
The Demon In Guise: Send Me Those Souls

**For Every Princess dreams of a prince charming who will sweep her off her feet. It was different for Azrael. It was a nightmare.** Having been married seven times, Azrael lost her husbands on the night of her weddings. Nobody knows how or why the young men died. It becomes a mystery and the king, her father keeps it a secret. When she clocks twenty, the king decides to arrange a ball that can bring all the princes of the world to his court. Then, he would choose a groom for his daughter. Azrael is scared to marry again… Dark clouds are hovering around her roof. She must not invite a young man in. However, she must send those souls! He…Azriel is the true heir to the throne of Akkad. After the brutal killing of his parents, he runs and seeks refuge in the land of Genasi. Many years later, he has master the sword and the desire to kill his enemies grows stronger. He demands revenge and justice. He is stopped when he meets her, capturing her to satiate his maddening thirst for blood. But it is just the beginning. For her existence is his destruction. Book cover not mine....credit goes to the golden hands that created such a beautiful work.

Ella_Dominic23 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
92 Chs

You Are Stammering, Kielee.


"lord Azriel?" one of the twins interrupted their conversation. He was relieved. Azrael wanted to know more about him and he had not prepare himself to answer such question. She was an intelligent person. They have to make research about the kingdom they impersonated before it was too late.

"Anthony?" lord Azriel faked the surprise. He knew they came here but acted as if he had no idea. "What are you doing here?"

"We brought Heather to pay respect to queen Ariadne. She was her role model while alive" Stryga explained. He knew the reason why Azriel changed his name into Anthony. His name Stryga was given to honor one of the gods. If the princess hear it, she might behind to doubt them.

"Who is Heather?" princess Azrael asked with her hands placed on her stomach. She did not want to get jealous like she did earlier. But who was Heather? Why was she getting pampered?

"Lord Azriel's Chief of maids" Stryga answered, moving to the left so that the princess could see Heather.