
A Vicious Return (I)


A pair of disgruntled faces glanced at each other while rushing through the Shadowy Forest. 

"Tch… to think that kid would be so venomous. He ruined my desires. But I couldn't take the chance of these Natural Blessing's being rendered useless. Surely, I'd be punished if that were to happen," Myrin's expression darkened as he stowed away the fruits.

"I feel differently. I find his demeanor to be rather alluring, even if it takes a little more effort to tame him. But, that's where the fun comes in," Krystella chuckled, licking her lips in the process as she glanced at Myrin's unsettled appearance. 

She continued after a brief pause, "Of course, that doesn't mean we can just let him off. He'll have to become my victim. It's regrettable but it'll be worth it if I'm able to savor his unique taste," Krystella licked her nail as a malevolent gleam passed through her eyes.