
Sowing the Future's First Seeds


Although both Xonnomor and Gallmath were Archdemons, the allure of the number of Fragments of Sin present before them was too great to ignore. Add in the faint effects of both Avaritia and Luxuria, and it created an even more unfavorable situation for them.

Even if their will was strong, it would only be a matter of time until their resistance wore down and they inevitably gave in. However, on individuals such as their selves, the allure wasn't enough to overwhelm their reasoning.

Therefore, before doing anything else, they questioned both Apollo's motives and the reason they were chosen above the rest.

"As enticing as your deal may seem to be, it also appears to be lacking in some general knowledge. While you offer things, you haven't exactly detailed what they are," Xonnomor said with signs of struggle in his eyes as he occasionally shook his head to deal with the hushed voice in his mind that spoke tempting words.