
The Demon King V.S. The Mage (Part 1)

After a night of rest, Dai and his army was on the move again. Yu adored everyone, especially Dai. She admired him for his strength and not just because he was a demon. He had mad hand-to-hand combat skills. However, the new area they were going to just might not accept Dai's kind. Yu was worried about that. Yu's worry turned out to be true when the commander of the newly attacking race attacked Dai with his Wave of Darkness. Dai blocked it with his arm because had he would have jumped, Yu would have been hit by the attack. Yu took the measure to hide in the trees. She smiled at Dai and Dai smiled back before turning to glare at the new enemy. "Who dares enter the Land of Monasia?!" The Mage bellowed out in rage.

"I'm the Demon King. Do you wish to wage war?" Dai asked the darkness-themed Mage.

"I wish to wage on you, just you." The Mage growled threateningly at Dai. Dai smirked at the man. He haven't been challenged to accept a fight before. He threw off his cloak, signaling that he was ready to fight.

"This should be fun!" Dai cackled out happily. He could fight someone of their own free will and not just frightened soldiers that would simply pissed themselves out of fear. The Mage grew angry at Dai's uncaring nature.

"I'll destroy you with one shot!" The Mage promised. Dai smirked at this. He had already told the Mage that he was the Demon King. No attacks like the first one was going to kill him so easily.

"I'm ready when you are." Dai tells the Mage, who attacked first. He used Darkness Sonicwave, which was an attack that sent out purple sonicwaves that had both deafen the opponent and break the ground. Due to the sound produced, Dai struggled due to his super hearing. Dai cracked the ground with just his bare fists punching the ground and his crack in the ground stopped the other part of the ground from cracking, creating more ground.

"What? He blocked it?" The Mage was shocked at Dai's strength.

"What's wrong? I thought you said that you would destroy me with one shot?" Dai asked. He took the Mage's silence as his answer and he attacked. "Hellfire Mode." Dai chanted, making blue and green flames appear on his body. Eli immediately spoke up.

"No, King Dai! That Hellfire Mode is too dangerous right now!" Eli shouted in worry for his king.

"Don't worry, Eli. I won't use too much of the power." Dai promised Eli. "As for you, I should beat you and get on my way now. Hellfire Combustion Beam!" Dai attacked with a blue and green fire mixture and he shot the beam at the Mage. Upon contact, the Beam burned the Mage, causing him to scream in a mixture of fear and pain. However, because Dai couldn't use Hellfire Mode to its full potential, the fire only made the Mage looked like a someone who was dumped in ashes and he didn't have fatal burns from the fire.

Hellfire Mode disappeared from Dai, making him exhausted, but he still stood on his two feet. Too much power was used. He thought, cursing at himself. He felt like a fool. He only wanted to end the battle quickly.

However the Mage still had some energy left shaking off the ashes from his body. He took notice of Yu and he smirked. He disappeared and when he reappeared, Yu was in his arms, screaming for Dai. Dai couldn't believe his eyes. His wife was screaming to be saved. "Dai! Dai! Help me! Hel-!" Yu's mouth was covered by the Mage's hand.

The Mage started to madly cackle at Dai's expression of shock.

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