
Apparent Desires


Cynthia fell silent as she recounted the conversation between her and her late father. It was related to Apollo's dad. When it came to this matter, she was always silent about it. Before he passed, this was the sole request her father asked of her.

Almost everyone was unaware of this bit of information, but Apollo's father was a true anomaly. At birth, he was stillborn. In other words, he was born dead. It was a truly ironic situation. Furthermore, it was something that almost never happened in the Astarat world. The Natural Essence ensured the offspring of this world were healthy.

At first, they thought something was wrong due to the Terror's having claimed a part of the world. However, that was tossed out the window. Numerous babies were born alongside Zarel, and they were perfectly healthy. His case was unique and that scared them. Soon enough, they gave up and prepared to bury him.