
The Demon King Has Been Defeated! Now What?

The Demon King has been defeated - now what? Wait, why is the princess of the Human Kingdom choosing a side character over Hero? And why does the world seem dead-set on getting in the way? What the hell is going on?

MelanDelora · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Grime III

With a curious look in her eyes, Melan leans in and asks,「Is that right? What is it you like about adventurers?」 attempting to steer the conversation in a more favorable direction. She notes the way the elf's ears perk up briefly. She's on the right course.

Percibell shifts nervously in her seat, letting her index fingers touch repeatedly, 「Well... H-how should I say it? D-despite what Miss Melan claims, being an adventurer is cool and exciting... aa-and worthwhile,」 she stammers at first, but with a deep breath, she straightens her back, ready and determined to change Melan's negative view.

「First of all,」 she begins 「You get to explore the vast and magical lands that you only know from myths and legends, which is way more exciting than being stuck in one place for the rest of your life!」

Melan raises an eyebrow, picking up on the emphasis on being stuck in one place for life. She lets the growing excitement in her voice continue without raising any questions, instead taking the opportunity to finally shuffle the jugs of drinks around as discreetly as possible.

「And then there are the treasures!」 Percibell continues, 「As adventurers, we have the opportunity to discover artifacts that can change the course of history! Remember the discovery of the Divine Sanctuary? Adventurers did that! And, don't forget the rewards we can get from high-ranked quests, all paid handsomely by the Guild!」 Percibell's eyes start sparkling with passion as her long ears flip and flop while she continues in an exhilarated voice. 「We can fight evil and defend the innocent using our unique skills and abilities without constraints! See, just this C-rank badge proves how capable I've become even as an elf!」 the petite long-ear tells a nodding Melan, proudly showing off the silver badge around her neck engraved with the letter C. In the throes of a long passionate rant, and without thinking, she graciously accepts the drink put forward by the emerald-eyed woman.

「Sure, some do bad stuff like those before, and it's true that it's physically and mentally tiring, but we learn and grow stronger, using our wit and courage, we form trust and gain experience and companions that can last a lifetime!」

Melan lifts her own drink for a toast and urges Percibell to take a small break so they both can take a sip. The elf grimaces slightly at the strong taste — however, she keeps drinking diligently, not boorish enough to voice any complaints about a drink she was offered by the kind young lady who just saved her. After a few sips, she looks at Melan with a self-assured smirk, ears still flopping excitedly, and concludes,

「...and if we are lucky, we can retire early with world-wide renown while leaving behind a legacy! Like Dva the Beast Slayer or the legendary party Mythros!」

「My, I never knew!」 Melan admits, questioning the names thrown at her, 「I only ever had a limited view of adventurers so I never realized you lived with such wonder and purpose!」

She lifts her jug again, urging Percibell to do the same. 「To the magnificent lives of adventurers!」 she exclaims in a toast.

Percibell reveals a childlike, toothy grin, beaming with pride that she managed to convince her elegant and refined companion. She takes big gulps of her drink to reward herself. Meanwhile, Melan is watching with a warm expression, the aftertaste of her own drink somehow seeming even sweeter. When the elf puts her half-empty jug down with a clang, Melan notices her face has turned rosy and the eyes look back at her with an unfocused gaze.

Melan narrows her eyes in glee, and asks, 「Speaking of famous adventurers, have you heard about the party that defeated the Demon King?」

The elf suddenly rises and slams her hands on the table, startling the hooded woman and earning a few scrutinizing glances from nearby patrons who already had a bad opinion of her.

「My goddess! ⦅Hiccup⦆Yesh, of course, I have!」 Percibell's eyes light up, her words slurring slightly as the drink takes effect, 「That's the amashing party led by Hero and his companions... with the Elf and Human princesses by his side, they magnificantele~ey shaved our land from the Demon King's ever-long tyranny! ⦅hiccup⦆」

She clamps her fingers together and looks at the ceiling dreamily, head slightly swaying, 「Aahh, how mush they have fought! ⦅hiccup⦆...I can only imagine zhe grace and skill, it mush have been such a shight to behold.」

Melan blinks several times in slight surprise, not having expected the drink to have been this effective so quickly. 「Hmm~ is... is that so?」 she says while concealing the wide smile spreading across her face.

Not satisfied by the seemingly restrained enthusiasm her companion is showing, the elf eyes her like a challenge that must be conquered, 「Noooo, you don't undahshtand! Their legend will live on fore~evar! Inspiring generations to come to be jush as brave and selfless in the face of danger! They aa whash all adventures should aspire to be! ⦅hiccup⦆」

「Y-you're right—!」 Melan quickly reaffirms the elf, her voice ringing out strong, as she tries to match her excitement.

Satisfied, Percibell's smile widens, and she sinks back into her chair with a content sigh, her ears wagging like the tail of a happy dog. With reckless abandon, she seizes her jug and downs all that's left, heedless of the stares of the other patrons. Her cheeks flush bright red, and she lets out a satisfied phaahh. The only thing missing, Melan thinks, is her belching loudly, and she will fit the behaviors of those uncivilized adventurers to a T. However, instead of scorn, Melan catches herself chuckling in response at the display, finding the elf's uncouth behavior endearing in its own way.

「And, aand, have you heard about how amazhing Hero ish?」 Percibell continues, lost in her admiration, 「He's not jush shome ordinary warrio-orr, no, he's mush more than that! They say hee can make any woman's heart skip a beat with his insanely good looks!」

While the elf goes on, Melan gestures to the barmaid and orders a refill for the drunk's empty jug.

「 Mmmm, but itsh not jush his looks. He mush also be kind and caring, always putting others before himself. And his fighting skills! Unmatched by anyone!⦅hiccup⦆」

Melan listens with rapt attention, her own ears perking up inside her hood. She leans forward over the table and props her head up with her arms resting on the wooden surface at the elbows. With a mischievous look, she gazes at Percibell and asks, 「My, oh my, so that's the kind of man you're interested in?」

Her companion's inhibitions seem to have been melted away, like snow in mid-day sun, as she unabashedly confesses, 「Hehehe, yeah! ⦅hiccup⦆ Mnyaaa... I wissh I could be with him! I'm sho envious of the princesseses!」

When the barmaid arrives with a new drink, the elf becomes suddenly very self-aware, the embarrassment of her confession causing her to seize the glass without any further thought, immediately taking a few gulps.

Melan cannot help but tease her, 「My, with how cute you are, surely even those princesses wouldn't be able to compete with you?」 she muses.

「Heheh, think sho? But, Miss Melan is way cuter! Why hide your head when you're sho beautiful? Hehehe, methinks Miss Melan mush be someone ssspecial!」 the elf replies with an uneven tone and a childlike grin on her face, ears relaxed and flushed red.

The emerald-eyed woman feigns shyness, and with a fake gasp, she jokes, 「You're the second person to tell me that today. I must look like a princess from a faraway kingdom or something then.」

Percibell laughs heartily in her high-pitched voice, her rosy cheeks revealing small dimples that Melan hadn't noticed before because of the dirt on her face.

「If Miss Melann re~ally were a princess then I would definitely believe Miss Melan!」 the elf admits.

Melan's expression relaxes with a blooming smile as the two women share a moment of genuine connection. For a brief instant, all their worries and cares seem to melt away. Percibell holds out her drink, urging Melan to pick up hers in response, and then they clink their glasses together. After a few gulps, the petite elf reaffirms her earlier statement with a resounding smack of her jug on the table, 「Withouta doubt!」

Hearing that, the hooded woman gracefully sips her own drink — all in a rehearsed motion. Her eyes narrow suddenly as she gazes at the elf, revealing a complex and deep emotion. She lets out a sigh, internally wishing that their meeting could have taken place under different circumstances.

「You flatter me, Percibell,」 Melan says as she puts down her drink, 「If I really were the princess, that would mean me and Hero would...」 she trails off suggestively, showing her impish nature.

Percibell puts on her own mischievous little smile, playing along with Melan's game, 「... and would do what, Miss Melan? 」

Melan clears her throat, her posture becoming more rigid as her expression turns knowing and smug. 「Oh my, little Percibell, what are you imagining? Surely not that?」

As if the elf couldn't be more adorable, Melan watches Percibell cover her face with her glass, wanting to hide her own embarrassment. However, she must have forgotten her fluttering ears sticking out the sides, completely exposing her. When she puts the glass back down, it's with a clumsy but graceful motion that she has clearly aped from her counterpart. She clears her throat and straightens her back, the same way Melan would. Her eyes turn serious as a drunken smirk plays across her face, 「Ahem, am an adult, pleassh kindly sayy what kind of that Missmelan means, ⦅hiccup⦆」 she says.

Melan almost bursts out laughing at the elf's imitation. It might have worked better if her head stopped swaying around for a brief moment, but the elf seems unbothered.

「Oh, I don't know Percibell, It's just the kind where two bodies...」 Melan begins before finishing in a low and sultry voice, 「...become one.」

The elf smirks, feigning a refined air with her eyes closed, 「Ah, I see, tha c-consummating kind? C-certainly, a beautiful merger with the hero would occur if Miss Melan were to be the princess.」

Melan nods, 「Yes, in both spirit and flesh,」 she says, and adds inquisitively, 「Surely, Percibell must have a couple of human life-long experiences she can share with me?」

The elf leans in with squinted eyes, studying her companion. Suddenly she gasps and recoils, nearly falling from her chair in shock. 「H-haaah!?」 she exclaims, her voice trembling with disbelief, 「Nooo, wash ish Miss Melan talking about?! Me entering a shacred conevant of love and devotion like that? It's preposteeroousss!」

After composing herself, Percibell clears her throat and adds, 「Ahem, Miss Melan wouldnt know this, but... in terms of human agee I am only about eighteen cycles oold! So... ssomthing like m-m-marriage ish still too early!」

Melan cocks her head quizzically, her expression one of genuine confusion,「Marriage? Too early? What are you talking about?」

Percibell looks equally bewildered, 「Huh? Ishn't that whats Miss Melan wash allabout?」

For a few moments, both of them stare at each other, blinking repeatedly in complete and utter confusion until Melan breaks the silence, 「Oh! Dearie me, Percibell, I wasn't referring to marriage at all.」

Melan realizes her mistake. Because of their long lives, elves place great value on marriage and commitment. That's also the reason why they avoid mingling with other races — even if attracted, their mates would die long before them. She had unwittingly confused Percibell's innocence for a desire for adult talk. It's no surprise that the elf would mistake Melan's sexual innuendo for insinuations about marriage.

Melan quickly fills the poignant silence between them, 「You mean to say that you haven't partaken in any commitments yet?」 she asks, her eyes exuding a curious shine, 「Not even carnal?」

Percibell, relieved and slightly embarrassed, lifts her head and manages to choke out, 「O-of course n-not!」

She tilts her glass again and gulps down the remaining contents. Melan contemplates replenishing the elf's drink once more, but a glance at her inebriated state and not being able to make out the elf's next words beyond that she's glad to finally relax convinces her otherwise.

Grinning, Melan gazes at the young elf, eyes brimming with a playful glint, 「Fufufu, there's no need to be shy. I'm only two cycles older than you in human age if what you've told me is true. Of course, you can let loose.」

Previously looking peppy and somewhat anxious, the petite elf has now been reduced to swaying with a blissful smirk and vaguely eyeing her back.

Before Percibell can say anything else, Melan coughs and clears her throat, 「My, how the time flies! Say, Percibell, isn't it time we start looking towards heading home?」

Percibell looks at her, an expression of dismay on her youthful face, clearly unhappy that she's about to part ways with her new friend. Her ears droop as she slowly nods in agreement after realizing that she'd rather not be a bother to someone as important-looking.

「I'll walk you back to your lodgings. At the Adventure Guild, am I correct?」 the emerald-eyed woman asks, already rising from her chair to help the elf stand.

「Eh? Mnyaaa... no... I ushually sleep outdoors,」 Percibell slurs, then as if suddenly aware of the dirt on her body, she looks at herself and quickly adds, 「Ah.. ah... itss common for elves... to blend... with nature, so... so...」

With some effort, Melan manages to pull the partially-cooperative drunken elf off her chair and steadies her back on her feet.

「There's no way I'll let you sleep outdoors like this. Let's get you a room at the Adventure Guild,」 Melan voices firmly.

In time, both of them leave the tavern and head toward the Guild.

Standing outside, Percibell takes in the cloudy sky, the red-hot glow of the setting sun peeking through every so often to paint the world in a fiery orange. Miss Melan assists her as they walk, and though it's a difficult task, the elf appreciates her efforts. Trying to sway and stumble less, Percibell recalls the last time she felt this way — back in her small village where her forest kin introduced her to the drinks of the 'lesser' races. Those that the elders would always warn against, claiming that it's a ploy by those 'lessers' to weaken their sacred connection with mother nature. Percibell looks to Miss Melan, her kind and beautiful companion, wondering what compelled her to let loose this time.

She stumbles again. 「Hihihi... am sorreeh,」 she giggles with a flushed face and ears.

「Dear, oh, dear, you do have trouble staying up, do you not?」 Melan responds in kind, 「At this rate, we will never reach there.」

Percibell points at the characteristically large building of the Guild and sings, 「Dududu, there...! Hehehe, gogo-go~ ⦅hiccup⦆」

In Miss Melan's presence, the elf feels a rare sense of comfort — to be looked at with sincere and kind eyes, and not scorn or lust. It's as rare as finding a silver sage tree, a sight she's only ever witnessed a handful of times in the past few decades. She doesn't want this meeting to end so soon.

As they take a few steps, a light drizzle starts, and Percibell takes this opportunity to pull herself out of Melan's grasp, surprising her. She runs slightly ahead, taking in the raindrops with wide open arms.

「Ra~aaaiiinnn!」 Percibell shouts, excitedly circling around herself, 「Miss Melan, I lo~ooveee raaainn!!」

Thankfully, they're in an alleyway devoid of most people, or else her antics would embarrass Miss Melan. She'd hate for her savior to think ill of her. Nevertheless, she's drunk and excited.

「Come on now, Percibell. Will you stop making a scene?」 Miss Melan implores, probably worried that she'll fall and hurt herself in her drunken state.

Pretending to ignore her, Percibell chuckles before running off toward the grey brick wall. She knows how fast mother nature allows her to move, so she glances behind to make sure Miss Melan is on her tail, almost falling over. When she makes it to the wall, Percibell holds her arms akimbo and seizes the layered brick structure up with her drunken eyes.

Miss Melan looks as if she has figured out what the elf has set out to do and tries to stop her, taking a hold of her sides.

「Percibell, wait!」

However, the elf easily escapes her grasp with nimble movements, belying her drunken state, as she starts on a hopeless, alcohol-fueled wall climb.

She takes pride in her skills to climb almost anything — yet another ability nature allowed her to develop to a proficiency almost rivaling that of the beast-kin. With her eyes set on reaching the top, her red cheeks puff and her ears wag up and down, head filled with thoughts of how impressed Miss Melan must be.

Once at the top, eager to hear her kind-hearted companion's praise, she peeks down — but the scene that unfolds below is something she never would have expected.