
The Demon Lord is Human?!

In a post-apocalyptic world facing the emergence of magic, 16 year old Aryan, facing a chance to rise through the commoner ranks and into a great status, lunges at it with all he's got. But when his plans suddenly fall through due to his lack of a unique ability and inestimable job potential, he falls into a cycle of depression and madness. Day after day of mockery and cruelty, no one helping him when he's down, he finally understood the real heart of humans; 'To think I believed so much in the system. Even till this day, humans still function for their own benefit.' Just when his village gets attacked by beasts, and he begins bleeding to death, just when he feels like throwing his life away and ending his misery, he hears a voice; [Detected that host is in proximity to a beast. Would host like to collect the beast's information?] ~~~~~ This is the rise of a new star. What does this mean for the human race? Filled with hatred and anger towards humans, he sets off on his own unique path of leading a beast family. [Hey guys, Dark_Triad here, this is my second novel and I'm a novice writer, so my grammar might be quite disinteresting,but I promise that I'm working on it and I will become a better writer. Also please don't miss my very first book 'Destination: Xendra'. Please, like, vote and comment. It really motivates me. Thanks a lot.]

Dark_Triad · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Year 204 P.A.

Slightly over two centuries had passed since the Great Beginning and humanity was at peace once more. They were back at their place at the top of food chain and many of them had developed abilities that allowed them to remain above others.

In a small village, on an island, somewhere in the Pacific Ocean, off the coast of America.

In a corner of the village, there was a makeshift building and a small courtyard, where a group of small children were playing.

At the steps of the makeshift building, a forty year old man sat, as he watched his son, Aryan, the only nine-year old child amongst the group of children.

A sigh escaped his lips as he couldn't help but recall the reading habit of his son. Living as a commoner had never been easy and his son had developed a talent for reading.

Reading, arithmetic, history, he read every single book he could find. But now, he had no more books. He didn't wish for his son to suffer like him. No one did. He sat for a while, before recalling a small stack of books his great-grandfather left as entertainment.

'Manga' his grandfather had called it. It was a strange book from the old world and had various genres. It was quite a good read and helped him pass the time when he was younger. So he wanted to pass it to his son.

Coincidentally, his son's birthday was coming up in quite a few days so he prepared to give him those books as a gift.

Days flew by and the birthday came along. When he received the books from his father, Aryan's eyes widened. He knew the situation his family was in, so he was hesitant to receive the books at first. But after being convinced that his father didn't steal the books, they became his favorite possession.


Year 206 P.A.

Two years flew by and Aryan had just turned 11. All 11 year old boys were drafted to the mainland, America to be taught in the Capital for 5 years. It was a life-changing opportunity for people in the commoner district throughout America, both on its offshoot, branches-the islands, and those on the mainland.

Aryan's father was worried to see his son go. In his time, he had also attended the Capital Academy, but at the end of his third year, his grades were terrible and his ability wasn't awakened.

Without an ability, he could've still gotten a regular job as a salesman or something meager in the mainland, but it would've allowed him to leave the commoners district.

But he was unfortunate, as his grades were so terrible that no one wanted to accept him. He had no choice but to return to the commoner district.

He didn't want to have high hopes for his son, because he knew that there was a chance things wouldn't work out. But due to his son's learning capacity, he couldn't help but hope for a chance at a better life for him.

After Aryan was drafted, his father cried and was depressed for a few days. His house reminded him of both his son and his wife. And even though one of them was still alive, he couldn't help but bury himself in sadness.

The villagers gave him his space and his house on the edge of the town was avoided for a days until he got better.

Meanwhile, Aryan, who had spent over two years of his life reading and re-reading his manga, had subconsciously started viewing himself as the protagonist of the world.

He wasn't a narcissist because he understood the importance of a main character surrounding himself with like-minded people. He became more outgoing and more confident, and although he didn't brag or show off, for the first three years, he was quite outstanding in the university.

With amazing grades that put him top of the class, he was seen as the most likely to be recruited by the top organizations. Of course, in the Capital University, the first three years were for the students to learn skills related to the lower-class.

At the end of the third year came the testing for unique abilities and the mana aptitude test. This was the dividing line between the commoners and the lower-class, and the bourgeois and the nobles.

Of his first three years, Aryan had an eventful life. He had best friends and a girlfriend whom he doted on so much and he was top of the grade. Of course, the brighter the star, the faster it burns.

Unbeknownst to Aryan, the third year had already been determined to be the peak of his life as the coming tests threw him from the top of the grade to the lowest of trash among his friends.


Year 209 P.A.

In the Capital University, America,

In a building in the middle of the university, a large crowd had occupied the grounds of the building for their testing.

A small testing room was established where a person could go to get tested. Even though it was practically useless because about five seconds after the test results were obtained, a bright light screen was projected into the air showing the results of the person.

A bright screen was showing the results of an individual who finished testing;

<<Francus Eldroan>>

[Mana Aptitude Test]

[Mana Sensitivity: 11]

[Mana Control: 7]

[Number of Skills: 4]

[Unique Ability: Dagger Proficiency]

[Job Potential: Close-Combat Warrior]

A small group of people, involving of Aryan's close friends stood by the side as they discussed their future jobs earnestly.

"Aryan Finneley"

Very quickly, Aryan's name was called out as he walked briskly towards the testing room. A small gleaming crystal sat atop a pedestal. Its surface seemed to scream 'touch me' at the world.

Aryan walked to it and placed his hand atop it. A small warn current traveled throughout his body, investigating every inch of it.

The crystal emitted a small glow as it was processing his results. Five minutes...Ten minutes...thirty minutes...forty seven minutes...fifty three minutes.

By now the entire building was in an uproar. 'Aryan Finneley stayed in the testing room for almost an hour'. It was commonly known that the longer you stayed in the testing room, the stronger you are.

The record for longest time spent in the testing room belonged to someone from the previous era, and the strongest human known till date. He had stayed in the testing room for fifty minutes.

Although Aryan stayed there for only three minutes longer, that was still equivalent to five times the mana absorption speed.

Everyone was ecstatic and some were even planning on riding on Aryan's coattails, but the next message brought them down to Earth. Instantly, everyone went from jovial to disdain. It was as though all their efforts were wasted;

<<Aryan Finneley>>

[Mana Aptitude Test]

[Mana Sensitivity: 23]

[Mana Control: 17]

[Number of Skills: 1]

[Unique Ability: Charisma]

[Job Potential: Salesman]

Rather than say that he had a unique ability, it was more accurate to say that he didn't have one. Most individuals would have more than one skill, of which the most unique one would be labeled as the unique ability.

But Aryan only had one skill. It only made sense that that skill would be labeled unique even though it was a common skill. Especially among salesmen.

Aryan stared blankly at the crystal in front of him. The results still echoing in his ears. His nails were digging into to his skin, blood dripping down his hands and his eyes filled with tears.

'So I wasn't special? Damnit! And my dad was waiting for me too. I really wanted to surprise him.'

Aryan sat against the wall and bawled into his knees while recalling his years at the Capital University.

After a while, his eyes were hollow and empty and his heart was calm.

'As long as I still have my friends' support, I can definitely make it.'

Even though he thought like that, a part of him knew the kind of attitude those friends would have towards him. With his grades, he would have a chance of joining the lower-class and with over 50 years of savings, he could definitely buy a Vax crystal to awaken a unique ability.

Vax crystals could forcefully awaken a unique ability, although the ability may not be compatible with the user.

Walking out of the testing room, Aryan's eyes were hollow and his head was hung low. The scoffs and looks he received as he stepped out of the testing room made him grit his teeth.

Footsteps rang out as a figure made its way to Aryan. Slightly raising his head, he saw his girlfriend glaring at him.



The sound of a slap rang out across the room causing heads to turn. Frozen with shock, Aryan watched his girlfriend scream at him.

"How dare you?!...."