
The Demon Empress's Husband is a Part-time Hero

"The Demon Empress's Husband is a Part-time Hero" is an enchanting fantasy novel that follows the journey of William, a man burdened by tragedy and determined to protect his niece, Aimee. After losing his parents in a devastating accident, William selflessly takes on the role of a father, nurturing Aimee's fragile spirit as she grapples with the trauma that has rendered her voiceless. Unexpectedly, William and Aimee find themselves transported to a magical realm brimming with wonders and dangers alike. The inhabitants of this world hail William as a Hero, but he rejects the path of fame and glory, choosing instead to create a haven where he can raise Aimee in peace and safety. However, fate takes an unexpected turn when the Demand Empress, a once-powerful ruler who suffered a great betrayal and lost everything, becomes enslaved by William. Bound by a shared sense of loss and longing, the unlikely duo forges an intricate bond as they navigate their new reality together. As William settles into a peaceful city, dedicating himself to his daughter's well-being, he is plagued by haunting dreams and the awakening of latent powers. In a momentous decision, William embraces his emerging abilities and assumes the mantle of the Hero of Darkness. (Note - He does not become a Hero for fun. The situation around him forces him to cover his face with a mask and since then he has been using his second identity to deal with problems around him while living his normal life as a merchant in Emberfall City.) "The Demon Empress's Husband is a Part-time Hero" is a captivating tale of love, sacrifice, and redemption. Through William's journey, readers will be immersed in a richly imagined world where the line between darkness and light blurs, and where the strength of a father's love and the resilience of the human spirit triumph over adversity. ------------------ So what can you expect from this novel? This is the question that every reader unconsciously or consciously thinks about before reading a novel. If you have read till here then let me some highlighting and catching points of this novel. - a romance between Demon Empress and the Hero? [Yes] - Harem Novel? [Yes but with proper character development.] - Character Growth? [Yes] - System? [Yes] - The Story of a Hero? [Yes] - No NTR? [Yes] ____________ Note - First of all I would like to clear everyone's misunderstanding that William will become a Hero because he has a strong sense of justice. He has a secondary identity that starts as a result of his desire to have powers to protect his daughter. And this is a Hero that is not like your typical Hero who stops robbery or stops thugs at night. This is something much more than that. The stakes are a lot higher and more personal. I am not talking about Heroes like Captain America or Spider-Man. William is very different. He did not become a Hero because it sounded like fun. He was forced to take that role because of the situations that he had been put into. This is a slow novel. Especially the whole first volume might feel very slow for you as in this volume, a background of this fantasy World and William's daily life in Emberfall city is established. ---------------- Tags - Romance, System, adventure Action, Harem, R-18, Hero, Bloodline, Dragon, Elves, Demon Empress, Demons, Good and Evil, Slice of Life

Dark_Bangali · Fantasy
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271 Chs

Chapter 5:- Become Aimee's Mother

"Alright. Please wait a few minutes for your order. It will be ready soon," the old man courteously acknowledged before jotting down their requests on the pristine white paper. With a graceful stride, he departed, leaving William and Isabella alone in their thoughts.

Once the old man had disappeared into the depths of the café, Isabella couldn't resist the urge to seek clarification. "Why did you order for me?" she inquired, a mix of curiosity and perplexity coloring her voice.

Casually, yet with an underlying tenderness in his tone, William responded, his gaze momentarily shifting towards his slumbering daughter nestled in Isabella's lap. "I didn't order precisely for you," he clarified, as if unraveling a carefully woven tapestry of intentions. "My daughter needs sustenance, but she might be reluctant to eat if she notices you aren't partaking. Hence, I had to order for you as well." William's understanding of his daughter's habits and concern for her well-being dictated his actions, even if it entailed a measure of discomfort or awkwardness for Isabella.

Hearing his explanation, Isabella experienced a surprising mix of emotions—surprise, acceptance, and a flicker of appreciation. Though she held deep resentment towards William, the love she felt for Aimee transcended their complicated dynamic. His consideration for his daughter touched her, reminding her that there were facets to him beyond her initial impressions.

In the recesses of her mind, Isabella's thoughts swirled, her curiosity ignited. "And what about you?" she inquired, her tone laced with politeness and a genuine desire to understand. Her acknowledgment of his kindness and respect towards her prompted a reciprocal courtesy.

"I am not hungry," William responded, his eyes wandering to the world beyond the windowpane, as if seeking solace in the external scenery. "A cup of tea will suffice for me."

"Now, Isabella, there are matters we need to discuss before Aimee awakens," William declared with a sudden shift in demeanor. The gravity in his voice, the sharpness in his gaze, bespoke a return to his professional role, resolute and focused.

Witnessing this transformation, Isabella mirrored his seriousness, her countenance assuming a determined air. "Let us converse," she agreed, her own inquiries and concerns bubbling beneath the surface. There were countless questions that she longed to pose to William, secrets and revelations that she yearned to unravel.

As Isabella's serious expression met his gaze, William couldn't help but be taken aback once more. This woman continually defied his expectations, her courage and confidence refusing to be subdued by the shackles of her enslavement. It was a rare sight to behold—a slave who faced her master without a trace of fear. Typically, William employed his stern countenance to assert authority over his employees, but Isabella seemed unfazed. Her unwavering confidence led him to surmise that her past was far from the simple narrative presented by the slave trader—a realization that heightened his curiosity and compelled him to think deeper into her enigmatic history.

After Isabella had indulged in a refreshing bath and donned clean attire, a remarkable transformation occurred. Her previous state of disheveled exhaustion was replaced with an ethereal allure that left William and others captivated by her newfound beauty.

Gazing upon Isabella, William couldn't help but feel as though a celestial goddess had descended from the heavens themselves. Her radiance outshone any earthly actress, surpassing the bounds of conventional beauty.

Isabella possessed lustrous, long locks of dark purple cascading down her back, a mesmerizing sight that seemed to embody both elegance and mystery. Standing at a statuesque height of 5 feet 7 inches, she possessed a regal grace that accentuated her fair complexion, bestowing her with an otherworldly allure. Yet, it was her most striking feature, her eyes, that truly seized attention. The crimson orbs possessed an intense, almost incandescent glow, a captivating depth that drew the gaze of all who beheld her. Isabella bore the visage of a formidable war goddess, her presence evoking both reverence and a sense of trepidation, as if she could single-handedly bring about the demise of humankind.

With each passing glance, it became increasingly apparent that Isabella possessed a form that could be described as nothing short of breathtaking. Her ample bosom, accentuated by her slender waist, flowed seamlessly into the gentle curve of her voluptuous hips. The harmonious symmetry of her figure exuded a sensuality that was impossible to ignore. Isabella's allure was undeniable, her very presence an intoxicating blend of beauty and seduction. Her physique commanded attention, rendering any man powerless against her undeniable charm. Even Sebastian, the slave trader who had sold her for a meager sum, now lamented his missed opportunity, realizing that Isabella's true worth far exceeded the paltry 399 gold coins he had received.

As William beheld Isabella's transformed appearance, a fleeting thought crossed his mind—a momentary glimpse of Aimee's mother. Their resemblance was striking, though Aimee's mother lacked the captivating curves that adorned Isabella's figure. William dismissed the thought as mere coincidence, recognizing that the world was vast and filled with countless individuals bearing similarities. He reasoned that such resemblances were common, a twist of fate rather than a significant revelation. In this vast tapestry of existence, chance encounters and uncanny resemblances were but natural occurrences, lacking any deeper meaning.

"I want to make things clear and straightforward," William began, his voice tinged with a hint of earnestness. "When I went to the slave market, my intention was to find a maid who could handle the household chores, cook, clean, and, most importantly, take care of my daughter." Isabella nodded, comprehending the purpose behind her acquisition.

"I never anticipated seeing you there. Aimee referring to you as 'mother' took me completely by surprise. It's truly beyond anything I could have imagined," William confessed, his gaze lingering on Aimee's peaceful visage as she slept.

"In the past, I've employed numerous maids and housekeepers, but none were able to establish a genuine connection with Aimee. Before you, the only person she allowed close was me," he explained, his words evoking a mix of curiosity and uncertainty within Isabella. The implications of his statement sparked a surge of questions within her, yet she chose to reserve them for a later time and simply listen for now.

"Your role is straightforward. I will not encroach upon you in any way. In fact, if you perform your duties well, there may come a day when I will grant you your freedom. Your primary responsibility is to be Aimee's mother, to care for her and raise her as your own," William articulated, unaware of the unintended implications of his words.

As his request sank in, Isabella's face flushed crimson in an instant, caught off guard by the unexpected intensity of his words. Her mind raced, grappling with the ambiguity and complexity of the situation, unable to fully comprehend his underlying intentions.

"What...?" she stammered, her voice trailing off as she sought clarification, her thoughts and emotions entangled in a whirlwind of possibilities and uncertainties.

The weight of William's words lingered in the air as Isabella grappled with the implications of becoming Aimee's mother. The notion of assuming such a role felt akin to a proposal, an offer that went beyond mere employment or servitude. However, Isabella, despite her formidable demeanor, was not well-versed in matters of romance or relationships. Her life had been consumed by hardship and survival, leaving little room for thoughts of finding a husband or exploring matters of the heart. In fact, she had remained single throughout her entire existence, devoid of any intimate experiences.

Observing Isabella's flustered expression, William quickly realized that his intentions had been misconstrued. It was clear that he needed to clarify his intentions to dispel any misunderstanding that had arisen.

"I believe there has been a misunderstanding," William interjected, his voice gentle yet determined. "When I mentioned you becoming Aimee's mother, I simply meant that you would assume the role of her caretaker, her nanny." Isabella's features softened as she comprehended his clarification, endeavoring to calm the flurry of thoughts within her mind.

Isabella knew that accepting William's proposal to become Aimee's nanny was far more plausible than agreeing to be his wife. The prospect of remaining by Aimee's side was enticing enough for her to willingly serve William as a maid, setting aside her personal reservations.

"I would like to hire you as Aimee's nanny," William continued, outlining his plan. "On paper, you will still be considered my slave, but I will provide you with a monthly payment in gold coins for taking care of Aimee and managing the household tasks. If you find it challenging to handle the household chores, I can arrange for additional maids to assist you. However, your primary responsibility will be to be Aimee's mother." Understanding the deep attachment Aimee had developed towards Isabella, William was willing to bend certain rules, relinquishing his demands for her involvement in domestic duties.

"These are the terms and conditions I have prepared," William stated, offering Isabella a contract that he had meticulously crafted. He had foreseen the need for such an agreement, a testament to his astute business acumen. As Isabella received the contract, she began to peruse its contents, her eyes scanning the words written in their world's language. Unbeknownst to Sebastian, her former master, Isabella possessed the ability to read and write, a valuable skill that elevated her worth in the realm of slaves. Had Sebastian been aware of this, he likely would have demanded a higher price for her.

『This contract hereby establishes a binding agreement between Party [A], referred to as "William," and Party [B], referred to as "Isabella." Upon Party [B]'s acceptance of all the terms and conditions outlined herein, including her signature, Party [A] shall provide a monthly salary and various other benefits as specified below.

Party [B] shall abide by the following terms and conditions:

1. Party [B] shall undertake the responsibility of caring for the contractor's daughter, treating her with utmost love and respect, and ensuring her well-being at all times. Party [B] shall assume the role of a mother, providing guidance, education, and nurturing to the contractor's daughter as if she were her own child.

2. Party [B] is strictly prohibited from causing harm to the contractor or any individual closely associated with the contractor, irrespective of the circumstances.

3. In the event of an emergency endangering the life of the contractor's daughter, Party [B] shall exert every effort to safeguard her well-being, even if it entails sacrificing Party [B]'s own life.

4. Party [B] shall refrain from developing any romantic entanglements or engaging in relationships with any male individuals or with Party [A] while fulfilling her duties in the care of the contractor's daughter.

5. Party [A] shall provide Party [B] with a monthly salary of 15 gold coins as compensation for her services.

6. Party [A] shall ensure suitable accommodation for Party [B] during the duration of her employment.

7. Under no circumstances shall Party [A] interfere with Party [B]'s personal life or impede her freedom to make personal decisions. Party [B] shall be granted a half-day break each week, during which she is entitled to engage in activities of her choice without any restrictions.

By signing this contract, both parties acknowledge their understanding and acceptance of the aforementioned terms and conditions. Any breach of this contract shall be subject to legal consequences as deemed appropriate.』


Party [A] (William): ___________________

Party [B] (Isabella): ___________________

After carefully examining the contract multiple times, Isabella couldn't find any faults or hidden agendas. She was perplexed by William's unexpected gesture, considering his previous treatment of her. However, after thoroughly scrutinizing the contract for the fourth time, she realized that it was genuinely in her favor. Meanwhile, their order had arrived, and William observed Isabella's expressions while sipping his tea, sweetened to his liking.

Noticing Isabella's gaze upon him, William set down his tea cup and inquired, "What? Not satisfied with the contract?" He had drafted the document with genuine respect for Isabella as a person, going beyond the usual expectations of a master-slave relationship. William wanted her to feel valued and acknowledged, and that's precisely why he had proposed the contract.

Isabella comprehended William's intentions and felt touched by his sincerity. This contract spoke volumes about his love for his daughter and his earnest desire for her happiness. Placing the contract on the table, she looked directly at William. Her disdain for humans had always been unwavering, considering them deceitful and untrustworthy. However, William's actions were making her question her beliefs.

"No, I am satisfied with the contract. I am just feeling... confused," Isabella admitted, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

"Confused?" William repeated, his gaze drifting toward the people passing by on the street.

"I am your slave, and you could have easily ordered me to fulfill these obligations. Yet, you chose to draft a contract and provide me with choices. Why?" Isabella couldn't contain her curiosity and asked, her eyes searching for an answer.

William's gaze remained fixed on the outside world as he collected his thoughts. "Because I come from a different world. I am from Earth."

Isabella couldn't help but bite her lip so hard that it drew blood, yet William remained oblivious, engrossed in his contemplation. The mention of heroes stirred a deep-seated rage within Isabella. It was the heroes who had robbed her of everything she held dear. Her hatred for these so-called saviors knew no bounds, encompassing every hero past, present, and future. At that moment, she harbored an intense desire to end William's life.

"I was given the opportunity to become a hero, but I chose to prioritize my daughter's well-being. Her life is more important to me than saving the world. There are countless heroes who can fulfill my role. Even if I retire, nothing will change. Others will rise to take my place," William revealed, his gaze fixed on the outside world.

Upon hearing these words, the frost in Isabella's eyes began to thaw. She had believed that all heroes were power-hungry, arrogant, and blinded by their own self-righteousness. Yet, William seemed to defy her expectations once again. Although her animosity toward him had not entirely dissipated, she no longer entertained thoughts of his demise.

Gently wiping away the blood from her lip, Isabella composed herself and attentively listened to his words. "In my world, slavery doesn't exist. Since my daughter sees you as her mother, I will respect you as her nanny. You will work for me. That's all," William declared, his eyes locked with Isabella's crimson gaze.

"Alright, I accept your offer," Isabella replied calmly. She saw no disadvantage in the contract and acknowledged the considerable benefits it bestowed upon her. Even though she remained William's property, the contract provided her with a sense of agency and even a monthly salary.


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