
The Demon King is an Idiot [BL]

Are you afraid of death? For Jie Fu Lian, who had already come to terms with his death, the thought of being alive was scarier. Although his death was quite tragic, he still lived a fulfilling life. He had done everything that he had wanted to do and he had achieved everything that he had strived for. Even as he died, he only had a single regret. He regretted the fact that he couldn't thank Hua Tianshu, an enemy who had stood up for him till the end. His death was quite painful but he wasn't unhappy with it. However, it should have ended right there. Why the hell was he now possessing the body of a tyrannical demon king?! The heavens above were certainly playing with him and laughing at his misfortune! As if possessing the body of his enemy wasn't enough, out of all the people that he could run into, why did he have to run into Hua Tianshu?! Just when Jie Fu Lian thought his luck couldn't get any worse, Hua Tianshu just had to go and recognize him as well! "Is this what an ill-fated relationship means?" Jie Fu Lian's lips twitched. It was as if even death couldn't break the red strings that had tied the two of them together. "Why are you so nice to me?" “You wouldn’t believe me even if I told you the reason,” Hua Tianshu sighed. “You are falsely accusing me. I trust everything you tell me.” “I like you.” “I like you too, brother,” Jie Fu Lian beamed, however, this response only disappointed Hua Tianshu whose words had been misunderstood once again. “We are clearly not on the same page,” Hua Tianshu sighed as he turned around and left. Jie Fu Lian frowned as he tilted his head cluelessly. The new demon king is a thick-headed idiot who can’t even take a hint! Cover art by: Cherlyswan

cherlyswan · LGBT+
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200 Chs

The wolf cub is having fun

After eight days of traveling, the three reached the Jin Sect.

Since Hua Tianshu had already announced his visit, the Jin Sect was prepared to receive a guest.

As agreed, Jie Fu Lian turned himself into a little wolf cub, and unexpectedly enough, he enjoyed it a lot more than he thought he would.

It was like a whole new world had opened up to him. Who knew being a wolf would be this much fun? He could run faster, jump higher and no matter what he did, people would think he was cute and would play with him. If somebody asked him to stay as a wolf cub forever, he would probably agree to do it with no questions asked.

Upon their arrival, the first one to come out and meet them was Jin Long.

Jie Fu Lian would certainly be lying if he claimed to not be surprised upon seeing the man after such a long time.