
The Demon King Has Been Defeated! Now What?

The Demon King has been defeated - now what? Wait, why is the princess of the Human Kingdom choosing a side character over Hero? And why does the world seem dead-set on getting in the way? What the hell is going on?

MelanDelora · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Determination VI

Princess Rosaria is running through the dark forest, her white one-piece dress becoming sullied and tattered like a rag dragged through mud. There are scratches and bruises on her skin, and she pants heavily from the extensive running. She pushes through the thorny bushes and gnarled branches, and as she nears her destination, her heart thumps with a mix of excitement at the thought of seeing Xal again, and skips a beat out of fear of what's been taking him so long.

When she arrives at the open clearing she's familiar with, her worst fears are realized in front of her. Bodies lie scattered on the ground, littering the path to the front door of the house like fallen petals in a summer garden. The sense of dread returns within her. She knew something was wrong. Is Xal okay?

Careful to avoid the bodies on the ground, recognizing a few of them as retainers from the Royal Militia and one doctor, she approaches the front door with cautious steps. It's too dark to see whether they are dead or just knocked out. If the latter, then healing them awake using her powers should be possible — but it's better not to waste any magic lest Xal needs it more. He might be in critical condition, and thinking about it makes Rosaria's stomach churn. The art of prioritization is something she learned from her past journey.

Careful not to make any unnecessary noise, she tiptoes inside the house. Whoever the assailant was, announcing herself would be too risky. She opens the door and peeks inside the corridor, finding it empty and eerily quiet. It's too dark to see anything and the urge to call out for Xal almost overwhelms her, the restlessness evident in how the floorboards creak from her failed attempt at walking quickly but quietly. She checks every room she comes by, conjuring up a small flame in her hand to light the way.

As she reaches the bedroom door, ready to peek inside, a sudden noise behind startles her.

「Xal?」 she calls out, but before she can turn around, she feels a sharp pain in her back and sees flashes of light before stumbling forward and falling to her knees.

「Rosaria, is that you?」 a whisper of a voice sounds behind her.

The princess raises her head, the slight feeling of pain pulsating on her back and knees. She begrudgingly looks behind, the darkness hindering her vision, but the familiar outline and scent are unmistakable.

「Goddess, Xal!」 she whispers harshly, her heart pounding in her chest, 「Are you trying to kill me?」

His sudden attack warrants capital punishment, but instead of contempt, a wave of relief washes over her. Knowing that he isn't among the piles of bodies she stumbled upon on her way here brings immense relief.

Xal rushes to her side and helps her up, 「Sorry, I thought it was someone else...」 he apologizes.

Rosaria doesn't miss the trembling in his voice.

「Who is trying to hurt us? 」 she clutches onto his shirt, her voice now also quivering with fear.

「Never mind that, why are you here?」 Xal grabs her shoulders and rustles her lightly, his eyes darting around anxiously in search, 「Did Hero come with you?」

「Why? I came to get you!」 Rosaria snaps. How dare this barbarian question her like that. It makes her feel prickly. She has been dirtied, sore, and exhausted from all the running through the forest, all for his safety. But now she has to deal with throbbing pain in her back and his incessant disregard for her. Her anger surges, but Xal doesn't allow her to express more of it as he suddenly strides over to the bedroom window, his eyes scanning outside carefully, 「Came here? What are you talking about? First, tell me where Hero is. I can't believe he would let you go just like that,」 he says without sparing her a glance, his eyes instead jutting side to side before closing the blinds.

「Yes, of course he wouldn't, that's why I snuck out,」 Rosaria admits, 「But it won't matter since we are going back before he finds out.」

「Again, what are you on about?」 both of them look at each other with confused expressions. 「You want to go back? Didn't you come so we could escape together?」 Xal asks in a low voice.

「What?」Rosaria freezes, trying to comprehend his question. Suddenly it all makes sense. The knocked-out bodies. His failure to arrive at the camp.

「Nonono, why are you trying to escape?」 the indignant princess approaches him with heavy steps, and grabs his arm before attempting to tug him towards the door,「There's no need to hide anymore. I have spoken with Hero. Let's go!」

Xal shakes her off, his face contorted from frustration boiling inside,「Go back to Hero? Are you out of your mind?」 he growls.

「No! I'm not crazy!」 Rosaria retorts, her voice rising in equal frustration, 「We're are going to help fix your status! Let's go back, Xal, it's alright.」

「No, stay away from me!」 Xal vehemently refuses, the sudden peak in his voice startling her. 「After everything that has happened, are you really telling me to go back to that wretched place!?」

Rosaria's heart sinks like a stone in deep water. Her trembling voice is on the verge of breaking into a sob as she speaks, 「Don't make this harder than it needs to be. I'm trying to make things right.」

Xal ignores her, instead igniting the wall torches using a piece of flint, and moves quickly around the room, gathering his belongings. The princess watches on, feeling the smoldering anger build up within her. Just when she finally gets the chance to fix her mistake and have things be normal again. Xal would get his reward and reputation back, and they will all live happily ever after. Why isn't he listening?

「Please, Xal. Don't be stupid. We can fix this. Hero promised,」 she pleads, desperation creeping into her voice.

「You don't understand anything!」 Xal snaps, his fist smashing into a mirror, sending shards of glass scattering across the floor, some sliding towards the princess.

「But I do understand!」 she barks back, marching towards him, 「And that's why I'm trying to right the wrongs! But you're ruining everything!」

Rosaria refuses to let this savage destroy her plans, not when her dreams are right within reach. She won't be cowed. Grasping his collar, and ready to unleash her anger, she notices how little effort it takes to pull him closer, as if he were a mere rag doll. A sudden surge of empathy washes over her, and she whispers,「I just want things to be normal again... I want us all to be able to talk and laugh again, in peace.」

「Normal?」 Xal sneers, ridicule dripping from his voice, 「Have you considered what I want, even for a moment? There's no way I'll go back near that thing. You saw what he did to me! I'm getting the hell out of here!」

Rosaria stares into his golden-brown eyes, seeing the fear within. With his messy black hair and sunken cheeks, he looks almost unrecognizable, a shell of his former self. Where's the Xal she once knew? The man before her, fleeing for his life so pitifully, couldn't be farther from him. She realizes — he has had enough. He will never agree to return with her. The normal life she craves was never within reach to begin with. Rosaria feels her world crumbling around her as reality sets in, leaving her silent and frozen in shock, tears rolling down her cheeks.

「If you understand, then get out of my sight!」 Xal's words feel like a knife piercing her heart, 「Never approach me again — the best thing you can do for me? Keep Hero from pursuing me!」

Rosaria stands in shock, watching as Xal grabs his belongings and marches towards the door, leaving her with a broken heart and shattered dreams. How could he cast her aside so easily? Did she mean so little to him, after everything? The thought crushes her spirit, leaving her with nothing but pain and emptiness.


She pivots on her heel, determined to stand in the way of Xal's hasty retreat. She blocks his path, tears streaming down her face, 「Xal, please. Don't leave! Give us a chance!」 she cries, her voice a symphony of pleading and desperation.

「Move, Rosaria,」 Xal snarls, raging inferno in his eyes, 「I have to get away from that monster!]

With a burst of strength from what his frail body can muster, he shoves her aside, sending her towards the wall. But Rosaria's quick reflexes save her from harm, as a shield of magic manifests to protect her before impact. Xal strides away from her, his steps heavy with anger and resolve. He pays no attention to the way she falls to her knees, head in her hands, crying. With each step he takes, the noise of their argument fades, until all that remains is the deafening silence and the sound of Rosaria's sobs.

Why won't he listen? She already told him everything would be fixed! Riches, renown, authority, just like he wanted. Where else could he possibly find these things in this world? Rosaria grates her teeth in frustration and anger over his stupidity. He must be stopped. He doesn't realize what he's turning his back on.

「Stop running away, you coward!」 the princess shouts, the burst of her anger like an eruption of lava.

When Xal continues unfazed, she setts off after him, determined to make him see reason.

「Is this it? Is this how you're going to live out your life? Just run away from everything, forever?」 she jeers with venom in her voice, 「What a weak and pathetic little excuse of a man you are, Xal! I thought you were better than this!」

Xal treating her like air infuriates her even more. With a fierce shriek, she shoves him into the wall, 「Look at me, Xalvari!」 she hisses. If there's one thing she hates, it is when people ignore her or refuse to face her properly.

「Shut up!」 he finally barks back, to her delight. His eyes pierce through her, brows furrowed in a mixture of rage and indignation, as he towers over her. Standing in silence, body lit by the glow from the moons gleaming through the window curtains in the hallway, the glints of reflected light in his eyes make the princess believe she, at last, got through to him.

「What do you want me to do?!」 Xal whines despondently, 「You saw it yourself! I'm no match for him, and despite everything you're claiming, I already know what awaits me in the capital! It's a death sentence, and you're the one trying to sign it!」

The despair in his eyes is evident, and his shoulders are slightly cowering in fear. Seeing him like this makes Rosaria's stomach turn.

「What do you mean?」 the princess grits her teeth, 「I already set up arrangements with Hero to help you! Xal, why can't you understand? We'll make sure to get your life back on track! You will get everything you wanted!」

He gets to live a comfortable life beside her. That's more than anything anyone will ever get! The urge to punch this reality into him grows, but before she can even start talking again, Xal scoffs, 「You aren't kidding anyone, do you really think I'll believe you have Hero subdued? That zealot has shown he will do anything to fulfill his stupid prophecies!」


Xal suddenly thrusts his open palm into her face, not allowing her to retort as he shoves her away with disregard for her royalty,「Don't bother! I already said my piece!」

Rosaria stumbles back, gasping in shock. The audacity! Furious and boiling with regal indignation, blood feeling like magma coursing through her veins, she is about to give him an earpiece, but her heat instantly dissipates when she catches sight of a smirk forming on Xal's lips. A characteristic one.