
The Demon King of the Manga World

The protagonist obtains the treasure box system, starts a two-dimensional journey, and beats all dissatisfaction.

Supe3rman1234 · Book&Literature
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82 Chs

Chapitre 32

apter 32

Author: Yun Dian丨Mengxin Liulian


On the other side, a million meters away, Riku appeared here, lifted the seventh The door, the state of shock.

Even now, after opening the seventh door for so long, he still feels unbearable pain in his body.

"Huh, I'm really exhausted. Although it's tiring, it's good news to have the opportunity to pull the dragon spirits into the alliance." Riku muttered with a pale face.

Maybe killing Bailong Zhuyue can get the same 50,000 exchange points as the Demon King, but it is nothing compared to attracting the entire dragon essence. His purpose is always very simple, to kill the God of War by all means.

"Speaking of which, Kyoka Shuiyue and Hua Lun are really powerful. Even the dragon spirits were played by me and couldn't find Bei." Finally, Riku held the Zanpakutō in front of him, the corners of his mouth slightly curled up, satisfied. nodded.

Each time, after Zanpakutō was integrated into the soul of Zanpakutō, two abilities were activated. One is the BUG ability of the big boss Aizen in "Grim Reaper", the hallucination ability-Kinghuashuiyue.

With this ability, Aizen can be said to play captain-level characters between the palms of his hands, just hanging up and playing, playing with children.

And after Riku turned on Jinghua Shuiyue, Zhu Yue fell into complete hypnosis. In fact, the figures that Zhu Yue attacked were all transformed from dust and black ash.

(ps: Seeking for collection, reward, Huahua, support with very good comments~!)

Chapter 49 Shubi's request~ (2/5 asks for everything!)

I have to say, Jinghua Shuiyue's ability to manipulate the five senses is used It's cool, but it consumes too much. After all, the stronger the object that manipulates the five senses, the more energy is consumed.

Fortunately, Riku was used when the shocking door was opened, otherwise, trying to control the dragon essence seed in the normal state is simply delusional, and it will be directly drained.

Another ability is the flower wheel. Absorb energy, store it up, and attack.

This ability is also very powerful. But there are also disadvantages, the absorption is limited. The dragon breath that absorbed Zhu Yue repeatedly and twice before was almost on the verge of reaching the limit. Consumption is also large.

However, no matter what, Liku won, and won very beautifully, and it was enough to turn Zhu Yue's tricks around.

"Hey, it's time to see Coroney and the others." After Riku sighed lightly, he stepped on the air and left.

When Riku returned to the human settlement, he couldn't help showing a strange look. Because Riku found out that ShuVi was holding hands affectionately by Corony, saying something. While the expressions of the others were a little strange and uncomfortable, there were no other emotions.

"Riku is back. It's fine... that's great." When Riku appeared, ShuVi was the first to spot Riku's figure, looked into the air, and waved.

"Riku, you're finally back, you're worried to death for us." Coronee was stunned for a moment, then she was the first to react and said happily.

"Hey, it's the leader! The leader is really flying!"

"So what Coroney said is true! The leader has great power, and this armor type follows the leader."


In an instant, the people in the human settlement started to chat excitedly.

This made Riku instantly understand that after ShuVi was discovered, what kind of ideological work Corony had done, otherwise it would not have happened.

However, this situation is something that Riku is happy to see.

"Everyone, it's alright. Just go back to the colony, no need to migrate. I blocked the aftermath just now." After Riku landed from the air, he said softly.

"The colony hasn't been destroyed? Great!"

Hearing this, Coroney showed joy, and the other villagers also danced. Having lived here for two or three years, I have already had feelings for each other. And finding a place to live again is equivalent to starting from scratch, with all kinds of difficulties.

"Riku, did you win?" ShuVi walked to Riku's side, pulled the corner of his shirt, and asked.

"I won." Riku stretched out his hand and stroked ShuVi's hat, and said with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"According to the power comparison, Riku's power has increased strangely, but he is still inferior to the dragon spirit, yet he wins. Strange." ShuVi tilted her head and said a little stiffly. Obviously not using the personality template, just removing the mechanical prefix of the way of speaking, made her a little uncomfortable.

"As I said, don't put too much faith in the comparison of superficial data." Riku shook his head.

"Hmm..." ShuVi nodded when she heard this, instead of refuting.

"No way! Riku, you won the Dragon Spirit Seed!" At this moment, Coroney reacted and shouted loudly. Eyes full of incredible.

Although Riku said that he has power comparable to the Flügel, this time the enemy was the Dragon Spirit, and he actually won!

The other humans were also dumbfounded. He looked sluggish. For them, it is unbelievable that humans can defeat the orcs, let alone the dragon spirits of the upper race.

"It's inconvenient to speak here. Affected by the previous battle, the number of 'black ash' has increased, which is easy to cause harm to the human body. Let's go back to the colony first." Riku shook his head slightly and said in a deep voice.

"Yeah!" Hearing this, everyone was shocked and nodded quickly.


After returning to the set, after finally dealing with such troublesome matters, Riku was free to take a dip in the hot spring.

"Riku, the hot water is ready." Coroney smiled and said to Riku when she came to Riku's room.

"ShuVi, I'm going to take a shower first, you can stay here for a while." Riku touched ShuVi's head and said warmly.

Although the people in the colony knew that ShuVi followed Riku's identity, they still felt fear. This is the subconscious emotion of human beings towards foreign races, and it cannot be eliminated in a short time.

So it's best for ShuVi to stay in the room.

"I want to...wash with Riku..." ShuVi suddenly grabbed the corner of Riku's clothes and said slowly.

"Riku, you really have been trained...!" Corony was stunned, and then said to Riku with a smirk.

"Ke'er, what are you talking about! ShuVi...why, don't you have a dustproof function?" Riku glared at the funny Coroney, and then said to ShuVi, dumbfounded. Washing with ShuVi is a good idea, but now that Keer is still here, he's still a little embarrassed.

"Because, the dust-proof function will have a fairy reaction, which is dangerous..." ShuVi said slowly. "Also, I also want to experience bathing like a human being and feel the 'heart', but I can't bathe..."

ShuVi silently gave her own explanation.

(ps: Please collect, give a reward, Huahua, and vote for your support~!)

Chapter 50 Let's play the game together~ (3/5 ask for everything!)

"The elf reaction..." Hearing this, Riku Weiwei Rolled his eyes. In such a fierce battle, the elf reaction in this area has long been on the table, and it is inevitable that the elf reaction to remove dust will be covered up.

Moreover, even if they were noticed, there was no sense of race. The lower races would only be frightened, and the upper races, the Flügels, might notice it, so just pay attention.

After all, the fight is over here, what are you doing here?

But, as ShuVi said, taking a bath together and feeling the 'heart', and this way of communication, doesn't seem to be harmful to him.

"Riku, what ShuVi said also makes sense. You can do it. Big sister won't stop you anyway." Corony smirked.

"If that's the case, then ShuVi, come with me." If he hesitated any longer, he didn't look like a man, and Riku nodded smashed. Anyway, he even ate Fia, and ShuVi doesn't seem to be fine. Anyway, it's his future wife... Let's see, it's probably no problem...

"Yeah. Take a shower with Riku, looking forward to it." ShuVi nodded. He nodded and said silently.

In a strange mood, Riku led ShuVi towards the bathing place.