
The Demon King's Human Reign

In the aftermath of a war among three alliances on the planet Chrome, Demon king Charnox is betrayed, brutally attacked by King Zeak and King Thiam, Human King and Aqua Harmony King and left for dead. Charnox, finds himself reborn into a human baby with a rare condition called Heart Circle deficiency. Trapped in a paralyzed state for over 13 years, after he wakes up from coma , he navigates through a world as he learned what happened to his kingdom after he died. As he grows, he learns about Zeak became a Supreme king by capturing his kingdom and used its resources. And soon he found he born to humans the very species who killed him. With a desire for revenge and a struggle to regain control of his body, Charnox faces the challenges of his new life, contending with betrayal, political intrigue, and his own internal conflicts. With the help of people, his revenge takes more shape.

Hashiran · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Veil of Awakening

Charnox was haunted by the echoes of women's voices and cries. After what felt like an eternity, he reluctantly opened his eyes.


Before him stood three women draped in white dresses, and a black-haired woman writhing in pain on a bed.

The room seemed vast, and he felt insignificantly small in its presence. An unfamiliar female voice echoed with excitement,

"Look, he opened his eyes! Baby's alive. Baby's alive."


Perplexed, Charnox mused, "Baby? Who are these people? Where am I, and why am I immobilized?"


His attempts to shout and move proved futile.


Another woman, her face etched with concern, suggested, "The baby is not moving; we need to test his vitals and conduct various tests to understand what happened to the baby."


They gently placed him in a stroller, transporting him from the room. Looking back, he witnessed the woman on the bed crying out,

"Save my Baby, save him."


As confusion enveloped Charnox, a mask descended on his face, ushering him into unconsciousness.


In the whirlwind of events, the room sank into a somber silence, grappling with the unfolding reality.


**Two days later,** following Charnox's enigmatic interaction with these strangers:


Charnox gradually reopened his eyes, finding himself confined and powerless. Two unfamiliar women, one cradling a bottle of white liquid, gazed at him. The room echoed with hushed whispers as one of them departed, proclaiming,


"Look, Prince opened his eyes again. I will inform everyone."


The other woman approached, offering the bottle. Charnox, feeling threatened, attempted to resist, but his efforts were in vain.


As the milky substance filled his mouth, he struggled to swallow, only for it to spill out. The woman, distressed, wiped his mouth.


Confounded, Charnox thought, "Why do they treat me like a helpless child? This is humiliating."


Amid his internal turmoil, a realization struck him. "Baby! They're treating me like a baby. Have I been reborn as a human baby? From the looks of these women, am I now trapped in the body of a human infant? Damn!"


As he tormented himself mentally, a door banged open. His eyes were fixed on the ceiling, unable to discern the newcomers. Three figures entered his limited field of vision.


Three women and a man gazed at Charnox with sympathy expressions.


Anger surged within him. "How dare these humans look down on me? You scumbags, kill me already."


Unable to fully see them, Charnox eavesdropped on the discussion about the baby's (Charnox's) health and condition.


Amid his observations, a new entrant prompted one of the women to exclaim, "Doctor! Tell us how prince's condition is!"


The doctor, with a calm yet sorrowful tone, revealed, "We took all kinds of medical tests. It seems our Prince is suffering from Heart Circle deficiency."


A male voice erupted, "What is the deficiency? Is the prince going to be okay or not? Speak plainly."


The doctor, with a strained voice, explained, "Heart Circle deficiency. Every child is born with a single magic circle in their heart, but our prince has three magic circles, making his body unresponsive to his brain. We don't know why he is currently in a coma state and only able to open his eyes yet, probably because his magic circles restricting his body movements."


An unfamiliar woman's voice trembled as she asked, "I've never heard of this Heart Circle deficiency. What is this?"


Charnox, struggling to grasp the situation, thought, "Humans have one circle! Of course I have three circles, I am a demon trapped in this child's body?"


The doctor added, "Heart Circle deficiency is mostly found in demon children, born with three circles. This is the first time a human child is born with three circles."


A heavy silence fell upon the room. Charnox pondered, "Why the silence after hearing 'demon'?"


After a pause, the doctor continued, "We are also puzzled. We can suggest two risky methods for his recovery."


A weeping woman spoke with a sad tone, "Doctor, his mother is already on her deathbed. The only way to save her is by giving her good news about her child."


The doctor reassured, "We will do everything to bring the prince to normal."


Internally, Charnox shouted, "Hey, Doctor, tell me the two things for my recovery. Speak!"


As Charnox clamored within, the doctor left the room. Fatigue washed over him, and he yearned for sleep.

"Damn it, I want to sleep. I despise this baby body. How can I be a demon king in this pathetic state?"


As Charnox closed his eyes, the voices in the room faded away.


**After a few years:**


Charnox, lying in the same bed where he was born, contemplated the sorrow that engulfed the room. The solitary space featured only a bed, a blue-painted wall, and a ceiling with a drawn circle.


Reflecting on his surroundings, Charnox recalled the events that unfolded, because he believed he wouldn't succumb to a vegetative state, refusing to be trapped in a coma.


"Hello, this is Charnox. Why am I talking to myself? It feels foolish. Whatever. It's been 10 years since I was born as this mortal human child. I detest this life.


I can't feel or move my body. I can only open and close my eyes, but these human idiots think it's a muscle reflex. They believe I'm in a vegetable state. I am alive, you imbeciles.


In these past 10 years, I've learned that human babies are born with 1 magic circle in their heart, but I have three magic circles. I'm a demon in my past life; demon babies are born with three magic circles. How weak these pathetic humans are.


It seems the woman who gave birth to me in this life is also in a coma. Doctors believe she is in a coma because of my magic circle affecting her body during birth. The only way she can wake up is if I recover from this paralyzed state.


The father of my body is the king; I don't know if he is the king of an empire or kingdom. I'm the first prince. Because of me is in this state. During these 10 years, I assume the king married three women so far. Sometimes I see four or five kids coming to my room, probably his children. The three king's wives and their children often come to see me and look at me with sad eyes. How dare these brats look down on me.


So far, the doctor tried all kinds of treatments: tried to destroy my magic circle, shocking me, draining my aura constantly. Nothing seemed to work.


The king still hasn't visited me during all this time. The king has two brothers and three sisters, I think so. Everyone visited me except the king and my grandparents, both from my mother and father's side. From nurse's gossip, I can tell grandparents are alive.


I still don't know my name or the people that are visiting me. I can identify them by their voices, but I don't know most of their faces.


This sorry state of mine remains the same. I don't think I can move my body in this life. Probably a good thing, so I don't have to fight for anyone or be betrayed. I don't even have to get up and walk. I can sleep all I want, and maids will take care of me. Probably, in this life, my destiny is to die relaxed.


Charnox slowly began to accept the state as his destiny faded from his consciousness.


**After 2 years:**


It's been 12 years since I was born, and I don't know why I keep talking to myself.


So far, I, still don't know my name.


The woman who birthed me in this life woke up from a coma a year ago but hasn't seen me.


From nurse's gossip, I can tell she despises me because I induced her coma, leading the king to marry five women and numerous concubines. I don't know my parents' names or the names of the people who visited me.


People who visited me so far, whenever they entered my room, they seemed to be quiet, stand, and watch me for a few seconds and leave. They don't even show despair or feel sorry anymore whenever they see me. It feels like they all came to see me ordered by someone.


In the last few years, I contemplated my fate and destiny. I refuse to accept this lying down. In my past life, fate and destiny were my downfall. I remember wanting revenge for my death.


I still don't know what happened after my death or to my people; I need to find out. So, body, listen to me and move.


Charnox, for the past few years, kept talking to himself, attempting to move his body. He tried every magic chant, yearning for revenge. He refused to lose hope, persisting in his attempts.


**After 1 year:**


It's been 13 years since I was born. I give up. I can't seem to find a solution, and neither can the doctor. She even tried destroying my magic circle completely. Fate and destiny played me again in this life. I give up. I give up.


As Charnox relinquished his will to live, he slowly faded from consciousness. In the vast darkness of his mind, a mildly sorrowful female voice echoed.


"Charnox, the time has arrived."


The voice echoed suddenly in his mind. Like a lightning bolt, it jolted Charnox out of his vegetative state, leaving him in a state of shock, struggling to catch his breath.


Charnox found himself unable to speak; his throat was dry and parched. Desperate for relief, he scanned the room for water to quench his overwhelming thirst.

Seizing a water jar conveniently placed beside him, Charnox drank until no drops remained, gasping for air as he did so. From his seated position on the bed, he surveyed the room.


Solitude enveloped him in this grim-filled space. Not a soul was present. Reflecting on the emptiness around him, he thought,


"This room appears even more depressing now."


Standing and attempting to walk, he felt a tingling sensation, gradually gaining control of his body.


Charnox heard some footsteps approaching and leap back into his bed and feign sleep.

Why did Charnox retreat to his bed? Who entered the room?


[End of Chapter]


*To be continued...*