
Will wakw up

ZouMi shrugged her shoulder, "If he can't handle a bit of pain, how can I trust him with my sister's life? Don't worry, no bone is broken, he is fine." YangYang glared at her again.

"I'm alright, you go in." MaoHo said, in a soft and doting voice.

"You go in your car, I'm not leaving until you go!" YangYang crossed her arms near her chest and glared at her siblings, while MaoHo sat in his car and left.

"You both, stop making things difficult for him." Both of them shrugged their shoulder, ignored YangYang's warning and bid goodbyes.

YangYang puffed her cheeks angrily, but soon a smiled formed on her face. Chen and Bai were missing, if not these four would've given MaoHo a hard time, YangYang knew, those two didn't get time to meet MaoHo alone, and once they did they would talk to him, more like threaten him.

Looking at her siblings racing on the bike, YangYang sighed and entered the house. She found her mother, secretly wiping her tears away.