Two extremely large beasts drew Apollo's attention because they were unlike anything he had seen thus far. They each were at least 3 times larger than Apollo's small frame!
On one side, there was a panther whose body was covered in a scarlet coat. However, clumps of flickering flamers circulated around its ankles while sweltering embers dances from its whiskers.
Meanwhile, its opponent was a wolf with azure fur of matching size.
There was a gathering of blueish azure energy forming the shape of a crown wrapped around its neck. Furthermore, traveling down its spine was a streak of white fur. It generated a stream of air powerful enough to distort the air within a small diameter.
Yet, this wasn't the most shocking aspect of the beasts! Beyond this, each beast radiated an aura Apollo had never seen before!
[Even more ferocious than I expected, there must be a reason for their aggression. Try to find anything out of the ordinary because this type of aggression isn't usually seen unless warranted by something rare.]
"Something rare," Apollo muttered while advancing cautiously. As to not raise awareness, Apollo kept to the top of the trees and kept his weight as minimal as possible.
As a result, it wasn't long before he soon spotted the object of interest. It laid in wait behind the warring beasts.
"I see a type of plant of some sort. Its shape is weird. Based on its appearance, I think it's more fit to call it a root rather than a plant, but I see some deep-red emanations undulating from its body, which matches its color," Apollo described before receiving a response from Azridan.
[Mm, based on your description, it should be some type of assistive herb coveted by these beasts. Plus, if you can sense an aura coming from it, then that means it's a viable experience source. I suggest you get your hands on that, though I presume it won't be easy.]
"How do you suppose I do that?" Apollo asked while his gaze remained glued on the glimmering red root. If he could snag it, it would undoubtedly become an alleviation towards his quest. It was just uncertain as to how effective it would be.
[Capitalize on this moment, learn a crucial behavior of a true demon—plundering. Wait for the most opportune moment and launch your strike. If you strive to succeed, you will need to learn how to be ruthless and forget the consequences towards the victims. After all, if you aren't capable of protecting yourself, who will?]
A cold glint flashed through Apollo's eyes as he listened to Azridan's logical words with clenched fists. His words were true, due to him being of weak potential and useless to the family's future, they didn't expend any efforts to help him.
"I'll accomplish this," Apollo affirmed with a look of certainty in his eyes. One thing he wouldn't do was revert to his past self. By the grace of the system and Azridan's guidance, he would evolve by any means necessary.
Therefore, Apollo bided his time while observing the battle unfold from up above. With the violent aftershocks of the battle, he didn't need to conceal his presence thoroughly. Only enough to himself was necessary.
Meanwhile, the spectated battle took place on a level completely different from what Apollo expected. In fact, he'd be lying if he said their impacts didn't diminish his confidence. After all, their ranks were something he was completely incapable of handling.
「Monster Name: Scarlet Blaze Panther
Cultivation: Middle Stage Rank 2 Spirit Beast
Health: 6,400/7,500」
「Monster Name: Zephyr Wolf
Cultivation: Middle Stage Rank 2 Spirit Beast
Health: 6,310/7,300」
〈System Alert: Observed beasts are at a level comparable to Rank 4 Zul Knight.〉
Boom! Bang! Swoosh!
'Comparable to Zul Knights. Not even Zul Warriors are a match for this type of enemy. Just why am I here? This is akin to a suicide mission,' Apollo mused while guarding his face against the brutal winds.
Concurrently, the battle between the two ferocious beasts continued to worsen.
The Zephyr Wolf, being of the wind element, was many times faster than its opponent. However, what the Scarlet Flame Panther lacked in the speed department, it made up for it in wide-area attacks. Its flames threatened to incinerate the area. Luckily, the presence of Natural Essence changed the layout of the world.
Trees, while still susceptible to fire, now possessed a certain heat threshold before being damaged by flames or even combusting! Regrettably, that threshold wasn't more than a fragile film before beasts of this standard.
Against the current environment, they could only consider beasts of this rank as animals of destruction!
Their blows splintered the base of trees. Even the winds the Zephyr Wolf wielded were capable of blasting a hole through the dense tree trunks littering the area. This scene opened Apollo's eyes to what the stronger cultivators could possibly be capable of in this world.
"If these beasts are only comparable to Zul Knights, I don't want to even think about what the higher levels, such as the Zul Commanders or Generals are capable of," Apollo signs.
On the other hand, neither beast showed signs of relenting. On the contrary, the battle grew more destructive as it waged on! Several ignored wounds appeared at the site of contact, where brutal attacks dealt large amounts of damage.
Sadly, these beasts were intent on achieving that item, even if it meant forgetting their life in the process. In this area, it was the survival of the fittest.
In other words, they found no use in existing if they were unable to continue advancing! Every day wasn't guaranteed in this place because a stronger beast could appear at any moment to conquer their territory.
This was an option worse than death, because being conquered usually meant being tortured as the weaker side, akin to becoming the slaves of the strong.
'Their healths are dropping rather quickly. Is this plant worth that much to them?' Apollo thought to himself. But, little did he know that this was exactly the case. Like Azridan mentioned earlier, most of the beasts on this side of the lived in fear of provoking a foreign existence in this forest.
[Both of their auras are steadily weakening. Prepare to move, however, don't become complacent. Even now, the risks remain unimaginable. But like they say, with great risk comes great reward.]
The battle soon reached its peak, producing a fiery inferno bolstered by the strong wind attacks that terrorized the forest floor farther than Apollo could see. Although Azridan said their aura was weakening from Apollo's point of view he couldn't tell. All the same, he remained hesitant.
Suddenly, six large crescent wind blades shoot from the wolf's mouth after its enraged howl.
In response, the panther snarled viciously followed by the release of a flame orb.
The ensuing matter was a collision of two dangerous forces with a tendency to feed each other! The wind blades and orb of flames caused a massive explosion. Unfortunately, it didn't come without implications.
The explosion was augmented due to the elements forming an unprecedented combustion. In its wake, Apollo bore the brunt of the attack's aftereffects. The base of nearly all the trees within a 30-meter radius was nearly torn asunder and incinerated.
Apollo's eyes widened with fright as the tree he stood on threatened to topple over. Instantly, his mind began to race. 'Oh crap! I'm not sure if they've inflicted enough damage on one another. It's still too dangerous to enter their radar!'
During his thought process, both the tree he stood on and the ones he thought to retreat towards finally collapsed. It had to be known, those two attacks carried with it at least 10% of the total essence in the Spirit Beasts' bodies.
While it was no meager amount, it wasn't reassuring enough.
'Crap. Crap... Crap!' Apollo chanted over and over in his mind. Then, he noticed a small change in the events of the battlefield. Almost instinctively, Apollo retrieved the Dark Cutter.
His first thought was to act on a whim and cut through the trees barring his escape, but his efforts were for naught. He underestimated the extent of these beasts' senses.
[Retreat! NOW!]
Things are changing, some subtly, others drastically. Either way, I'll be blitzing through some edits to improve fluidity and relations.
*Aug 22th, 2021
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