
The Demon Hunters: Legends of the Realm

The novel follows a group of skilled warriors known as the Demon Hunters, who are summoned to protect their realm of Thera from a sudden and unexpected demon horde. They must band together and use their unique skills and abilities to defend against the ferocious invaders.

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26 Chs

Chapter 24: The Lost City

As the Demon Hunters enter the lost city, they are immediately struck by its eerie silence. The once grand buildings now lie in ruins, the streets overgrown with weeds and vines. The air is thick with the scent of decay, and a sense of foreboding hangs in the air.

The Hunters proceed cautiously, scanning their surroundings for any sign of danger. They move through the abandoned streets, their footsteps echoing against the crumbling walls. As they make their way deeper into the city, they encounter obstacles that slow their progress: fallen debris, blocked passageways, and traps set by the long-dead inhabitants.

Despite these challenges, the Demon Hunters press on, determined to reach their goal. They begin to notice strange symbols etched into the walls and floors, hinting at the city's dark history. They realize that the lost city was once home to a cult that worshiped the demon lord they are currently hunting. The Hunters are unnerved by the realization that they are treading on ground that has been tainted by the very evil they seek to destroy.

As they reach the center of the city, the Hunters come across a towering structure that appears to be their final destination. The building is ancient and ornate, and the air around it hums with a powerful energy. The Hunters know that the artifact they seek is inside.

They approach the entrance cautiously, knowing that danger could be lurking behind every corner. The doors are heavy and made of a dark metal that seems to absorb the light around it. The Hunters push open the doors, revealing a vast chamber inside. The room is lit by a single flickering torch, casting ominous shadows on the walls.

In the center of the room, the Hunters see a pedestal made of the same dark metal as the doors. On top of the pedestal rests a glowing orb, pulsing with a sickly green light. The artifact that the Demon Hunters have been seeking all this time.

As the Hunters approach the pedestal, they hear a soft whispering in their ears. The voice is dark and menacing, and it urges them to take the artifact and embrace the power it holds. The Hunters resist the voice, knowing that they must destroy the artifact to defeat the demon lord.

With steady hands, they remove the artifact from the pedestal and prepare to destroy it. But as they do so, the room begins to shake, and the walls around them start to crumble. The Demon Hunters realize that they have triggered a trap and that they must escape the crumbling city before it's too late.

The Hunters sprint through the city, dodging falling debris and avoiding collapsing buildings. They emerge from the city just in time to see it crumble into dust behind them. The artifact is destroyed, and the Demon Hunters have succeeded in weakening the demon lord's hold on his army.

But the battle is not over yet, and the Hunters know that they must face the demon lord himself if they hope to rid Thera of his evil once and for all.