
One Pierce to Sunder Six Ribs


"Before you fight him, take Brynhildr. That weapon in his possession is...well, let's just say you should be careful," Fuhrer said to Apollo. Silently, Apollo agreed but then he thought about another thing. According to Fuhrer, Brynhildr could change shapes based on the wielder's strength. 

As far as Apollo's strength went, his experience with any type of sword was almost nil. Although this was only a spar, Apollo still didn't want to experience a loss. As a result, he voiced the matter on his mind, "Can Brynhildr take on shapes outside of swords?"

"Unfortunately, no. It is limited strictly to sword transformations. However, there may be another weapon you can use," Fuhrer answered after sparing this some thought.

Apollo raised an eyebrow with intrigue, "Which is?"

"Your Sin Armament. Have you realized? You've unleashed all of the Sin Armaments except for the last one. Don't you think it is time you conjured it?" Fuhrer answered without delay.