
The demon of the battlefield

Ashley_Ketchum44 · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Chapter 3


It has been five years since I started my training under my father, Itama Senju, making me nine years old now. Many things have happened since I began my training.

First thing that happened was that I found my own dog companions. Yeah, found. This happened nearly two years ago when my mother trained me in the Inuzuka teqhniques. We were training in the mountains a few miles from the house we lived in. I was training with her dogs, Zamaru and Yukimaru while learning the jutsus.

While we were training, Zamaru picked up on sounds coming from nearby. We followed the sounds until we came across a dead stag. It had been clawed which caused it to bleed to death. It seemed recent, so we searched the area, mom more for safety sake, but we soon saw the cause for its death. On the ground laid a giant wolf, its fur a dark shade of brown. It had one of the stags antlers stuck in its throat, which we surmised as the cause of death. It had been dead for a while, seeing as its face had started to be covered in maggots.

"Thats one big wolf." My mother said. Me, who had seen a similar scene before, started to search around it. And lo and behold, three small puppies was sucking on its tits in search for food. I went over and picked up the pups.

One was pure white with red eyes. The second was a brown colored one with blue eyes. The final one had auburn colored fur and green eyes. I stood from my position with the three and spoke up.

"Hey mom, look." I said. She looked over at me from her crouching position near the wolfs head.

"Well look at that. Its sad that they cant survive out here. We better give them a quick death." She sighed.

"But mom, cant we take them with us? I mean, we have Zamaru and Yukimaru, and I kinda want to raise one too..." I said, trying to give her my biggest puppy-eyes. I could see her flinch a bit, trying to keep her facade as best she could but soon faltered. She finally sighed after a few minutes and said.

"Fine, but its your job to raise them and take care of them." She finally told me with a defeated look.

I quickly wrapped them up in my cloak for warmth and was stroking them a bit while holding on to them. Thats how I got three direwolves from game of thrones. I called them Snow, Summer and Autumn.

Second thing that happened was that I managed to recreate a couple of techniques. One was the shadow clones. With my massive chakra reserves, I felt almost no backlash when using it.

Next I surprisingly found out that a supposed bloodline limit, wasnt actually a bloodline limit. I, with massive luck, found out that the Uzumaki adamantium sealing chains, wasnt a bloodline.

This happened a year ago when I was eight. My father, being the son of Tobirama, was a sealing expert and had been teaching me. I started to research stuff on my own, and remembered seeing the chains on the tv show, so I tried to create something similar, but I started to feel something change inside me before a set of golden chains spurted from my back. It caused such a ruckus that my parents had run to where I was. It must have come as a shock seeing me like that since they stood there with their jaws on the ground. Me, feeling a bit mischievious, started to command my chains to snake their way to them, where they came from behind and closed their jaws. I laughed my ass off seeing them suddenly see the chains at their side. I passed out however after using them.

My parents gave me a talking to after that little stunt where my father also explained that while it might not be a bloodline, it was a hidden jutsu that had been connected to the Uzumaki, making it a pseudo bloodline. The reason I could use it was because our family line was closer to the uzumaki than Hashirama was. This was because my great-great grandmother was one of the princesses of the uzumaki, while Hashirama was only connected through our cousin relationship with them as well as his marriage with Mito Uzumaki.

There were only two other things that happened after that. The first being me unlocking my bloodlines, wood and lava. This also seemed to shock my father. Lava more than wood, since wood was in the family from Hashirama, but as for lava, he had no clue. It seems that entity from before had made me a first generation lava user in the senju clan.

The final thing that happened was that more and more rogue ninja seemed to enter the land of iron. They were mostly taken care of by the local samurai, but those that came to our area was taken care of by my parents. They started however to grow in number with time. This had happened for the last three or so years.

- Present day.

It was another day of training with my three wolves. We had been training them to use the inuzuka jutsu, my moms dogs was a great help in that regard. We had been training for a few hours when we heard a scream coming from the nearby town. My parents and I got alerted and started to rush there. My parents only brought me so I was able to see the dark side of the ninja life.

When we arrived at the village, we saw fire, everywhere we looked there was fire. My parents started to run off when they heard more screams, but remembered me and turned my way.

"Inuyasha, honey, I want you to start putting out the fires with water style okay? And search for survivors while youre at it."

"Sure thing mom." I nodded at her before they jumped off. I turned to the fire and performed some handsigns.

[Dragon-tiger-hare] "Water style wild water wave jutsu." I called out, spewing water from my mouth in a waterfall-like fashion to quench out the fires.

Once the first batch of fires was out, I lept to another area where the flames were bigger, but I hadnt counted on there being enemy ninja there surrounding a group of scared villagers. I quickly took cover to assess the situation.

"Four enemies. Two cloud nin, most likely uses lightning style ninjutsu, also looking at their swords, they are probably proficient in the art. Id say chunin at best though. The other two though.... One from iwa and the last from grass huh..." I thought to myself. It was rare to see ninjas from the great five getting along, even if they are rogue. But I assessed the enemy to consist of two chunin, one genin and the last to be special-jonin. It was gonna be a very hard battle.

I slowly snuck around them to get into a better position. It seems they were a bit to comfortable with their position since they didnt even notice me. Me being a kid might also have been a factor in this.

I got into a spot near them that gave me the perfect view of both enemy and hostages before coming up with the perfect plan to restrict them. I get into a stance and release chakra from my back. This seems to have alerted them since they started to make their way towards me, but I just kept up releasing chakra. Once they were close enough, I manifested the adamantium sealing chains from all the chakra I had released and sent them through the ground towards my enemy.

Once they got closer, they saw a kid around the age of eight or nine with long silver hair standing still, as if scared of them. They just grinned before going to grab him. As they were getting closer, a man shouted.

"Watch, below us!" As he jumped away. The others werent so lucky. The chains quickly shot up from the ground and wrapped around the three who didnt manage to jump away in time. The chains had manifested a restriction seal on it that coiled around the bodies. After the seals had been activated, the chains retracted into my back once again. I looked over to the other side of the street where the last opponent had escaped to. Sadly, it turned out to be the special-jonin that had been the one to escape. I had hoped I could get him out of the fight in the initial attack, but it wasnt to be.

I saw him starting to make a single seal. [Ram] He called out his jutsu. "wind style pressure damage." That shot out a shockwave of air towards me.

I quickly countered with my own jutsu. [Snake-ram-monkey-boar-horse-tiger] "Fire style fireball jutsu."

The fireball was quickly expelled from my mouth and shot towards my enemys wind style jutsu. As every release has a weakness, they also have a strength. Thats why I used a fire style jutsu against his wind jutsu. The fireball connected with the windt jutsu and nearly doubled in size as it continued towards the ninja. He evaded it in a quick fasion before he came at me with a kunai in his hand. I also pulled out one of the kunai that I had gotten from my dad when he had started to train me in the art of kenjutsu and bukijutsu (art of swordplay and weaponry).

We met in the middle with our kunais clashing against eachother before I was the one who had to jup away. This was simply because I was smaller and still weaker than a special-jonin. He had jumped after me hoping to catch me off guard, which luckily for me, I was trained to keep my guard at almost all times.

We continued our clash for a few minutes while we kept jumping around from house to house and on the roofs during our battle. I needed to keep moving since I was weaker than him, but it had started to take a tool on my stamina. Remember, I was still a growing boy, not even in my teens yet.

As I jumped back from another of our clashes I ended up slipping on one of the many puddles of blood around us after our many strikes at eachother, most were mine of course. As I was falling, I saw the man had a maniacal glint in his eyes, but when he stood above me, ready to strike down, he suddenly stopped. It took a moment before either of us realized what happened, but when I saw a thin red line start to appear on his neck, I had an idea of what had happened.

His head soon slipped from his shoulders and a spray of blood came out of his neck that landed on me. Once the head was gone, I saw my father behind him with a sword while gasping for breath. I could clearly see he was heavily wounded in his battle, but what gave me a start was when I noticed the blade that stuck out from the middle of his chest. It was a simple kunai, but it had been shoved in nearly to its hilt.

"D-dad...." I said weakly. He just grinned at me before he fell to his knees in front of me. I momentarily ignored my growing shock and fear and stood up to run to him. I got in front of him and sat down on my knees. I looked at the panting man in front of me with watery eyes.

"Dad.. dad come on, hang in there." I said, now letting some tears fall.

"Heh...heh, not today boy. This is it."

"But dad, what about mom, what about me and what about our family!?" I said a bit louder this time.

"Kiddo, this is what a shinobi life is. We are born, fight and in the end we die. Most dont live past thirty. I already told you about that once in our lessons." He breathed out. He took his necklace off and gave it to me before speaking again.

" Wear it with pride... Listen kid. In our house..... under our bed..... look there.... I.... love.... yo-"

He couldnt finish before he finally fell forward and landed just in front of me. I could only look blankly with my mouth open in shock and sadness. It took me a few minutes to slowly start to register what he had said. Iput on the necklace and admired it for a bit before I took out one of my storage scrolls that dad had me learn to make. One for human bodies... I stored my fathers body while my tears were still streaming down my face.

I got up after sealing my fathers corpse and headed for the ninja that I had incapasitated earlier. I found them, still in the alley I left them in. I walked over and unsealed the mouth of the genin.

"Who sent you....? What was your purpose here....?" I asked him. He just looked at me before grinning maniacally.

"Sent us? Our purpose? Dont make me laugh kid. We came here ourselves after defecting from our villages to kill where no ninja normally reside. HAHAHA!" He laughed, still with a crazed expression. I just looked at him blankly before I grabbed a kunai and slit his throat. Even though this was the first person I killed in this life, I felt no pity for the man. I just walked over to the other two and gave them the same curtesy I did their companion.

Having killed the three, I went looking for my mom, hoping all types of gods that she was still alive. I might not have been their son originally, but in this life they were his parents, and he would be damned if he didnt accept and treat them as such.

I kept searching for hours, but didnt find anything while searching. I had been searching until the sun started to rise and was exhausted before I finally found a trace. I followed the trace until I arrived at a battlefield. The ground was littered in body parts, blood and weapons. A bit further ahead I also saw one of my moms dogs, Yukimaru laid on the ground, thankfully still breathing as I could see from the small bits of smoke rose from where the nose is.

I ran over to see how he was but stopped in my tracks as soon as I saw what was there. My mother, Yukimaru and Zamaru, on the ground nearly burned completely from head to toe. The smoke I had seen from Yukimaru had been from his nose, burned completely off. I could see Zamarus brain sticking from his skull. And my mother, she was cut in multiple places and burned almost unrecognisable. I once again let some of my tears fall at the sight.

As I sat there lamenting the death of my family I heard a grunt coming from a man a bit further away. I snapped my head in his direction and saw a burly man in his late twenties starting to rise from the ground. He had a cloud headband and wore their standard shinobi uniform. I could also tell he was at least jonin level, or else he wouldnt have gotten the drop on my mom. So without hesitation, I took the chance to kill him while he was down and ran at him. Thankfully I managed to get to him with my kunai and slit his throat like I had with multiple others this night.

His body dropped to the ground and his breathing stopped. I, however, didnt look at that. My eyes was focused on the blade at his side.

"This wasnt how I wanted to get that blade...." I said in a somber tone.

On the ground, still being held by the cloud nins hand, was an oversized dog's fang, fitting for its name, Tessaiga. The cross guard consisted of a large patch of fur similar to a dog's. It was the Tessaiga from Inuyasha in its fang form. I saw a large sheath on the cloud nins back that was the shape of the blade and grabbed it. I also grabbed the blade and sheathed it. I was barely tall enough to carry it though, but managed.

I quickly sealed my mother and her dogs corpses in some scrolls that I again sealed into a bigger scroll along with my dads scroll. I then took off to our home.

Once I arrived, I shot into my parents room and looked under the bed. There was a box. I pulled it out and noticed it was a storage scroll the size of the forbidden scroll of seals and Jiraiyas scroll. I opened it and saw that there were multiple seals, but before the seals, there was a message.

"Hey kid, its your dad here. Well, if youread this Im dead along with your mom. Sorry about that.... But this scroll was for when you would turn ten. I had made this message that in case we died you would know what this sccroll entails." I had to stop for a minute, wiping my tears before continuing.

"There are multiple seals here. Each seal contains the knowledge of both your mom and me, in jutsu, the world and family topics both for Senju and Inuzuka. Now, Im running out of things to say, but know this. This is the life of a shinobi. If you plan on living in this world, then know that you first need to be strong enough that you cant be threatened by others. And another thing you should know is to not be vengeful or fall to hatred like so many others. I love you my boy and so does your mother. KNow that we will always be with you. - Itama Senju, son of the second hokage, husband, and a proud father."

I let my tears fall having read the last part of the message. I took the scroll and put it on the kitchen table before walking outside, followed by my now big wolves. I walked a bit from the house and stood. My wolves sat down next to me.

"You guys." I said, making them look at me.

"Its time to get stronger than anyone in this world. Are you willing to follow me?" They looked at me with great intelligence and howled.

This was how the demon had gotten a goal.

The goal of being the strongest.