
The Demon of Lust: If you want to live, keep me entertained

Warning: The story is exceedingly dark and contains explicit mature and gore scenes. I was born into this fantasy world where magic, dragons, flying cities, and mysteries are still hidden. Everyone is racing to become the holder of their destiny before being buried in the casket. Follow Hadrian Von Kaiser as he drives people to despair with his special powers, superior intelligence, and demonic heart to trample all creatures to the ground. The book's cover does not belong to me, but if you are the original owner and want me to take it down, all you have to do is let me know, and I will remove it as soon as possible.

InstaMoist · Fantasy
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65 Chs

Shut all your mouths together

- Alice Pov -

When I opened my bright red eyes, I saw several soldiers having a heated discussion around a rectangular table. They were discussing a strategy called "shut all your mouths together."

Of course, I'm joking. It's just that these soldiers are too serious every time a strategy meeting is held. However, that doesn't mean I take this training lightly.

However, it is possible that he influenced me because you already know that I was closer to my brother when I was a child. For example, I accompanied him when he went to the palace to discuss issues with my mother.

He never loses his composure in the presence of older people or high-ranking officials in the palace, and despite his young age, he is capable of coming up with some novel concepts on occasion.

It's been nearly a week since my brother brought me here, and for the past few days, I've been tasked with leading a 100-person army to crush the enemies who had been prepared in this vast forest.

By the way, where did Sascha go? I haven't seen her for the past two days, and she would normally make pointed comments and look for flaws in my strategy while we were having the meeting.

So far, I have only commanded them from the tent, and up until now, everything has been going smoothly. This is due to the fact that the enemies Sascha prepared were easier than I thought they would be.

Therefore, the basic strategies I learned from the palace, combined with my innate ability, appeared to be much easier to implement.

As I reflected on the past few days' events, I heard the confident statement of one of the soldiers, "Since they are already weakened, it would be wise for us to attack this point where they gather. If we are successful, victory will undoubtedly be on our side,"

The soldier, who was sure of himself, shouted something while pointing at the map that was spread out on the table. At the same time, another soldier was talking to himself while taking notes in the book he was holding, "However, despite this, we still need to be on the high alert because so many of our friends have passed away."

When everyone in the room heard what this soldier who was holding a book had to say, the atmosphere in the room abruptly changed into one of complete silence.

Then, the self-assured soldier from earlier rescued the mood by urging his fellow service members to maintain their positive outlook.

When I heard it, I couldn't help but laugh to myself, even though I kept a straight face because, as Sascha had said, the only thing these soldiers can do with their lives is to obey orders.

And since this is my training, Sascha appointed me as the leader, and all the opinions they give, I really don't give a damn about it in the slightest.

Because, in the end, the decision is entirely up to me, and there is nothing they can do to change it.

"Yes, I agree with him. We will launch a full attack on the location where they are gathered today," The ongoing discussion stopped for a moment after hearing my comment.

"Yes princess, I will immediately give the command to have the troops get ready."

"Based on the information that was provided by our scouts, they are located in the middle of the forest close to the lake."

"And as a direct result of our assaults over the past few days, they have begun to withdraw, which indicates that they are weakened."

These soldiers relayed the information to one another and carried out my orders in an efficient manner one by one.

Because I've spent the last few days trying to verify some information regarding our enemy, and today I'm sure I want to complete this mission as quickly as I possibly can.

You may have heard that twenty per cent of the army soldiers were sacrificed, which is true. Therefore, I can confirm the thing that has been bothering me over the past few days.

Are these soldiers lacking in strength? No, of course not. On average, they were level 15, making them marginally more powerful than the typical soldiers serving in this empire.

Then, do we face a more formidable foe? When we reach that location, we'll be able to tell for sure.

"oh, by full attack, I mean that I'm going to do it too this time," As I stood up from where I had been sitting, I exclaimed enthusiastically.

The soldiers had been pacing quickly when they suddenly stopped and looked at me with surprised expressions, "There is no need for the princess to go to the battlefield. the princess can continue to issue orders from the tent as usual."

"Yes, that's right, thanks to the strategy the princess had provided for the previous few days, it proved to be effective against our enemy,"

"As a result, we are able to maintain our composure and fight with self-assurance, knowing that princess Alice is in a secure location."

These soldiers presented me with a variety of arguments in an effort to change my mind about what I intended to do.

"I don't need your attention because I've decided to end this mission today, and in order to do that, I have to be directly on the front line," I said it once more, but this time in a commanding manner, as I exited the tent.

These soldiers had no other options available to them, so the only thing left for them to do was to give their lives guarding the princess.

Because if even a single strand of Princess Alice's hair is messed with, the perpetrators will undoubtedly be subjected to a severe punishment, which will consist of losing their lives.

Since it is still early, I am keeping my fingers crossed that I will be able to make it back to the castle before it gets dark... ugh, I miss my brother so much.

I didn't pay any attention to the anxious soldiers who were still inside the tent as I stepped outside the shelter and inhaled the crisp air deeply while taking in the hazy panorama in front of me.

I began walking in front shortly after everything was ready, and the final attack operation started soon after that. The other remaining soldiers who were there lined up behind me as I moved forward.

Since we have established a camp at the edge of the forest, we must proceed further into the surrounding wilderness to reach our enemy's final stronghold.

Our path is occasionally made more difficult by the protruding roots of large trees that stick out of the ground, the peculiar sounds of birds that can be heard among the trees, and the bushes that occasionally move.

All of this alarmed and heightened the alertness of the soldiers walking behind me.

As I ventured deeper into the forest, the trees I encountered became denser and taller, and the fog became thicker. Together, these changes suggested that I was entering a more remote part of the forest.

Therefore, it is difficult for sunlight to reach this area. Instead, only sporadic light from the sun is able to cut through the fog, resulting in a breathtaking panorama.

I didn't travel very far before I found myself at the lake where the enemies were hiding, and when I got there, I could see some ragged tents set up on the shores of the lake.

Shortly after that, a scream came from a woman fetching water from the lake when she saw our presence and became alarmed.

I hoped their opponent wasn't some mountain bandit, as it reminded me of a scene I wished to forget.

I applaud your efforts. Alice, keep going! uohhhh!!!

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