
The Demon Twins

"I've heard the rumors but you two truly look nothing alike." "Does it matter?" "I suppose not, kill me off then." "It's my turn, Louis." "Get on with it then." With a loud laugh, the giant man brought down his hammer. With a squelching sound, a head was ground to a paste. This story centers around twins, starting off from their youth they go through a gradual progress in getting stronger. The stronger they become, however, they realize more and more that they will never get peace. *** Disclaimer: Firstly, this is my first long novel. This story will be slow, hopefully, I can do proper world-building. Power progression also won't be all too fast. I have no editor, so grammar might be off at some places. Hopefully, you'll enjoy reading it.

BambooInk · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
24 Chs

Chapter 14

Sending out a giant shockwave from his mouth Jack quickly countered by making a wall of dirt. Seeing the wall crack Jack made another wall, with a spike attached to its front. Punching it he sent the spiked wall flying toward Damian.

Damian ran forward to the wall, jumped, and hit towards the ground with his two maces. His maces seemed to hit something right before it hit the ground, giving him extra leverage to go over the wall. Hitting the air behind him with his maces alternatively, he accelerated forward.

Jack, who didn't see Damian's movements due to his wall and had to hurriedly move his longsword to protect himself. Waves of attacks rained down on Jack. Damian's maces seemed to be hit by something and accelerated whenever he retracted them and swung his maces at an increasing pace.

Jack let out a roar, following that, the earth around his feet encased his body. Dirt and stone encased Jack's body to form armor. The armor didn't seem to hold him back in any way as he could still move freely. Damian, however, jumped away from Jack as soon as he had formed his armor.

"Tsk, do something the kids can do right now. Forming armor comes after mastering the three categories," Damian shook his head. "I didn't want to be pummeled one-sidedly," Jack said ruefully.

Arthur looked shocked, but still had a gleam of excitement within his eyes. Louis similarly looked shaken but looked more thoughtful.

"I can pummel Louis like you did to Jack?" Arthur asked Damian with shining eyes. "You could never pummel me," Louis said scoffing.

"As you can see," Damian said while clearing his throat, "I beat Jack using a style of fighting that doesn't require much pre-planning. Of course, I have more experience and Jack isn't all too good himself, but you get the gist of it. You could also see that Jack should have had alternate plans or follow-up plans after sending the dirt wall off, but he didn't and paid the price."

"Another reason I recommended the calculated fighting style to you, Louis, is that both the earth and water attributes need you to plan several steps ahead often. But the air and fire attributes need less of that like I had shown you," Damian explained while thrusting his hand forward. In his hand was a ball made of air rotating in a clockwise fashion.