
The Demon king's Queen

Suffering is better than happiness because it makes us stronger yet we worship happiness because it makes us ignored . Moments lost cannot be retrieved as time stands stronger . God himself is strange giving us something and taking it back. He wants us to be happy with it and even without it...

leftthisapp · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter : 1 A turnover of events..

Angelina stood at the verge of her depression. She had no choice but to attend her school cause it was her last year. She sat alone in the class waiting for someone to save her. Depression felt like a thousand daggers stabbed into her heart . She couldn't be happy even if she wanted to , she couldn't be with everyone even if she wanted to and all she could feel was pity , pity over herself for this condition. "Lucifer " she muttered without even knowing. Everyone looked at her and she looked down being shy of the attention. Once there was a time when she would get everyone's attention, whenever she spoke everyone would look and listen to her and so even after she lost everything , everyone still listened to her whenever she spoke. Now her identity was of a girl who was deeply heartbroken by a good guy. What hurt most was even after her love was unconditional , she was titled as the chaser and everyone took the guy's side . She wanted to be someone more powerful to fight everything and become stronger than what she was. She pitied her own condition in which she couldn't do whatever she wanted to. She always kept her head low to avoid any bad attention , she was in a condition from where she could never run...