
The Demon Slaying Ninja

giridhar_babu · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

1.The Dimension Traveling Ninja

The fourth great ninja war was over. but at what

cost Naruto thought. Kaguya had survived and

somehow, used the infinite sukuyomi to absorb all the chakra from every living being exept naruto and sasuke as she wanted them to suffer. at the time naruto and sasuke did not realise that everyone has died.

"naruto, she is too strong we can't win"-sasuke

"no way there has to be a way"-naruto

"well there is a way but it will kill me"-sasuke

"wh-what is it"-naruto

naruto didn't want sasuke to die, but he saw that

he was serious about this.

"orochimaru taught me many jutsu, but one of them was the most powerful jutsu in the world

it is called the reaper death seal"-sasuke

naruto tried to argue but sasuke had already started the hand seals. the shinigami saw naruto

and started to speak to him.

"hey, i remember you, your the kid of that spiky haired blond and that red haired woman"-shinigami

"what are you talking about"-naruto

"kid to be honest you're mom is a hassle to deal with"-shinigami

the shinigami didn't look like the discription that

people tell. he looked like a teenager but with

purple skin.

"but now is the time for deals not chats, and i accept it, but since you're mom would take me to the god of torture if i don't help you a little"-shinigami

the shinigami's voice got deeper, more scary and


"naruto uzumaki i will take both sasuke's and

kaguya's soul and i will give you kaguya's

abilities, do you accept ?"-shinigami

naruto knew that could not say no.

"i accept"-naruto

kaguya shocked by this deal and knew that she can't escape from this,so she tried to kill naruto

but she was dead.

after that naruto realised that everyone was dead

and got dipressed, he trained his rennagan

to the point to where he could travel to different


he spent a few days going to different dimensions

until he came to a dimension in front of a village.

it was night time so he entered the village, he walked down a path until he saw a kid with red

hair and he had a Katana.

"sir please leave this area there appears to be a demon nearby"-???