
The Demon King of the Manga World

The protagonist obtains the treasure box system, starts a two-dimensional journey, and beats all dissatisfaction.

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82 Chs

Chapitre 29

ld Chapter 29

Author: Yun Dian丨Mengxin Liulian

"It's really cheap to pick up this time." Hearing the system prompt in his head, Riku's mouth twitched in satisfaction.

"Unknown guy, is it too arrogant to steal my spoils like this?" At this moment, a dull voice sounded, causing Riku to look over.

On the other side, Bai Long, who had become intact, was staring at Riku, his eyes full of indifference.

"Sure enough, you just pretended. If I approached you at will, I guess I would be disabled now if I didn't die." Riku narrowed his eyes slightly and answered the question.

"Hehe, do you think I've clearly found out that someone has been spying on the battle, don't you take precautions? It's a bit unexpected to be seen by you. However, it was not intentional just now, because of such a serious injury, even I was almost Died. It took a while to recover." Bai Long explained in surprise.

(ps: Please collect, reward, spend, and support with tickets~! From now on, it will be the real climax stage!)

Chapter 44 It's time to abuse the dragon! (2/5 asks for everything!)

"Yeah, that's a pity." Riku shook his head slightly.

Bai Long still didn't say anything, that is, even if she wanted a little time to recover, it would be enough when Liku came over, and the killing would be easy and enjoyable. As for why the powerful dragon spirits tried to deceive him, it is estimated that they have already noticed his spatial ability.

"Hehe, it's a pity, but before that, can I trouble you to explain how you made that dirty guy disappear?" Bai Long said meaningfully. "Is this also a kind of space ability?"

"You should be like this." Riku said casually. How could it be possible to explain the system recycling capability.

However, since the big guy in front of him is not planning to attack for the time being, there is no need for him to provoke the battle, and the most important thing is to buy time.

"Strange guy. My name is Zhuyue Kuntuta, you can call me Zhuyue. So, what about your name and race?" Bailong stared at Riku and asked curiously.

"Juyue... My name is Riku Dora, whatever you want to call it. As for the race, it's the human race." Hearing this, Riku said calmly.

"Riku...human? Are you lying to me? How could human beings have a strong person like you? Although your aura is not as good as mine, it is not something that the lower races can achieve." Hearing this, Zhu Yue couldn't help but feel He was stunned, and said in surprise.

Human beings are the weakest beings in this world. They are not looked down upon by any race. They cannot even survive as individuals, and can only act in groups. There are few elves in the body, and there is no ability or power.

However, now someone told her that she was human, and her power was so strong, which shattered her worldview.

"Are you really that 'weak' human being?" Zhu Yue asked with certainty. However, in fact, she has already determined a lot. This physical characteristic is indeed the same as that of human beings. And there is no need for the other party to lie to her.

"What do you think?" Riku said indifferently.

"Hehe, interesting. If that's the case, then fight with me. I want to see why you are so strong as a human being, and how strong you are." Hearing this, Zhu Yue suddenly moved, and the golden Long Tong was full of curiosity and fighting intent.

"You dragon spirits are really warlike races. However, since you want to fight, I can accompany you. However, I will choose the location." Riku narrowed his pupils and said calmly.

Instead of letting this calamity mess around here, it's better to find a way to solve it.

"Haha, yes." Zhu Yue agreed without hesitation.

After the words fell, Riku was not wasting time, his body flashed, stepping on the air, and his body rushed into the distance like a meteor.

And Bai Long, seeing Riku's astonishing speed, became more and more interested. The bodily function that breaks the physical limit is the characteristic of the bloody orc race. I didn't expect Riku to be able to do it, and I don't know how many times stronger than the orc race.

Before, Zhu Yue thought that Liku was flying, but it turned out to be stepping on the air.

"System, exchange for an excellent treasure chest." Riku said in his heart as he rushed forward. After recovering the Demon King's body, he obtained 50,000 exchange points. He now has 60,000 exchange points. Time to open the treasure chest.

"Ding, the exchange for the excellent treasure chest was successful." The system said silently in Liku's mind.

In an instant, a treasure chest of purple light appeared in front of Riku's eyes. Even though Riku was advancing rapidly, he was still fixed in front of Riku's eyes.

"In response, Riku tapped his hand in anticipation and opened this excellent treasure box.

Ding, congratulations to the master for opening the excellent treasure box and obtaining the soul of

Zanpakutō. The first solution and the swastika solution. The acquired ability depends on the luck of the user.

"The soul of Zanpakutō? As expected of an excellent treasure chest, the things that are opened are equivalent to exclusive ones. Hearing the voice in his head, Riku's eyes lit up.

Zanpakutō, he has a shallow punch, but he has to communicate with him and then start to understand and explain things. It's too troublesome, so he keeps putting it on In the storage space.

Now that you have this thing, if you can get a very good ability, it will definitely be a big help. After all, the ability in the god of death is not weak. Maybe you just won't win the god of war, if you are lucky enough to get a powerful ability, It's okay to fight a dragon spirit.

"Use the soul of Zanpakutō. "Riku took out the Zanpakutō from the storage space and I held it in my hand, and then said to the system. Since the start is good, he doesn't need to continue to spend exchange points to open the treasure chest.

"Understood. "After receiving the order, the system executed it without delay.

"Hey, human, how far do you have to run!" "Seeing that Liku has been silently moving towards the distance, and has already run for a distance of hundreds of thousands of meters, Zhu Yue said dissatisfiedly.

"Hehe, since you can't wait, let's be here." "Riku suddenly stopped looking, turned to look directly at the white dragon behind him, and said with interest.

Now, it's time to abuse the dragon!"

(ps: ahem, readers, do you want to guess what abilities you have obtained. By the way, please collect, reward, Huahua, and vote for support~!)

Chapter 45 The battle between people and dragons! (3/5 asks for everything!)

"You suddenly became very confident. Is the source of your sword?" Zhu Yue stared at the Zanpakutō that gleamed with blue light in Riku's hand, and asked suspiciously.

"Who knows." Riku said indifferently. People who say their cards at will are either mentally retarded or arrogant. He wouldn't do such a stupid thing.

"Go." Riku's eyes flashed, and he suddenly moved.

"Boom——!" In the next instant, Riku disappeared in place, and the air in the original place had already been stepped on, causing a loud noise like thunder.

Zhu Yue was not flustered by the sudden attack of Liku, but was surprised, because Liku's speed was about twice as fast as before. Obviously, Liku had been hiding his strength before.

Being caught off guard by Riku, Zhu Yue could only wave her dragon claws, trying to resist Riku.

However, being small also has the benefit of being small, which is flexibility.

Liku easily escaped the dragon's claws, and even stepped on the dragon's claws, rushed to Zhu Yue's abdomen, and unreservedly threw his own punch!


In an instant, the air exploded, and Riku's fist slammed directly into Zhu Yue's abdomen. In an instant, Zhu Yue was blasted out with a loud bang, a huge fist mark appeared on Zhu Yue's abdomen, and the dragon scales shattered.

The entire dragon body was blasted out, heading towards the sky.

"Ow——!" Being hit so hard, Zhu Yue let out a wailing. To be honest, although she knew that Riku was very strong, she did not expect that her speed and strength would be so strong that she could defeat the Flügel with physical strength alone.

Inadvertently, she suffered a big loss!

"Day Tiger!!!!!!"

And this is not the end. After the blow, Riku didn't let Zhu Yue's plan go, his veins bulged directly, and the light blue arrogance intertwined and was swung out by Riku.

In an instant, the light blue energy arrogance actually formed the shape of a huge tiger, interwoven with the blue flames all over the body, roaring across the sky, and rushing towards Zhu Yue.

This is exactly the seventh door of the Eight Doors, a shocking big move!

"Roar! Humans, don't underestimate me too much!" However, although Riku's previous punch had caused a lot of trauma to Zhu Yue, it was not enough to make Zhu Yue fall into a stiff state, so she quickly adjusted her body. Shaped, staying high in the sky, roaring.