
The Demon King's Immortal Vessel

Fate was a normal child living with his mother when he encountered the dying Demon King. Fast forward to a couple of years later, he is immortal and in prison. He spends his waking hours wondering how he would be killed each day.  One day nearly eleven years after the supposed death of the Demon King, a woman suddenly appears in his cell and promises to break him out. Of course, he doesn't believe her, they were in the inescapable dungeons of Euthania. She couldn't break him out of these dungeons, let alone, all by herself. It was impossible. Somehow she succeeds but that's just the beginning of his problems as everybody wants a piece of him. How long before he is caught and returned to the prison or would he find a haven or better still, awaken the powers of the Demon King and protect himself?

DrewDakoy · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
57 Chs


Lili was in bed beside him and from the state of things, the only clothing on her body was the sheets that were threatening to slip out of her loose grip. 

"Fate," Lili called softly, breaking the spell.

He shook his head as he realized himself. "What am I doing here?" He kept his eyes everywhere else as he asked.

"You slept off at the party." She said and did not offer any more explanation.

Fate frowned, the last thing he could remember was taking a seat after all that dancing so he might have fallen asleep. "Oh, I see. He said absentmindedly and jumped off the bed.

"Where are you going?" She cried to him.

"My room," he stopped in front of the door, rubbing his hands together as he spoke. "My things are there and since I am awake, I figured I might need to return to my room."

"Well, you don't have to leave as soon as you wake up." She whined.

Fate was tempted and it did not help that her bed was bigger than his own but that was not the reason he was tempted. "Thank you but I would have to say no." He took a soft bow and slowly turned around.

"I see, well then you can always drop by later."

He turned the handle, "Thank you," he said again before he walked out the door.

Lili threw her head back and sighed. She squeezed the sheets tight, tight enough for her nails to dig into her palm. Suddenly, she heard a knock. She rested on her elbow and glared at the door.

"Who is it?" She yelled. Her voice echoed in the room.

"Fate," the timid voice said.

"Fate?" her voice instantly softened. "Come in," she said a little too happily.

The door slowly opened and Fate poked his head into the room. "Uhm, I am sorry to be a bother but I was wondering if you knew what room V is in?" He kept his head bowed as he spoke. "I haven't seen her in a while and I am a little worried."

Lili's eyes glowed a dark red. "Go to your room!" She commanded and looked away. "I will ask Ameita to let you know where she is."

"Thank you, Lili." He cried and closed the door.

Lili threw herself on the bed and sighed. "Get me Ameita!" She said into the shadow and a figure stepped forward.

"Yes, your grace." The figure bowed and retreated into the dark space.

She heard a knock a couple of seconds later, Ameita must have run all the way here. 

"Come in," she mumbled.

Ameita pushed in without a moment to waste. "Is something wrong?" She asked, her forehead furrowed in concern. She rushed to the side of the bed and got to her knees.

"Not exactly," Lili mumbled without looking at Ameita. "The female human can see the boy."

Ameita's brows dipped. "That's it?!" Her pitch was a little high.

Lili nodded and still refused to look in Ameita's direction.

Ameita's nose flared, "I would prefer it if you stopped using it for such mundane acts. Mala and Coda are literally outside the door. If you did not want to shout you could have made use of the bell."

"Ameita, I gave you a task. I'd rather you do it than sit here whining about how I got your attention."

"My apologies," Ameita said, a little stiff but she still knelt and kept her head bowed as she spoke.

"Also, keep an eye on them. I don't want her feeding him lies or worse they would try to escape. I would not put it past her."

"The latter is impossible. There is no way they…"

"Do not underestimate the human, Ameita. Did you forget the fact that she broke him out of the prison? One wrong move and she will be ahead, you must never let that happen and you must make sure they don't leave. She can leave all she wants. I couldn't care less but the boy mustn't."

Queen Lili was lying with her back on the bed as she gave Ameita the orders. Her head was against the pillow and the sheets had slipped off her chest to her abdomen, a bit of her belly button was in view but it was not a belly button, but rather a jewel. A shining stone rested in the space for a belly button.

"Yes." Ameita nodded and fled out the door. She knew she had been dismissed, any longer in the room and she would not have liked the outcome.

Lilith's eyes glowed red, she was anxious but she could not lose Luthan's vessel. She had not gone out of her way to look for him because she did not want any problems with the demon Staan because while Staan could not do anything to inflict harm on her, the same could not be said about humans.

Going on a war with the demon was literally sending human souls to hell and the stronger Staan was likely to become. While she thrived on sexual energy-though most of the sexual energy she got was mostly from people cheating on their spouse-Staan got off on every negative energy there was. So, if she did disrupt the humans, it would only work in his favor.

The door pushed open and Lili rose her head to see her attendants walk into the room. Ameita must have summoned them, she was not in a hurry to get out of bed but she was up for the distraction. 

The succubi climbed into the huge bed and immediately got into position. They pulled the sheets off her while Lili just laid unmoving in bed. A set of warm hands rested on her chest but Lili did not so much as blink.

The hands moved from one side of her chest to the other but there was still no response from her. The fingers squeezed her nipples. She jerked at the sudden action but her expression remained bland.

Mala frowned and signaled to Coda who immediately got to work between the Queen's legs. She threw a line with her tongue from the jewel downwards. She rubbed the point the labia met but still no reaction from the Queen.

She was not about to give up so she plop the clit into her mouth sucking on it vigorously. Lili moaned but it sounded off and Coda immediately stopped. She slowly raised her head and looked at Mala. the second attendant was looking at her with the same worried expression.

"Is something wrong, your grace?" It was Coda who asked.

"No," The Queen said and slowly closed her legs. "I am just not in the mood."

Coda and Mala shared a scared expression as they stared at each other. Their eyes widened and they both looked at the Queen in horror. "What?" 

She rolled her eyes and sat up, "Just because I am the Queen demon of sex, doesn't mean I always want to have it."

"I am pretty sure that is exactly what it means." Mala cried.

"Are you sure you are good?" Coda quickly added. They both looked very worried.

"Yes," Lili cried. "Get the bath ready and stop acting up. I will be fine by evening."