
Kotori's Guilt and Resolution!

Kotori walked near the lake and splashed her hands in the water. She could not unsee the sight of blood even though it was no longer there. She scrubs harder and harder as a memory of that night slowly emerges into her thoughts. It infuriated her.

" You bleeding, Ko." Kagome pointed out, the sight of the blood dripping from their companion's hand." Hey, are you okay?" She asked worriedly and saw the marks of the intense scratches.

" Let me fix this up for you! It might be painful. Hold still."

'It's nothing compared to what InuYasha endured.'

Of course, Kotori's injuries heal faster than a human and slower than a demon, but she could not tell them the truth about her identity. She allows the human to apply ointment and wrap a bandage around her arm.

" Thank you." She gently touched the bandages on her arm. It was a reminder of what she has done to that half-breed, even still she feels like she has not suffered enough to pay him back.

" It must've been hard for you to fight such a strong demon. I understand how you feel right now and scared you must have been. Lately, InuYasha was there." Kagome said," Stay here and rest while Sango and I get some firewood, okay? We will be right back."

'I do not want to hurt these nice people

Kotori frowned as she watch the two down into the woods. The kinder they were the more difficult it was for her to stick around the group. She looked over at the half-breed InuYasha and wanted to apologize but couldn't. Every time she thought about approaching him, the memories of her hurting him were painful. It crushed her

" Hey, Ko." Shippo jumped on her shoulder and then asked," Did InuYasha try to hurt you and take the shards?"

She directed her attention toward the fox demon then lowered her head," It's the complete opposite, I was the one who hurt InuYasha and now I am indebted to him."

" What are you talking about, Ko?" the fox demon asked in confusion.

Oh, that's right! They see me as if I'm a helpless, defenseless human struggling to live and to avenge her parents' death by chasing after a demon name Naraku. The only person that knows my secret

" It's nothing, Shippo." Kotori answered nonchalantly. She touched her necklace for comfort thinking of the days when her mother was still here. It was a pleasant yet sad memory.

" Mother, I wish you could hug me right now and tell me that I am not alone.'

. . .

"InuYasha, do you find Ko's behavior rather strange?" Miroku questioned.

" What would I know?" InuYasha said as he rested his head against the tree. He closed his eyes and let his mind ponder thinking about Kotori's transformation. It raised concerns but he did not want to believe that it would be of him if he continued to pursue the shards to become a full-fledged demon.

After a while, the others returned with wood and started a fire to keep them warm during these cold nights.

" Here, I brought some snacks from home and these should get us through a few nights," Kagome said and dug into her yellow bag.

" I love your ninja snacks, Kagome!" the demon says excitedly.

" I do enjoy it when you bring these with you, Kagome."

" This amazing edible contraction for your world is quite interesting."

InuYasha slurps the hot container of ramen noodles. He lifted up his head and saw Kotori was distant from the group, the more he observes her he realized that she was trying to run away. He stood up, marched towards her, and pulled her away from her necklace," What in the world do you think you are doing?"

" Let me go!" She snatched her hand away from him. It was so upsetting for her. She was going to rely on her demonic powers when she did not even know how to control them. She wanted to leave without being noticed.

" If you are going to leave, don't forget to give me the shards."

" No, I earn these fair and square!"

"Kagome! InuYasha, bullying Ko again." Shippo shouted.

"W-wait, no Kagome." InuYasha pleaded.

" InuYasha, Sit boy!" She commanded.

His face immediately planted into the ground.

There was a glimpse of happiness and Kotori caught herself laughing among the others.