
The Demon War

The beginning of the story involving what we call the demon war that started the story of Dark Decent in the beginning.

Dark_Derrek · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Lord Venomous First Creation (Amara and Evolet)

Venomous: Portal opens to all them walking out of it, Venomous turned around and looked at them both. "I am Lord Venomous, nice to meet you Evolet and Amara." He had a proud smile "Amara you will rule over here and where the souls shall go and Evolet you shall go to the moon and start building there for the next step in excistance."

Amara: Nods "Of course, my lord"

Venomous: "Here is a weapon at hand, I made it myself it shall help you reap the souls." He handed him a scythe. "It changes shape and look depending on the user, so please don't let it get into the wrong hands."

Venomous: "And as for you Evolet for you, a staff. It shall keep you safe and also keep your follows in line, if you must. Now go and let's make this world greater than it already is."

Amara: Nod and agreed to him but before he did he stopped at the intersection and looked over at Evolet.

Evolet: *Smiles and nods, taking the staff as she gentle bows* "Thank you my lord i shall not let you down" *walks over her heels clicking as she walks over to the intersection to the moon, looking over giving a smile* "I wish you well and good luck Amara"

Amara: *Nods* "I dont need luck" *He strong gripped his scythe.* "But Good luck also Evolet, help us make this world something to be proud of."

Evolet: *Eyes widen a bit and laughs lightly, my cheeks now dusty pink as i held my staff with grace and i bowed* "Alone i cannot do anything but working together everything will turn out fine" *Walks thro heading to the moon.*

Amara: *He also began to walk but before he did, he stopped and said.* "I hope to meet again Evolet, your light would be quite refreshing in a dark world like mine."

Evolet: *Blushes lightly and shakes it off finally leave*

Amara: *Walks down to Hell*