
The Demon King's Cowardly Vessel

Synopsis: Certain things are not meant to be touched, especially ancient weapons of unknown origin. Meet our protaganist, Juin, a less than average human from Earth; a thin, well-known weakling who was afraid of his own shadow and was basically everyone’s favorite punching bag. An incident in the past made him even more of a wimp than before. One day, while being bullied, he accidentally summoned a demon from another world. And what made it worse was that… He had summoned a Daemon King from another dimension; one who had the emotional maturity of a teenager and the mouth of a sailor. With Juin's fear of basically everything and the arrogant Daemon King who was afraid of nothing, what would the 16-year-old's life be from now onward? With the help, guidance, and insult from the Daemon King, as well as other supernatural beings that kept popping out of nowhere, Juin soon learned that he had to either grow faster or die a horrible death. Along his journey, he met with all sorts of temptations and exciting adventures, as well as finding out that there was more to what he thought he knew about himself. At the end of the day, could the Daemon King find a way to separate himself from his vessel, or are their destinies more interlinked than they thought? xxx Note from author: Except for first chapter, which is a prologue and set in another dimension, the rest of volume one would focus mostly on Earth. The first volume would focus Lucifer and Juin's developments, especially the latter's development both in skills and character. It might seem a little slow pace at first, but that's because I'm trying to build a piece everything up one by one, giving you a better immersion as you journey through the Demon King's Cowardly vessel. Honestly, I would love to hear your opinions on the development of the characters and the world. If you like to discuss more with me, please go to the discord link below. https://discord.gg/Bva8QhZ And if you would like to support me monetarily outside of WN, please consider buying me a ko-fi at the link below. Every ko-fi helps in my journey to be the very best, like no one ever was... (lame, I know) https://ko-fi.com/luoyeyouling Regards, LuoYe [ NOTE : The cover is only meant to be temporary, until I save enough to commission an original. ]

LuoYeYouLing · Fantasy
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365 Chs

Mad Dog Attack

During the class, Juin couldn't help staring at Warlock. He had a strong feeling that he had met this teacher before.

"Juin, Juin…"

Juin turned and looked at Max, who was whispering his name earlier.

"Do you know Mr. Warlock?" Max whispered as she kept her eyes on the guy. The man was crazy. He just threw a chalkboard duster at a kid for sneezing too loudly earlier. Honestly, Max was a little afraid of him.

Juin looked at Warlock again before looking back at Max. He then shook his head and whispered, "I'm not sure. I feel like I've seen him before, but I can't remember where or when!"

When Juin saw Max's shocked expression, he immediately turned to the front. And he only managed to see a flying grey object that was heading toward him at a lightning-fast speed...

"Dodge, dodge!" Juin kept thinking in his mind.



"Argh!" Juin groaned as he rubbed his forehead, which now had a red mark in the shape of half a rectangle. Unfortunately, even though his mind was fast enough to register that he had to dodge, his body was not.

Looking up at the culprit, Juin murmured, "I'm sorry, Mr. Warlock."

As he stared at Warlock, Juin couldn't help thinking how great an aim that guy had. This classroom was double the size of his old classroom, and even though he was seated in the middle of the classroom, it was still quite a distance away from the board.

"Don't think that just because you guys aren't my real students, I won't punish you. As long as you are in my class, you are under my laws! Go stand outside!" Warlock snapped as he adjusted his glasses.

Juin sighed and stood up before walking out of the classroom.

When Max stood up as well, Mr. Warlock said, "Little missy, you don't have to go. Sit!"

"Erm…" Max looked at Juin, who merely shook his head, and sat down with a sigh. She had never seen such a crazy teacher in her life before. Was he even allowed to hit them like that?

Meanwhile, Juin stood outside the classroom by himself. His head was getting a little pain from his attempt to remember the man. In his memory, the man was very gentle, and definitely not as crazy as this teacher.

"Why can't I remember it?" Juin mumbled as he gently hit the top of his head with his left hand. He then looked into the classroom and saw that Lucifer was sitting in his seat, staring at Warlock. "What is he doing inside?" Juin thought to himself as he watched the demon king. "He can't possibly be interested in human history?"

Juin watched as Lucifer continued to stare intensely at Warlock, and when Juin looked at Warlock, he wasn't sure if the man was staring back at Lucifer or at Max, who was seated behind him.

At the end of the class, Juin stood outside the class obediently as Warlock walked out. The man was about to walk away when he turned around and stared at Juin. "Come to my office at the end of the day. We need to talk."

Juin was stunned, but he quickly nodded his head when Warlock frowned. "I-I'll be there…"

He then quickly went back into the classroom before Warlock could talk to him again. When he was back inside the classroom, he saw that Lucifer was still sitting at his seat. "Psst… Go away," Juin mumbled under his breath as he pretended to tidy up his desk. "Your Majesty…" he hissed while keeping his head low so that no one could see his lips. He then glanced at the supposedly alpha werewolf kid, hoping that the guy wouldn't hear anything.


The familiar voice caused Juin to turn around abruptly, causing the books that he had arranged neatly at a corner of the table to fall down onto the ground loudly. His attempt at being low key was failing rather spectacularly as everyone in the entire class was now staring at him.

When Max saw Juin's action, she realized that Juin was aware of what had happened before the earthquake. "It's not my imagination…" Max mumbled to herself as she stared at Juin, as well as the guy who was now standing next to him, Luca Rockefeller.

If everything were her imagination, there was no reason for Juin to be so wary of Luca. As such, Max could not help but think to herself, "That time, that Juin… Was it really him?"

Meanwhile, Luca Rockefeller gave Max an indifferent glance before looking back at Juin. "A bit clumsy, aren't you?"

"What... do you want?" Juin asked; his voice breaking a little as he tried to be as brave as he could. His fists were trembling, but instead of backing down, he kept his fists behind his back so that Luca would not see what he was feeling at the moment. "I-I don't have anything to say to you."

Luca reached over and patted Juin's shoulder, which caused Juin to jump up slightly. "Oh, trembling now?" He chuckled before leaning forward and whispered, "Where's the bravery you showed me the other day?"

"G-get lost…" Juin stuttered.

"Get lost?" Luca smirked. "I will look for you again, Juin. And I will take the one within you, even if I have to kill you to get to it."

He then lightly patted Juin's cheek before walking back to his friends on his crutch. As Juin watched the arrogant teen's back, his fists tightened so much that his short nails were basically digging into his palms.

"Juin, get those two were-idiots with you."

Juin turned to Lucifer, who had just spoken to him. He then looked at Patrick and John, who averted their glances at him when they noticed him looking at them. He then nodded at Lucifer, who was now standing afloat in midair, clearly understanding that Lucifer wanted him to speed up everything.

When he took his seat, Max poked him from behind. "Juin…"

"Yeah?" Juin turned back to look at her. His eyes briefly landed on the Asian girl sitting at the left corner at the back of the classroom. He then followed the girl's eyes. For some reason, the girl seemed to be glaring at Luca.

Shaking his head, Juin looked back at Max. "What's wrong, Max?"

"That earthquake… Do you... " Max looked at Juin and her hand went to her neck subconsciously, but Juin suddenly shook his head slowly, as if begging her not to ask any questions about that day. So, after a moment of hesitation, she nodded, clearly understood his dilemma.

Even though she was about to die from curiosity, she believed in him.

A few hours later, it was finally recess time. Max left with Thomas to check out the time for their sports practice. Since they would be merged with St. Xavier for a long time, the school consultant had advised them to try out for the St. Xavier's teams.

As for Juin, he had never been a member of any sports team, so he could not be bothered to go and check out the timetables. Instead, he had other plans.

Under Lucifer's forceful gaze, Juin approached Patrick and John.