
The Demon Sage Lives A Fourth Time

In his first life, Rolan Eiess was the strongest mage of the demon academy known as the demon sage. He led the war between the demons and humans and emerged victorious. But because he was betrayed by his comrades he died a pitiful death. In his second life, he was the strongest S class awakener on Earth who slayed the first ever S rank boss monster. But when he grew too strong the world government decided to eliminate him. In his third life, he was a foolish king of a flourishing kingdom who had lived peacefully, but after the surrounding kingdoms declared war against him, he who had been peacefully living had failed to match the world's standards and his kingdom soon fell. Now he has reincarnated once again in a world called Eval. Rolan Eiess now in his fourth life only aims for one thing, world domination! ====Disclaimer==== This is my first time writing a novel so I highly appreciate all sorts of advice and comments. I don't have the best control over the English language and am not an amazing writer so please bear with the sub par writing. Current schedule: 1-2chp/week (Focusing on my studies as of now) I do not own the illustration, if the artist has any issues regarding it, I will take it down.

awokenfen · Fantasy
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47 Chs

You could become a demon too!



Says Lyndis's dad while hitting the table.

I can't help but feel a sense of deja vu from what he just said.

After meeting him, we were transported to his personal quarters. Lyndis explained the full story up till now so he couldn't help but get angry after hearing what his daughter went through.

The only people in this room are the five of us who arrived and Lyndis's dad.

He's the chief of the Parakirt tribe named Licuz. Apparently, he's the oldest brother out of him, Zonn and Aire.

Well, he doesn't look any older than Lyndis, but I guess it's because dark elves are a long living race, even if their lifespans are lesser than regular elves.

He seems to be a third rate mage, pretty impressive for someone who doesn't know how to articulate their energy. Judging from what I've been sensing, he seems to have the highest rank of magic in this entire village.

Speaking of the village, it was pretty impressive. Even though they called it "temporary", it seems like a normal village if you take away the on-going construction.

There were newly built houses, huts and even dedicated areas for weapons, books and even farms.

As expected of a race that lives in nature, within a few months they've re-established their village to be as good as new.

"I must really thank you, savior."

Says Licuz while holding up my hands.

"Truly, if it weren't for you, I probably wouldn't be able to see my daughter again."

He lowers his head and starts to weep.

This guy seems like a crybaby despite his status.

"I say this not as a chief, but as a father."

Says Licuz with tears in his eyes.

He continues on and on, thanking me for everything I've done.

"It's no worries, I just did it out of the kindness of my heart."

So I say with a smile on my face.

Well, of course that's a lie. I did it because I was curious of this "mysterious power" the dark elves hold, and also because I have another goal to achieve...

Licuz releases my hand and steps away.


He clears his throat and them looks up and stares at me directly in the eye.

"So, what is the real reason you have come?"

He says coldly.

The look in his eyes seem almost apathetic, as though he wasn't weeping just moments ago.

Has he figured it out?

This man, contrary to his demeanor just now seems very much like a cold and calculative leader.

So he's a man that knows how to split personal and professional stances. What an intelligent man we have here.

"Father what do you me-"

"You wouldn't be trying to say you also came here to slay the wyvern out of the goodness of your heart right?"

Says Licuz in a callous voice with a smirk on his face while cutting off Lyndis.

"What is your real goal?"

Says Licuz while narrowing his eyebrows.

There's a form of distrust in his voice.

Well it does make sense, nobody in their right mind would come to the Etelia forest to slay a mana beast for strangers, let alone a wyvern. From his standpoint it must be like some kind of god sent deal, one that is too good to be true.

"I'd like to help you all."

I say with a deepening smile.

"However, as you expected, it won't be for free."

"I can solve all your problems for you."

I raise my right hand and extend my thumb outwards.

"First, the wyvern, I have the ability to kill it."

Then my index finger.

"Second, I can teach you all how to use that energy you all call mysterious power. I'm sure you know based on Lyndis's story."

Then my middle finger.

"Third, I can allow all of you to become a higher race. One that will surpass the elves, who look down on you."

So I say while ending off my points.

"Is this a joke?"

Licuz raises his voice and clenches his fist.

"Sure you may have saved my daughter from the hands of a black magician, but a wyvern? Do you even have the capability to do that?"

He sounds even more serious than before. My declaration earlier was meant to entice him, but somehow he sounds even more apprehensive now. Looks like it had the opposite effect.

Well, I guess I have no choice but to release my energy. It shouldn't be too much as it'll scare him but it shouldn't be too little as well since he'll doubt my powers.


Let's do this.

The air around me begins to surge, creating a mini whirlpool sucking the surrounding mana in. Demonic energy could be seen manifesting, creating a silhouette that envelops my entire body.

Both Licuz and Zonn step back instinctively after seeing my display of power.

It seems my performance has triggered Zonn's instincts, as he picked up his sword which was resting on the side wall.

As for Lyndis, she seems unfazed after being exposed to my demonic energy during the trip here.


"Who are you?"

Says Licuz nervously.

He looks as though he's trying his best to maintain his composure, despite his jaw nearly dropping to the ground.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you."

My voice changes a bit due to the demonic energy I'm releasing.

Licuz wipes away the sweat on his forehead using a nearby towel and speaks once again.

"Great master. Who are you?"

This time, his tone sounds much more respectful. There's even hints of fear. It seems he's realized that even if I were to go berserk now, there would be no one that could stop me.

That's better.

"As I said, I'm someone who just wants to help your tribe. But in return, you all have to give me something in return."

"...And what is that?"

Says Licuz while gritting his teeth.

Zonn lifts his sword off the ground sparking Zalfious and Jargon to touch the hilt of their swords.

"I want you all to become my students."


The answer got everyone except the demons in the room flustered.

"Students? What do you-"

"It's simple, become my students. I will teach you all how to control the power hidden within your bodies."

I say while holding up my index finger.

"You will ascend to new heights, and your entire tribe will be capable of producing countless mages."

"Demons. You will all become demons."

"De...mons? What's that?"

He sounds confused, but at least he's much more intrigued now.

"It's a term used to define the users of demonic energy, I believe your race calls it the mysterious power."

"De..monic energy?"

Well looks like I confused him even more.

On top of my lifted up index finger, I start to generate demonic energy above it. Shortly after that, a small pitch black ball could be seen on top of it swirling away.

"This is demonic energy."

"And with this, you can use demonic arts."


He looks my finger astonishingly, before turning to my face to reply me.

He swallows his saliva that had been piling up since just now and speaks.

"I now know for sure that you possess enough strength to get rid of that wyvern."

"As for you demands, give me some time to discuss this with the elders."

"But most likely they'll be against it since we have a sacred vow we cannot break. Thus, we cannot leave this for-"


Zonn suddenly laughs.

He walks up to me, past his elder brother and pats me on the shoulder with both his hands.


"Will you teach me that too?!"

He points to himself with one finger.

Zalfious and Jargon pull out their weapons and in the next moment, their blades make a cross just shy of Zonn's neck. One small movement and his head could fly off at any second.

But he doesn't flinch. He stares at me with big eyes, huge smile and a very determined face.

"Of course."

So I say nonchalantly while looking into his awe filled eyes.