
The Demon King's Knight

The story begins with Ethan, a soldier who recently returned from the war and finds himself in a fantasy world after his death. He is met by Yordeghox, the Demon King, who begs for his help in defeating a hero summoned by an enemy goddess.

Solaris_Vitally · Fantasy
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2 Chs


It was a dark night, where the stars twinkled shyly in the sky. Some shooting stars streaked across the dark sky, leaving a luminous trail. A figure cloaked in black armor stood out in the darkness, emanating black flames.

He was a Knight of Hell, feared by all who dared cross his path. These dark warriors were known for their relentless strength and loyalty to the Demon King.

The dark flames spread, forming a zone of shadows. It was as if a vortex opened in the firmament, sucking the shooting stars into the darkness. In fact, they were not shooting stars, but celestial beings with radiant wings.

These beings, known as angels, were created by the deities of light. Their antagonists were the Knights of Hell, loyal to the Demon King.

Clad in shining armor, the angels brandished their swords and confronted the Knight of Hell. In the heavens, an epic battle between Light and Dark unfolded.

"Impossible! How can a single opponent defeat all of our holy warriors?" exclaimed an angel brandishing a sword of flame. Half of his allies had already been killed by the fearsome Hell Knight, leaving only a few angels left to fight.

The angels were taken down one by one by the Hell Knight, with no chance of resistance. He attacked them with ruthless efficiency, as if he were simply eliminating unwanted pests.

An aura of apathy emanated from the Hell Knight, as if he didn't care about the Holy Knights' opposition. There was no indication that he was willing to fight them.

The guy in question shook his head at the celestial beings in irritation.

"Didn't I warn you before to stay out of my way?" His voice whispered so softly that it almost dissolved into the air, requiring special attention to be heard.

"In your delusions! As if we could absorb an evil being like you, an evildoer who desecrated the sanctuary of the divine goddess! Everyone, eliminate him!"

Before them, the Knight of Hell made the terrible mistake of invading the Sanctuary of the Beautiful Goddess of Light, Emis.

They had no intention of acquitting the Hell Knight.

"Being malevolent… I understand. There's no way around it, so get closer any way you can."

As he spoke these words, the Hell Knight raised his hand.

Suddenly, an imposing sword materialized before him and he gripped it firmly. Engraved on the black blade of the sword were blood-red sinuous lines, forming a pattern that evoked blood vessels. These lines pulsed in a crimson hue, giving the weapon an ominous aura.

The mere presence of that dark and menacing sword was enough to send the angels reeling with a powerful explosion, leaving them completely paralyzed.

"What incredible power…" the angels whispered, stunned.

Not long ago, the Hell Knight didn't even wield a blade. But after he held the sword, the difference in power was so significant that it was clear that he had never fought seriously before.

The shock of this revelation was evident on his faces.

"Don't hesitate! Everyone, moveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!"

Inspired by renewed courage, the angels spread their wings and advanced against the Knight of Hell. His wings radiated an intense light, standing out in the night scene as dazzling as the luminous trails of the stars.

A hellish eruption of dark flames erupted from the Hell Knight, advancing to repel the celestial beings. The obscure flames spread across the surroundings as if darkness was dyeing the sky with a meteor shower.

The celestial beings ventured into the shadow, and when they got close enough, they were swallowed by it, radiant wings and all, only to be violently expelled back.

Each of the seraphim fell to the earth, leaving a luminous trail in the sky, like a shower of shooting stars.

The angel wielding a fiery blade watched the heavens as they fell alongside his brothers.

"You... Abomination..."

Silently hovering beneath the starry night sky was the figure of the Hell Knight.


Don't wait for updates because I only write when I feel like it or when I feel confident about that chapter.)