same, not much of a talker. That won't do. In today's society, communication is more important than talent. We are family. If you are like this even in front of me, it's going to be even harder when you're out in the world."

"Uncle Xia is right. You really should change," Xiao Yufei joined in.

Xiao Yufei had thought that Xiao Chen's disposition had improved over the past few days because he wasn't as afraid of her as he was before and would even occasionally smile.

But now, he was again showing a distant attitude, not even willing to call out "Uncle Xia."

In Xiao Yufei's memory, Xiao Chen used to be quite lively as a child. It was only because of the Xia Shiyun incident and his solitary schooling back home for two years that he developed an introverted character, disliking conversation with others.

That was why Xiao Yufei insisted on Xiao Chen transferring schools—she wanted to spend more time with him and help him change back to the way he was.

"Yufei, you and Xiao Chen make yourselves at home tonight. I have an important guest arriving later, and I'm afraid I won't be able to attend to you the whole time."

Xiao Yufei replied, "Uncle Xia, go on with your business. Don't worry about us!"

"Alright, enjoy yourselves!"

After saying that, Xia Mingfeng left.

Xiao Yufei looked at Xiao Chen with slight annoyance and asked, "What was wrong with you just now?"

"Nothing, I was just thinking about some issues," he replied.

"What issues?"

Xiao Chen shook his head, not intending to answer, and found a table to sit down at.

Xiao Yufei felt helpless.

Character is not something that changes overnight; warming Xiao Chen out of his coldness needed a gentle and gradual approach, one step at a time.

"Alright, if you don't want to talk about it, let's drop it. But today is Shiyun's birthday. What gift did you prepare?"