
chapter 1 "new apartment"

Being in Sidney Australia for the first time has been really hard for Theodore,it has been one hell of a ride for him,full of drama,do far he has been kicked out of three rental apartment and fired from two jobs,he never thought that trying to live like a human could be so hard and stressful,but what's the point of already suffering here if he didn't win,he just needed to survive two years here,no biggie

"welcome to moonshine apartments,how may I help you"the receptionist at the front seat said with a polite smile plastered in her face,

Theodore stared at her with his dark bloody red eyes,humans ,such fragile creatures,his mind wandered on how he could snap her neck into two with little but no effort and suck the life out of her

He moved his tongue though his favor sharp fangs,he wondered how her blood would taste,would it taste sweet as her pretense or sour as her attitude

"sir-,hello,mister"she kept calling,. his eyes moved around the place,too many people,he couldn't possibly taste her now,he sighed inward accepting his defect,it was worth the thought

"I would like the cheapest room you can offer"he finally answered her.The brightness in her eyes immediately died,so he was poor,the only reason she kept calling was because she thought he must have been a celebrity considering the way he covered his face,she really thought he was a celebrity hiding ,what a disappointment

she moved to her laptop and checked the available rooms

"I am sorry but we don't have any more cheep rooms,the only one left are the executive apartment,they are very expensive,I don't think you can afford it"the lady said,there was hint of sarcasm in her tone which Theodore of course noticed

His jar thickened,she was just giving him more reason to drain her dry "I will take it"said Theodore to the lady

"what!"she expressed in utter shock,he could actually afford a executive, oh my !,has she just offended a celebrity,or maybe even a business tycoon

"don't keep me waiting"his cold voice woke her up from her trace,she immediately moved to her laptop,

"how-how long will you be staying here sir"she.asjed all nervous,the side of his lips moved up a little,he could perfectly hear the sound of her heartbeat,fear ,it was eminent that she was afraid

"here - here is the key"she said stretching out her shaking hands,he accepted the key

"come get the check in my room"he said and took his bag ,he walked to the elevator,the door was just about to close when he put his hands in between,he had no patience to wait for the elevator to come back before he could go,the door opened again and he entered

he pressed his floor bottens that was written on the key pad ,he went to stand when he noticed a lady,she was wearing a hoodie and was sticking to the wall as if she wanted it to swallow her

"I wouldn't bite ,you know"he tryed to crack a joke but the lady didn't even move a muscle,she stayed still as a robot

Theodore became curious,who was she anyway,ever since the elevator door closed,her scent has started to longer around,it disturbed him,her scent was different,she didn't smell like human or vampire,nor a werewolf or lycan,she was definitely not a demon,she was something else

from the corner of his eyes,he could see little of her sliver hair that was falling from both sides of her face,her hoodie was doing a great job in hiding her face from him,he didn't need anyone to tell him that she was trying to hide her appearance from not only him but the world,his eyes moved down scanning her,

She looks so petite,so small that he was sure he could break her in just two seconds,her hands was in her pocket defining him of any view of her skin,it annoyed him,he wanted to see more of her,then maybe he would be able to guess which creature she was,

The elevator door opened indicating his floor,he finally allowed his head to turn to her,we will meet again ,he said within him before going out,he watched the girl still standing there at least on still the elevator door closed,he saw the number switch to 8,so she lived above him.

Theodore sighed as her scent slowly faded away,he liked her scent,the smell of soil after rain,it was addictive ,if only he could just defer about which creature she was,

The question still rang in his head as he walked to his room,he opened the door and entered to be greeted by another scent,forest

Forest air freshener,it made him remember training, training with his brothers,a frown appeared on his face has he remembered a particular event,some memories just have to be locked away


Valerie walked quietly down the hallway of the presidential suite,instill she reached a particular door,her eyes lingered at the door knob contemplating if she should enter or take her chance and run,was it even possible,to run away from a demon like him and would it even be the right decision,there was so many things to consider

she inhaled before entering,she.walked inside to the living room,he wasn't inside,he wasn't in the living room

"I thought you would never enter"his deep masculine voice that sent shivers down her spine sounded behind her,her mind saw her jumping away from his presence but her body betrayed her,she couldn't move,her legs was too afraid

"tell me what were you thinking"his voice came again,his tone was gentle but one could hear the Strom behind it,she kept her head low as her body shivered,his presence behide her was sending cold waves to her

she felt him move and his hand landed on her shoulder, something told her,he already knew what she was thinking about,her body stiffened as fear consumed her,he turned around coming to face her,his tall broad body covered the light was hitting her

Valerie wanted to cry,the fear was too much,she could hear her own heartbeat because of how loud it was beating,his hands that was still on her shoulder squeezed her delicate skin

"look at me"he ordered,she bit her lips as tears threatened to fall out,his hand that was on her shoulder pressed harder to the point that it started to hurt

"look at me"his tone hardened and his grip on her shoulder tighten,she felt like her shoulder bone was going to be crushed if she didn't obey,

tears was already falling but her lips refused to make any sound,her head slowly rised,she had to cane her head so she could stare directly at him,his dark eyes stared down at her with his thick eyebrows,his eyes were so sharp and cold

"you belong only to me,it is your destiny to be with me and you have to fulfill it,do you get me"his cold voice filled the room sending shivers down her spine ,she really wanted to look away but she couldn't,he had locked her with his gaze,her neck started to hurt,she wanted to also step back a little but her legs didn't dare to move

"yes"she breathed,her words which was almost inaudible,his hands that was squeezing her shoulder moved away,he stared at her for a moment before he walked away,

"who did you meet"he asked going to sit,his nose had already cut the off scent from immediately she entered the house

"a-a vampire"she answered,she kept he head low and her eyes to the floor,so she didn't catch the slight frown that appeared on his face before it disappeared again as if it was never there

"stay away from him"Zadeous implied and she nodded,she didn't need to be told twice, vampires were bad news,they were the one who murdered her entire clan,she would never forgive them


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