
The Demon Lord’s Ploy

Damian White. A man in his 20’s. He wasn’t really remarkable and had few friends. But, he wanted a free and peaceful life. But, fate took it away after a friends betrayal and another one’s death. He was committed to get stronger and defeat these evil’s himself. But instead he became the leader of these villains, and the new ‘Demon Lord’. But all Damian wanted was freedom and peace. But as hero’s from another world were summoned to defeat him, he was planning to use them to fulfill his master plan.

NotRenZu · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
4 Chs


"The other Trainees are about to arrive, you should probably greet them." Sam suggested.

A person walked through the door.

It was a man, around 23 years old.

He was wearing a silk tunic with a greyish black coat.

He had scruffy brown hair and silverish ring adorning his fingers.

He had an aura of wealth surrounding him.

He noticed Sam, then Damian.

"Hello, my name is Jonathan, what is yours." Jonathan asked towards Damian.

"My name is Damian."

Another one popped out of the door.

This time it was a woman.

She looked to be around 21, and had light blonde hair.

"I am Jonny's girlfriend, my name is Erina. Who are you?"

"His name is Damian, dear." Jonathan cut in.

This time 2 more popped in.

They didn't introduce themselves as 3 people walked through the door.

Then another guy walked through.

Finally after a minute longer, the last girl walked through.

Sam then shut the door, and said, "Okay, now introduce yourselves. Starting from Jonathan."

"Hello, my name is Jonathan Joy, from the Joy family." Jonathan introduced himself quickly and sat down.

Erina stood up and said, "Hello, my name is Erina Armstrong, from the Armstrong family, I am the girlfriend of Jonny."

"Hello, my name is Damian White." Damian briskly say down after introduction.

Another one went up and said, "My name is Christopher Jackson."

"My name is…"

Soon, the introductions were done.

"Alright, before you start training, we first need to review basic stuff, or for some of you, learn it." Sam looked to a few people in the group of 10.

"First, the coin system. 1 copper is equivalent to 10 apples. 100 copper is 1 silver. 1 silver is equivalent to a good quality steel sword. 1000 silver is equal to 1 gold. A singular gold is equivalent to a small mansion. 1000 gold is equivalent to 1 platinum. A platinum coin is worth as much as the kings castle." San explained.

"Second, the mana system. Step 1 is to make your body accustomed to your mana, by cycling it through the body with no difficulty. Step 2 is to complete your awakening, which is complete 1 full cycle in the brain. Here, you gain the ability of spells. After this, the progress is quantified into tiers. There are ten in total. The first tier is to push mana and control it one meter outside of the body. Likewise, for the tenth tier, you control it 10 meters from the body, and once you do so, you are qualified for the title of Domain Master. I won't tell you of the other tiers, as I don't know if you can even reach them."

"Finally, is the noble titles. The lowest being Baron, then Viscount, Count, Marquis, and finally Duke."

"Now let's start fighting, all of you against me, the one who lands a hit first, will be assigned as the leader of your regiment, #434." Sam said while throwing wooden weapons to their feet, while picking up a sturdy stick from the ground.

Most of the students were surprised that they were going to team battle him, but 4 were ready, them being, Damian, Jonathan who rocks a saber, Erina who holds a rapier, and another guy by the name of Arthur who wields a spear.

The 4 rushed towards Sam hoping to catch him off guard, but instead get flung back to their starting positions by the air pressure of his slash.

Sam then backs off.

By now, the others have grabbed their weapon of choice and they all rushed towards Sam, thinking that they would overpower him with sheer numbers and one person would get a hit in.

But Damian didn't think this way. He already knew of Sam's overwhelming power, that transcends numbers.

He stayed back, using his teammates as shields so that Sam wouldn't spot him as he dashed to his blind spot.

"Where are you going." Sam coldly said.

Damian froze, but half a second later kept running towards him.

Sam swung at him and Damian flew back but not too far as he had been in a blocking motion.

The rest of the trainees got to Sam as he used the technique [Iron Air Dome] to repel their weapons.

He then swung his stick to them and repelled them back to where they started.

Damian, who had already gotten up, zig-zagged toward Sam as he clashed with Damian.

Damian went for a slash to the right shoulder as Sam parried and got a hit off on the stomach.

But Damian didn't falter and continued slashing, this time in a rhythm. Right shoulder, down to left hip, wait half a second. Left shoulder, right hip. Wait a second. 3 quick fabs to the torso and one to the neck and repeat.

The cycle continued for a full 5 seconds, Sam on the defense, smiling, blocking with ease. The other trainees looking a the spectacle, before someone thought it was a good idea to try to land a hit off on Sam.

The other 8 followed him, surrounding Sam in an almost complete circle.

Sam looked around, but it was never good to unfocus in a battle as Damian tried to sweep his legs, but Sam reacted in time and jumped up.

Damian then tried to hit him with his sword, but he used [Iron Air].

The other trainees seeing that it was now time, rushed towards him in batches of two, half a second apart.

When the first batch appeared, Sam was still in the air and had to use [Iron Air] again.

But less then half a second later, he used [Moon Step] to launch himself in the air.

He then bounced off the mana steps at high speeds and went to around a meter above the ground.

He then continued using [Moon Step] and bounced off of them and passed by each one of the trainees and slashed them all in less than a tenth of a second.

This continued for a full second until most of the trainees were on their knees.

Sam looked around, dropped his weapon and said, "Well it seems none of you had landed a hit on m-"


A loud bang sound occurred as wood hit metal.

A person was now visible to the trainees.

It was Jonathan.

"Tier 1 spell [Veil]. It blocks perception for the duration the spell, but it seems it only works for 3 seconds on you." Jonathan said.

Of course, Jonathan didn't hit him as Sam noticed him a tenth of a second before he hit Sam, more than enough time to put up an [Iron Air].

But the rest of the trainees quickly got up and rushed towards the now weaponless Sam.

Damian however, wasn't in the group as he had dodged the [Moon Step] flurry.

He was currently rushing at Sam from his blind spot as Sam put up an [Iron Air Dome].

But the [Iron Air Dome] has a weakness, It doesn't go the full 360 degrees around the user as the mana core is left unprotected.

Since Damian was currently rushing Sam from that spot, he was guaranteed a hit unless something unexpected happens.

Good thing nothing did, as the sound of wood hitting flesh sounded in the courtyard, and the trainees dropped their weapons and stood still.

"Good job, Damian." Sam complimented with a slight smile. "You are now the Captain of regiment #434."