
< Demon Fate System activated >

A sliver of blue light flashed across the brightly lit skies of Balebough, passing through the towering skyscrapers that filled the city.

<The system will shut down in 10 seconds.>


The blue light hovered before stopping in front of the city's tallest building. The time was about midnight, which just so happened to be the city's quitting time


Inside the building was almost empty as everyone had left only one room still had the lights on and a man who was deep in work


The light passed through the glass windows and flew straight into the building; the blue light blended perfectly with the incandescent light in the co-working space.


" Yes Miss Hennessy, the work will be ready by tomorrow " the man exhaustedly answered the phone

" Yes, I know if I fail I lose my job but it's midnight can't I get another day " the man begged but immediately he mentioned that the woman hung up

he let out a long sigh " Huu," and leaned back on the seat.


"Mr. Sean, "the door opened slightly Sean looked up and saw the cleaning lady who was also done with her work

" Am leaving, are you still here "

" Yes"

< 5!>

" lock up when. you leave here keys " the cleaning lady threw him the keys " And also worried about you this is the third time this week you here past midnight, you should take a break," she said

" I will as soon as am sure my job won't go when I rest" the man answered and closed my eyes a little later they had been hurting more than usual and he thought of getting them clicked out as soon as he gets a break


" Okay fine good night Sean," she said

The light activated the scanner and made a scan of the man

<Name: Sean Jennings

Age: 23

Occupation: Office Assitant

Education: Undergraduate

Height: 53

Attractiveness Level: 50

Father: John Jennings

Mother: Cherie Ziegler

Medical Condition: poor


" I have to finish this, " Sean said and started typing all over again Sean had been working in this hellish job for three years and 6 days a week, 9 am to 10 pm but lately, he's been having overtime every day of the week, and the job isn't the worst part his boss is the devil herself.

She is a woman who would go through hell just to make him get fired and since Sean has resisted, and he heads refused to be fired she had a mission to make him resign by force, she has been giving him impossible tasks to do over an impossible hour and that's how Sean has found himself making friends with the midnight cleaners.

But he can't lose this job, he doesn't care if he has to work until his fingers fall off, he just can't lose this job


And immediately he started typing his phone rung again he took on look at the person and he knew that it was his mum, She was going to scold him for overworking but he couldn't ignore her so he picked up and she started right away


" Sean are you stupid, it's midnight, don't tell me you're at that stupid job of yours, I say just quit, they are overworking you, your better than that "

However, Sean could no longer hear a single word that was coming out from his phone

His world suddenly became abnormally distorted.

Then, Sean felt the bright sun shining on him and heard his Aunt's loud voice.

"Are you stupid? Why did you approach an agent? Renting through an agent would be expensive!"

he blinked his eyes, realizing that he was standing at the entrance of Middle Plain Properties with his phone in hand.

Rose Jennings' loud voice was coming from his phone.

"Could it be that you have too much money that you're willing to spend it like that? The money that your parents gave you was hard-earned"'

"I know that, Aunt Rose."

Sean frantically responded and hurriedly hung up. He pushed up the glasses that were resting on the bridge of his nose and shut his eyes tightly.

He silently chanted, " Hallucinations! Hallucinations! It's just a hallucination!" After he had completed his mental preparation, he opened his eyes once again.

However, he was still staring at an advertisement-filled glass entrance of Middle Plain Properties, the very same smartphone that his father had gifted him years ago when he entered college held tightly in his hand.

"Ah!!" Sean shouted on the street, right in front of Middle Plain Properties, then squatted down with his hands over his head.

A middle-aged lady who was passing by glanced at the boy on the ground, intentionally bypassing her a weird look in his eyes when she got home, and she would gossip about what she encountered that day with her friend,

Mrs. Link.' 'Youngsters these days are too fragile, breaking down over the slightest things.' '

Sean who was still squatting on the ground, was naturally oblivious to what passersby were thinking.

he was trying hard to accept the

sudden change of events, which he was all too familiar with.

It was 3 years ago, nearing his college graduation. After all his hard work and effort, he finally managed to land an internship at the famous Black Rock, Inc. After 3 months of internship, and upon receiving his graduation certificate, he successfully passed his internship evaluation and signed the official contract to join Black Rock, Inc. However, the basic monthly salary was only 300 dollars. The remaining was up to him to earn via commission.

At the same time, a notice was sent out by the school, requesting fresh graduates to move out of their dormitories within a Month, That was the reason why he had engaged a property agent nearby his Company in hopes to search for a cheap place to rent.

The cheapest room that the property agent could offer still needed 230 dollars. Moreover, the agent's fee was half a month's rent adding a deposit into the picture, he could not afford it with the meager salary he was earning at the time.

After being struck by reality, Sean thought of his only relative, who was also in the same city as him, Aunt Rose.

He stood in front of the entrance to Middle Plain Properties and called his aunt to beg for help. Unexpectedly, his aunt began to lecture him. Despite that, Aunt Rose still temporarily took him in. However, Rose's house was a tiny 2-bedroom apartment, and she had two children to care for in addition, to his father and mother-in-law who were staying with her.

The already crowded house would appear even more packed if he were to move in.

Thinking back, Sean let out a sigh

oddly enough, it felt like he was reincarnated.

But what was this? Usually, other people would be reincarnated back to their childhood with an added advantage over their peers with the memories of an adult. However, he only went back 3 years in the past.

Not only that, he was brought back to the toughest times in his life.

If only he was given a heads-up before he was reincarnated, then he would have at least memorized some lottery numbers.

Did he really have to relive his hardships?

He was falling apart at the thought of the days that were to follow.


The host's extreme dissatisfaction with his life but all history had been deleted and a new one starting now


< Demon Fate System...>