
The Demon King's First General

Read at least six chapters, then prepare to crave the rest. The main character will show up in Chapter Five, though I don't recommend skipping the first four chapters. ----- The world was celebrating. The Demon King was dead, along with his Darkness Generals. Humans led the other races to war for subjugation. They killed all, and none were spared. However, thousands of years before this happened, a piece of history was altered by time itself.  In fact, the Demon King didn't have four generals but only one, which he sealed and sent into eternal slumber. Just as he started to close his eyes, the chains locked away for eternity shattered into pieces.

Dizsce · Fantasy
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153 Chs

Colony of Rats

After half an hour of walking on the surface of the water, the demon and the snake monster arrived at the center of the swamp. Fog covered the entire part of the place, and hundreds of eyes hiding on it began to watch the two's every move. The tree monsters were still present, but they were not the source of the curious stares.

"So he already took notice of us," Tencent uttered out of nowhere.

"Do you mean the owner of this place?" Zeno replied without glancing at the monster behind him.

Then the snake nodded his head before speaking.

"Yes, the ruler of this section," he said, then summoned a sphere made of black energy upon opening his mouth.

Zeno took a second to peek at him upon feeling the presence of the black sphere.

"Will you take him down?" He asked, curious about what the snake would do.

However, the snake shook his head while the other one looked at Zeno and spoke.