
Contacting the Nautilus


Because Xorgrah had yet to reply, Xonnomor grew tense. He even wondered about his father's following thoughts. 'I can never get a read on this man. Just what is he thinking to do? Surely he wouldn't venture into a ruin? Until now, there has been no reason for him to do so.'

Until now, even the hardest ruin only required a peak Archdemon to subjugate it. Even if some odd opponents appeared, such as reanimated corpses or trapped demons, it only took numbers to overwhelm them as the lead member made the decisive finishing move.

However, they didn't understand that the ruin Apollo was inside would require more than a simple peak Archdemon to overcome. Just the first opponent was on par with a peak Archdemon.

If not for Apollo's entourage possessing an advantage when it came to the upgrade provided by the system, then only Fuhrer, Geneva, or Apollo would be able to defeat that opponent.