
The Demon Lord Is An Angel

Since time immemorial, the magical beings known as angels and demons have opposed each other, waging war on each others homes and upon the world of Ayther. But something terrible is coming, something that threatens to consume all three worlds and leave nothing in its wake. Kir had a rough life ahead of him, even before he was born. His mother made a deal with a devil to bear him in exchange for power, a decision born of exile. Then, in exchange for a new life, she gave Kir to a witch. The witch, along with her wife, turned out to be rather good parents though. Then everything changed on his seventeenth birthday, when, not only did he grow wings, but they were angel wings! Now his demonic deadbeat father has come to collect him, and in the custody battle between a witch and the Devil of Heresy, Kir isn't sure who will come out on top, but he knows he wants to keep his family safe. Thankfully, however, his father's willingness to strike a deal gives Kir some time to prepare for what's to come, and to learn more about himself. He just has to make it through life at a magical academy with a succubus, avoid dying, and survive to find his mother. It's a lot to handle for a quiet, brooding angel boy. Fortunately, Kir has his own secret: this isn't his first go at life. ---- Daily Chapters At 1205 EST Special thanks to ExQuartz_Roachina for help with the cover! ************ Content Advisory: Sex of the pansexual variety (lots of it after chapter 50) Adult-Oriented chapters will be marked with * All characters depicted in sexual chapters are adults 18 Earth years and over. ************ PS: Thank you so much for considering my novel! I invite you to consider my other works if you are interested: https://www.webnovel.com/book/ascendant-struggle_25877996405233505 If you're interested in joining a forum for my books, or interfacing with me as the author, please use this Discord link: https://discord.gg/ksJ8dJup4d If you like what I have written, please collect my story! Consider donating power stones and golden tickets to ensure others get to see it too! If you want to read more, please unlock new chapters when Premium becomes available! Every coin will help me write more stories! Humbly, ~Haizao Please support my work at: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/haizao

Haizao · Fantasy
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306 Chs

Succubus Tales

Stella kept laughing at Kir all throughout his orientation to the Fire Tower. And the Earth Tower. She even showed up in the bathroom when, at the beginning of the Water Tower tour, he went to try to clear his head, flying in as soon as someone left and landing on the door to his stall.

Kir was sitting on the lid of the toilet. He didn't actually need to go, he just needed someplace quiet. He lost that when Stella arrived.

"Oh gods! I can't believe it... you had the hots for a couple and you didn't know!" she bawled, pointing at him with her little bat claw before beating a tiny set of taps into the top of the door as she continued to cackle.

"Get down here!" Kir ordered, and suddenly Stella was standing up before flying down to him. He caught her midair and held her in one hand. She squeaked as she was grasped, but then burst out laughing again. "Did you know about this? Stop laughing!"

Stella immediately went to something between a chortle and a chuckle. "Yes! I figured it out before your big duel." She said between the chuckles. "I also got some useful intel on those boys that challenged you."

"How did you find out?" Kir asked. "What do you know?"

"Much as I enjoyed getting squeezed by you, it would be much easier for me to talk if you let go." Stella replied.

As soon as Kir let go, she turned into her succubus form, looking exactly the same as earlier that morning.

"Okay," she began her tale, "So there I was, flying out after you told me to 'get lost,' and I think to myself, 'Stella! Where's a good place to feed on some errant lust without causing trouble like the boss said?' And then I remembered the secret library that the second-year girls were all talking about while you were busy blowing up the harbor." She gesticulated as she talked. "So I follow this purple-haired girl, because I kinda got this thing about secondary colors being good luck for me, like, especially orange but I really like purple and-"

"Stella, stay focused please," Kir interrupted.

"Right! So anyway, I land on the bookshelf, and the girl walks up to that foxy totsy you were crushing on, and she's all 'Hey, Kordia, I just got my book back from the first year circle, is it alright if you read it and tell me how realistic Rain is?'

And Kordia was all 'No problem! I didn't know you were into him.' And then she was all 'Almost all the girls are... there's a lot of jealousy over the fact he asked you out...'

And then Kordia was all 'I don't know how it happened either, I mean... I pretty much tutored him through all of first year, and then we just sort of... clicked...'"

"Is this just going to be gossip?" Kir asked.

"Respect my process! Heaven, you are so impatient with me, I swear..." Stella crossed her arms.

Kir didn't want to order her again, so he sighed. "Alright," he said.

"Right... so... where was I?" Stella asked.

"You were saying something about how Rain and Kordia got together..." Kir filled in.

"Oh yeah!" Stella continued, "So there I was, and I was getting bored because no one was actually reading all the smut in that tiny little room, and then Kordia says, 'Say, um... Harmony... what do you think of the new student? The, um, demonkin...' And her friend was all 'Him? He's scary. Like... the way he always looks angry...'"

"I don't always look angry!" Kir protested.

"Eh, people just assume that about demonkin. Comes with the territory... although..." Stella put her hands on Kir's knees, "I could show you a few things to relax if-"

"Please continue the story."

"Fine... sheesh... So Kordia was all 'Oh no, he's not scary when you get to know him,' and her friend was like 'You got to know him? What's he like? I was thinking of writing a book with him. Do you think he's secretly a bottom?'"

Kir facepalmed. "Just... please skip to the part about my challengers... I don't want to hear this..."

"Are you sure? It gets real juicy when-"

"I'm sure!" Kir raised his voice, causing it to crack.

Stella sighed. "You are the worst audience I've ever had. And I used to talk to the customers in Corlwin's shop." She stepped back and cracked her knuckles, "So yeah, while I was getting some residual mana off the two bookworms, some girl bursts in saying there's a duel and that you were being challenged by 'Jabs' or something. I followed them out and decided to take the stairs, and wouldn't you know it, I saw those boys you fought waiting at an elevator with one of the professors.

They was all worried but he gave them each some kind of potion 'for courage' and told them that if they got into trouble they should just use the spell he taught them. Said it didn't matter if they won or lost as long as they made you overreact." Stella tapped a foot. "Then they went up the elevator and I booked it quick to watch you whip their asses."

Just when Kir thought Stella was through, she added, "And you got stuck between the happy couple!" She started laughing. "I mean, you're blocking me hard but gods damn! That almost made all this frustration worth it!"

Kir sighed. "Alright, Stella, thank you for telling me all this... I suppose that deserves some kind of reward?"

Stella reined in her own laughter enough to raise a quizzical eyebrow. "Finally ready to pop that cherry?" she asked.

"No," Kir said flatly. "I was just thinking maybe I should pay you a fair wage or something... knowing a teacher's got it out for me helps, even if you didn't catch a name."

"A wage? What am I supposed to do with money? I can't eat that," Stella said. "I need mana. The lustier the better."

"How does that even work?" Kir asked.

"I don't know, people just leak the stuff. I can absorb the good stuff just by being around it." Stella replied.

"So lust... attunes mana?" Kir asked.

"I guess. Manavores like you and me have our ways of eating it... and you know, if you attune deeper with me, I think you can eventually learn to do it yourself... It sure would beat eating rocks..."

"So if I wanted to reward you, couldn't I just give you mana?" Kir asked.

"I mean... I'll take it... but it would really be a reward if you gave it to me in a kiss..." she said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Alright," Kir finally relented.

"Yeah, yeah, I get it. No kissing the help- Wait what?"

"I'll give you a kiss for doing a good job," Kir said, gathering mana in his lips as he spoke.

Stella looked ready to cry. "At long last..." She fluttered up to eye height with Kir, who stepped forward, bracing one hand against the stall on the side of her as she lowered herself just a little to let him loom. She licked her lips and closed her eyes...

Kir kissed her on the forehead, right between the horns, feeling a slight pull as his mana entered her, though it felt as if some of it didn't make it.

Stella, nevertheless, shivered with the sensation, and as Kir stepped back, he saw her grow just a little. "Ohh... that was so good... But why do I suddenly feel less horny?"

"Maybe it's because you had a growth spurt?" Kir guessed.

"Yeah... maybe that's it..." Stella touched her forehead and let herself land.

"You're a good friend, Stella, but I want my first time to be special... that goes for first kisses too." He edged around her and opened the bathroom stall. "Take the rest of the day off," he said as he departed.


"I thought our first kiss was special..." Stella murmured to herself as soon as she was alone.