
The Demonic Duo

Levi a young officer. Vesper an aspiring astrologist and Historian. Two unique opposite sides of the spectrum meet and encounter the supernatural together they must overcome things that had been forgotten hundreds of years ago.

LorieMusgrave_1667 · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter 17

He slid into the bed his body seemed to relax easily how could he be so comfortable when she could stake him or through holy water at him at any moment?

"I know what your thinking but your afraid of hurting Levi and your right you will hurt him very much but it wouldn't bother me if you did. "

He said as if it was a normal conversation. She Tiptoed over in a warmer long sleeved outfit with long pants. She crawled into bed quickly. She sat silently in the dark paranoid of falling asleep until she heard the breathing beside her change she was finally able to relax and breath. Her exhaustion soon got the best of her and she passed out.

Dawn woke her sooner then she hoped the bright light shown through the curtains blinding her. Vesper inhaled deeply as she sat up slowly before glancing at Levi who was in silk black pants and topless sprawled on his stomach sleeping very heavily still.

She go up carefully and checked her phone one new message was there.

[ Vesper why is Levi such a weirdo it's like he is from the age of knights and stuff fix it. ]

Vesper swallowed hard realizing Lucy had spoken to flower. She closed her phone and started a coffee pod in the kurig that was in there room before stepping out to the bathroom to change into something suitable for the day. once she was in her warm pants and a long sleeve she stepped out her phones weather predicted snow this morning. She fished out Levi's jacket a black long sleeve and his dark blue jeans she found a pair of socks as well luckily.

" That should be good enough. " She muttered.

Vesper turned to retrieve the coffee and bring it back to the room she herself brewing a hot cup of tea. Sitting gently on the bed she took levi's shoulder and gently shook him.

"Levi wake up please I brought u coffee and some clothes."

A soft groan escaped his lips as he peaked up at Vesper his chest felt cool and bare the coffee smell assaulted his nose his stomach felt like it was in knots.

Vesper sighed in relief at the blue eyes. Levi pushed himself up into a sitting posture his memory was a mess but he vaugly knew where they were it was hazy but he knew somehow.

"Vesper." He said softly his voice was clearer than he pictured as She suddenly buried her face against his chest.

"Ooffff" The wind left his lungs.

"I was so scared. I thought I lost you!"

He felt her draw in a shaking breath.

"Don't cry Vesper I'm here now." He rested his hand atop her head leaning back against the headboard his free hand lifting the sweet bitter coffee to his lips the taste slightly stinging the tounge from the heat.

"Whew." He exhaled as if it was the best thing he had in ages.

"I needed that." He said taking another drink as he patted her head like a puppy. He exhaled deeply.

"Were gonna fix this ves. we're gonna see my dad. we should pack up and get checked out the sooner we get there the sooner this nightmare ends."

His gaze looked cold and dead as if going to see his dad was worse then having a demon inside him.

"O..okay..." She grabbed her bag and quickly went out to load it up while he dressed.

Levi got dressed feeling hungry and a little sick as he did.

"I must be getting sick from all this. " He mumbled to himself as he checked his temp as it was pushing 101.0°F. He ignored it for now and took a fever reducer with another swig of coffee. After he collected his bag and key card and walked downstairs turning in the key as the attendant hurriedly serviced him as if he were gonna snap the poor guy in two.

"Thank you I had a lovely stay."

He said in a gentle tone as if catching the man off guard he smiled before quickly darting off into the office.

Outside Vesper had gotten into the car and was waiting as Levi strode over to the car he grasped the door handle as he leaned down and kissed the roof.

"Thank goodness your in one peice."

He got in after he muttered to himself.

"Did you just kiss your car?"

"Absolutely not " he denied.

"You kissed the cat that is so gross Levi."

"You have no idea ves my car is my baby."

"pfft. okay let's go."