
The Demon Sovereign Is Reborn

Who wants to be under someone else control? once my story was over and the person writing my Story put the pen down, I acted shattering through my story. Reaching the peak got boring, it's weird that I felt some joy seeing that there was another sky out there

Itachi102 · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Not Toxic

Sora went with Acnologia, where he got to know Acnologia's backstory. Born over 400 years ago, Acnologia was a doctor in a hidden land before becoming one of the first Dragon Slayers to come into being. Dragon Slayer was mages capable of using the lost magic known as Dragon Slayer magic, normally one would have just one type of slayer magic. Fire dragon slayer magic, Earth Dragon Slayer magic, and so on.

the type of magic allows you to absorb your element, for example, a fire dragon syer would be immune to fire as they could eat the flame. but if they can't eat it, then they shall be injured by the flame. Acnologia was unique as he could eat all forms of magic.

Going back to 400 years ago when dragons ruled the sky, Acnologia was the name of a dragon. but that dragon was once injured, and a human doctor helped the dragon. but the dragon went on to kill everyone in Acnologia's home time, causing the doctor who swear vengeance upon all Dragon kind.

that doctor took the name Acnologia, so Acnologia was born. a dragon slayer who went on the bathe in the blood of his enemy, and eat the flames of dragons. Dragon Slayer magic had its drawbacks, being that they slowly turned him into a dragon, and along with the transformations, he lost his humanity.

Acnologia would go on to attack both Allie and the enemy, causing his name to stick fear into the hearts of dragons and humans alive. So, one could guess Acnologia's thoughts when he heard that there were countless other dragons elsewhere.

"Follow me, and I will not only help you slaughter all of the dragons, but I shall give you a chance to bring those you once called loved ones back. You don't plan to stay here until you drop dead right?" Sora asked while looking at the cave Acnologia stayed in, Acnoliga was currently in his human form, Acnologia's preferred appearance is that of his human form, which is that of a rather muscular young man with long, dark blue-colored hair.

"I have no interest in such things," Acnologia said calmly, he had thrown away his humanity, all he wanted was to slaughter.

"I don't need a crowd by my side. running away for a chance at being happy before you are scared of losing everything... tell me, is that a way worth living?" Sora asked while looking outside the cave.

"This is where you once called home, where you lived before you were Acnologia. why did you come here? If you can't see that deep down, you still miss your humanity, I have no interest in you joining me." Sora said causing Acnologia to be enraged, Sora's words were true but it didn't mean he wanted to hear it.

Sora snapped his finger, causing an image of a young Acnologia to appear in the air. Acnologia watched as his past self drank some beer with his friends, parting over an event he couldn't even remember.

"When was the last time you smiled like this? You ran away and lived in the mountains, fearing the pain of loss. not knowing that as you are now, who could harm them if you want to protect them?" Sora asked, calmly. Acnologia glared at Sora his rage boiling

"I will return in 5 years, until then I expect you to sit back and reflect. if you truly don't want to ever feel joy, then so be it. but if you keep lying to yourself, then I will kill you. for the crime of wasting my time, your death would not be pretty." Sora said with his killing intent swallowing Acnoloiga, causing his legs to go weak as he saw what Sora planned to do. he was... horrified.

when he snapped back to reality, Sora had disappeared, causing him to stand there for some time before stepping outside his cave where he looked at the place where his friends, family, and neibers called home.

Sora was right, he came back here every time, he built his cave here because deep down he missed them. he missed his family, and he hated the dragons for taking it all away from him... being forced to understand this, he cried. he never asked to be a monster, the world turned him into it, so he hated the world right back. he hated every dragon, and some time down the road his hatred twisted his outlook on life.

'Alright, Wrath, Pride, Greedy, and Sloth down. Just 3 more to go.' Sora thought as he returned to his travel, Sora was looking for things that could show him the past, he wanted to know about the history that was lost. a history would help him understand what was up with the moon, and what it sealed.

So, time passed. but it didn't take long for Sora to frown as he felt something, a few years ago he had stepped in when Ultra mother was about to seal away a demon to save her step-children... but what caught him off guard was that one of her step-children wanted to melt the ice she should have turned herself into, to free the demon so it could fight it to prove he had suppressed her.

Sora was speechless but shrugged as he ignored him. time passed and soon Sora felt something calling him. he instantly knew it was Mira, so he teleported over only to see what was up.

"Lisanna get away!" Mira yelled at her little sister who stood before Elfman who had done a full takeover, becoming the monster. Elfman had no choice but to do this to save his sisters from a powerful enemy, now that the enemy was injured he turned his attention to his siblings, after all, he couldn't control this power.

Lisanna on the other hand stood before her big brother with a gentle smile, trying to revert Elfman. Mira struggled to get up to get to her, but it was then she saw a rose on the ground, without a second thought she took the rose and called Sora. but at the same time, LIsanna was hit.

Elfman's Beast Soul form hit her, sending her flying several meters away, an act that seemingly shocked Elfman enough for him to revert to himself. Mira watched as her sister slammed heavily to the ground, she quickly ran over to check up on her, only to be horrified as Lisanna began to slowly disappear.

at that moment, she noticed Sora who had appeared. with tears running down her eyes, she looked at Sora with a pleading look. She looked at Lisanna for a moment before walking over her body.

"She isn't dead, her body is being pulled elsewhere... but with her injuries, she might die. So, I will give you my energy, so long as you are not too far away I will be able to find you. My energy would also help keep you alive, although most of it might be lost due to you being teleported away." Sora said softly, to which Lisanna nodded weakly. Sora held her chin slightly and kissed her, a scene at which Mira's eyes widened almost popping out.

but she watched as her sister's injuries began to disappear at a fast rate, but the rate they healed slowed down, as her body began to disappear more and more. LIsanna's face was bright red once Sora broke the kiss, that was her first kiss.

"There is a chance I might not be able to sense you, Who knows all of that magic power I gave you might disappear. So I sealed a good amount of it inside you, if your life is ever in danger it shall act to protect you. If I'm ever nearby, it would explode, acting as a signal for me to sense and teleport over." Sora said with a smile, to which Lisanna nodded weakly.

"Thank you..." LIsanna said softly, Sora gave her a charming smile, making Lisanna's face turn even redder. but Sora stepped aside, allowing Lisanna and Mira to have their goodbye, Elfman was out cold, so she couldn't say anything to him.

Soon, Lisanna disappeared, leaving Mira crying. Sora seeing this sighed as he walked over to her, and gave her a shoulder to cry on. Mira couldn't help, but hug Sora back, as she cried.

"C-can you save her?" She asked weakly, to which Sora hesitated for a moment, something which caused Mira's heart to drop.

"She most likely entered a parallel world. I will be honest with you, but in that world, I don't think magic could be used. so my magic power would most likely disappear. I'm in the dark here," Sora said in a low and soft voice, leading Mira to freeze in horror.

"I will do everything I can, but this is not the first time I have seen something like this. about 4 years ago, I sensed something coming from another world. an egg of some kind. I will travel to find these eggs or whatever hatched from them, to see if I could do anything more to help her. what brought those eggs into this world is what took her. thats what I know for sure." Sora said softly, to which Mira began to break down

"You don't need to worry, I sealed away my life force within her. so if she dies, I will know. Your sister is alright. I even strengthened her body, so if magic can't be used she could still protect herself with a monster level of physical strength" Sora said softly, Mira nodded slightly. As long as her sister was alright for now, thats all that mattered. After a moment, Mira calmed down and quickly got away from Sora. She didn't forget how Sora seemed to be into girls.

"Should I heal you?" Sora asked, causing Mira's face to turn slightly red she had seen how Sora healed her little sister, Sora just wanted to kiss her. Sora took her into his hands, causing her blush to grow. Sora's mouth slowly neared hers, causing her blush to grow, but she closed her eyes. She didn't feel right pushing Sora away after he saved her, so she didn't mind sharing just one kiss.

So two lips connected, and instantly, Mira's world seemed to explode. As her body began to heal and recover from her injuries, her hands moved on their own to huge Sora. pushing Sora so close to her, that it seemed as if she wanted them to fuse.

But to Mira's disappointment, Sora broke off the kiss and gave her a mocking smile, which caused her face to turn red in shame. She quickly turned away, only to notice Elfman, she ran over to his to check up on Elfman, before looking at Sora wanting him to heal her.

Sora pointed forward and healed him, leaving Mira's face going blank. Sora didn't need to kiss someone to heal them?

"Kissing has a higher level of healing. I returned you to your peak, meanwhile only his injuries are healed. he is still tired and is low on energy... plus I'm not into guys. at least I think" Sora said calmly, Mira nodded slightly before going on to try and pick Elfman up, but Sora stopped her.

"I got this, I will send you two home," Sora said as he picked up Elfman and placed him on his shoulder with ease. Mira nodded slightly, she was physically strong enough to do that, but she didn't say anything.

the two teleported far away, appearing within a town which was where fairy tail belonged. Mira was stunned for a moment, but she led Sora to what she called home, and Sora placed Elfman in his room,

After which, a moment of silence fell as the two didn't know what to do or say. Sora opened his mouth to speak, but Mira threw herself at him and kissed him, So they entered her room where Sora stayed the night, helping Mira relax her mind. after all, she just lost her sister, she needed this.

by morning, Sora said his goodbye after seeing Mira another way to call him. and so, from then on, Sora had two people to visit to enjoy himself. Sora of course wanted a harem, so he began to do a few things to help in this, he wanted a peaceful and non-toxic relationship, he didn't need the stress.

"Do you ever orgasm?" Mira asked softly while her hand played with Sora's breast. Sora smiled as he looked at her,

"I don't care about that stuff, as long as you're happy, I'm happy," Sora said with a smile, of course, he Orgasm. But Mira hearing Sora felt down, she had been having these thoughts for a while, and with Sora's words, she realized that she had been the only one enjoying herself.

"Shall we go for round 7?" Sora asked with a smile as he got on top of her, but Mira shook her head as she got Sora off her. She was not in the mood, Sora gave her a confused look watching her get dressed

"Did I do something wrong? I'm sorry." Sora said softly, but those words only made Mira quickly shake her head. She quickly cleared things up, explaining how she had to go do something, So, Sora nodded while watching her leave.

Mira has changed greatly after her sister's death, no longer was she a thug, she had stopped taking missions and had started working at the guild, simply serving drinks at the bar. She became more kind and gentle, and her power had dropped. although Sora didn't say it, she knew the chances of her ever seeing her sister again were low.

Elfman knew everything that happened to his little sister, even so, he blamed himself, causing him to start being more of a man. he believed a real man would never hit a woman, much less his little sister, nearly killing her.

Sora sat back, waiting until Mira returned shocking Mira to see that Sora didn't go. but this only made her guilt grow, was she making Sora feel as if he did something wrong when he had been so perfect?

"I went Kuzumochi. your favoute." Sora said with a smile, making Mira almost cry. but she stopped herself from crying and went on to put on a bright smile, and took the food. so, Sora quickly said goodbye after all he had 'work' to do...